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Software Versions, Services and Pricing

Since 1999, Q++Studio has been the software of choice for professional diary and calendar publishers needing to automate the typesetting of their diaries and calendars, reliably and efficiently.

If you are a diary or calendar publisher, and need to automate the typesetting of your diaries and calendars, using InDesign and/or QuarkXPress, please visit the Q++Studio presentation page or contact us directly.

XV Version for QuarkXPress and InDesign

The XV version of Q++Studio, for InDesign and/or QuarkXPress, is the 64-bit flagship version of Q++Studio, designed for diary and calendar publishers who require complex diary and calendar customization and/or support for InDesign.

The XV version of Q++Studio is capable of scaling-up to multi-user, multi-site, and multi-brand environments, using high-end server and workstation hardware and operating systems, but it can also run on a single desktop PC.

The XV version of Q++Studio is constantly updated and improved with bug fixes, minor improvements, as well as major new features.

The XV version of Q++Studio usually supports new versions of InDesign and QuarkXPress on the day they are released.

Migrating to InDesign

We currently offer a special migration package, for users of the Q++Studio versions for QuarkXPress who wish to migrate to the XV4 version of Q++Studio for InDesign. This migration package, based on the above pricing, includes training and support to assist you in your migration from QuarkXPress to InDesign. For more information and/or a formal quotation, please contact us.


The versions of Q++Studio for QuarkXPress and InDesign are licensed independently of one another, and prices on this page are subject to change without prior notice. For existing clients who renew their license in full and on time, the annual increase to their license and maintenance pricing is guaranteed to remain in line with the Eurozone inflation rate of the preceding 12 months.


Additional user training on either the XE or XV versions of Q++Studio is available either online, onsite at your premises, or in Nantes, France.

Diary and Calendar Typesetting Services

If you only publish a few diaries or calendars every year, or need to produce a one-off diary or calendar, or simply prefer to outsource your typesetting, then our in-house diary and calendar typesetting services, using Q++Studio, might be ideal for you.

These services range from simply updating an existing diary or calendar for the next year, to the design of your pages, creation of editorial content, translations, insertion of international holidays, insertion of astronomical data, and proofreading. The output can then be delivered as a PDF, InDesign or QuarkXPress document.

XE Desktop Version for QuarkXPress

The XE desktop version of Q++Studio for QuarkXPress is the legacy version of Q++Studio which is ideally suited for smaller diary and calendar publishers.

The XE version's focus on user interface stability means less time lost by users trying to find where an option has gone, and its backward compatibility with legacy versions of Windows and QuarkXPress means that Q++Studio will keep running on your existing hardware for many years.

Although the XE desktop version of Q++Studio is no longer available for new installations, it is regularly updated with a focus on backward compatibility, all the while supporting new versions of QuarkXPress on the day they are released. A migration path to the XV4 version of Q++Studio for InDesign is also available, as described in the section Migrating to InDesign, above.