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Worldwide Public Holidays News and Updates

worldwide public holidays news and updates of the past seven days
The qppstudio worldwide public holidays database and the worldwide public holidays listings on the qppstudio.net website are constantly updated to reflect changes to public holidays legislation, or ad hoc public holidays changes, anywhere in the world.

The worldwide public holidays news and updates, below, can be accessed via our Android or iPhone apps which are 100% ad-free and whose data feed is updated nightly.

You may also access our lists of worldwide public holidays* by country, by date, or by region. This website also lists global holidays and observances for the next 10 years (2025-2035).

February 10, 2025

  • Qatar
  • Qatar
  • Qatar Declares National Sport Day Bank Holiday
    Qatar Central Bank (QCB)

    Qatar's Central Bank (QCB) has announced that "Tuesday, 11 February 2025, will be an official holiday for all financial institutions on the occasion of National Sport Day" and that "Financial institutions are to resume work on Wednesday, 12 February 2025".

    As usual, bank holidays apply to the Qatar Central Bank (QCB), as well as all banks and financial institutions operating under the control of the QCB, Qatar Financial Markets Authority (QFMA) and Qatar securities company (QSC).

    Recall that, in late 2011, Qatar's Emir, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, had issued the Emiri Decision No.80 of 2011 declaring National Sports Day as a new annual non-working public holiday in Qatar, beginning in February 2012, and in accordance with the Qatari Labour Law No.14 of 2004, which took effect on January 6, 2005, and was amended by the Law No.8 of 2009.    
  • Qatar Declares National Sport Day Bank Holiday
    Qatar Central Bank (QCB)

    Qatar's Central Bank (QCB) has announced that "Tuesday, 11 February 2025, will be an official holiday for all financial institutions on the occasion of National Sport Day" and that "Financial institutions are to resume work on Wednesday, 12 February 2025".

    As usual, bank holidays apply to the Qatar Central Bank (QCB), as well as all banks and financial institutions operating under the control of the QCB, Qatar Financial Markets Authority (QFMA) and Qatar securities company (QSC).

    Recall that, in late 2011, Qatar's Emir, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, had issued the Emiri Decision No.80 of 2011 declaring National Sports Day as a new annual non-working public holiday in Qatar, beginning in February 2012, and in accordance with the Qatari Labour Law No.14 of 2004, which took effect on January 6, 2005, and was amended by the Law No.8 of 2009.    
  • Taiwan
  • Taiwan
  • Taiwan KMT Presidential Candidate Promises To Restore December 25 Public Holiday
    Taiwan News (Taipei)

    In the new session of the Legislative Yuan, the Kuomintang (KMT) intends to give priority to promoting the Draft Regulations on the Implementation of Memorial Days and Holidays (紀念日及節日實施條例草案) with the aim of restoring the 7-day holiday (7天假) for workers.

    The seven-day entitlement refers to 7 annual public holidays which were removed in 2016 as part of labor law amendments that mandated moving to a two-day weekend for all workers.

    Recall that, in December 2023, the then Kuomintang (KMT) Presidential candidate, Hou Yu-ih, had announced that he would bring back December 25 as a an annual public holiday in Taiwan if he won the then upcoming presidential election (this public holiday would not be related to Christmas, but to the anniversary of the adoption of a new Constitution on December 25, 1946).    
  • Taiwan KMT Presidential Candidate Promises To Restore December 25 Public Holiday
    Taiwan News (Taipei)

    In the new session of the Legislative Yuan, the Kuomintang (KMT) intends to give priority to promoting the Draft Regulations on the Implementation of Memorial Days and Holidays (紀念日及節日實施條例草案) with the aim of restoring the 7-day holiday (7天假) for workers.

    The seven-day entitlement refers to 7 annual public holidays which were removed in 2016 as part of labor law amendments that mandated moving to a two-day weekend for all workers.

    Recall that, in December 2023, the then Kuomintang (KMT) Presidential candidate, Hou Yu-ih, had announced that he would bring back December 25 as a an annual public holiday in Taiwan if he won the then upcoming presidential election (this public holiday would not be related to Christmas, but to the anniversary of the adoption of a new Constitution on December 25, 1946).    

February 9, 2025

  • Cameroon
  • Cameroon
  • Cameroon Extends Youth Day Public Holiday
    Présidence de la République du Cameroun (Yaoundé)

    Cameroon's President, Paul Biya, has issued the Arrêté No. 0018/CAB/PR du 09 fev 2025 declaring Monday, February 10, 2025, as a public holiday throughout the national territory, as part of the upcoming 59th edition of Youth Day which will be observed on Tuesday, February 11, 2025.

    As per the aforementioned decree, the additional public holiday on February 10 "will allow citizens, especially the youth, to better prepare for the official celebrations".

    Recall that article 3 of the law establishing the regime of legal holidays in the Republic of Cameroon, which states that "when a legal religious holiday is celebrated on a Sunday, or a public holiday, the President of the Republic may, by decree, declare a public holiday not off work on the consecutive day", as was often done in the past.

    This article 3 has also been interpreted as the president's power to declare bridge public holidays, as was done in the summer of 2023 when President Biya declared Monday, August 14, 2023, as a one-off public holiday to bridge the gap between the August 15 Assumption Day public holiday and the preceding weekend.    
  • Cameroon Extends Youth Day Public Holiday
    Présidence de la République du Cameroun (Yaoundé)

    Cameroon's President, Paul Biya, has issued the Arrêté No. 0018/CAB/PR du 09 fev 2025 declaring Monday, February 10, 2025, as a public holiday throughout the national territory, as part of the upcoming 59th edition of Youth Day which will be observed on Tuesday, February 11, 2025.

    As per the aforementioned decree, the additional public holiday on February 10 "will allow citizens, especially the youth, to better prepare for the official celebrations".

    Recall that article 3 of the law establishing the regime of legal holidays in the Republic of Cameroon, which states that "when a legal religious holiday is celebrated on a Sunday, or a public holiday, the President of the Republic may, by decree, declare a public holiday not off work on the consecutive day", as was often done in the past.

    This article 3 has also been interpreted as the president's power to declare bridge public holidays, as was done in the summer of 2023 when President Biya declared Monday, August 14, 2023, as a one-off public holiday to bridge the gap between the August 15 Assumption Day public holiday and the preceding weekend.    
  • Qatar
  • Qatar
  • Qatar Announces February 11 Sport Day Public Holiday
    Qatari News Agency (QNA)

    Qatar's Amiri Diwan has announced that Tuesday, February 11, 2025, corresponding to 12 Sha'ban 1446 AH, had been declared a public holiday in Qatar on account of this year's National Sport Day, and in line with the Amiri decision No. 80 of December 6, 2011 (published in the Official Gazette of January 15, 2012), which established the annual National Sport Day public holiday in Qatar.    
  • Qatar Announces February 11 Sport Day Public Holiday
    Qatari News Agency (QNA)

    Qatar's Amiri Diwan has announced that Tuesday, February 11, 2025, corresponding to 12 Sha'ban 1446 AH, had been declared a public holiday in Qatar on account of this year's National Sport Day, and in line with the Amiri decision No. 80 of December 6, 2011 (published in the Official Gazette of January 15, 2012), which established the annual National Sport Day public holiday in Qatar.    
  • Saint Vincent and Grenadines
  • Saint Vincent and Grenadines
  • St Vincent and the Grenadines 2025 Public Holidays Announced
    Government of St Vincent and the Grenadines (Saint Vincent)

    The government of St Vincent and the Grenadines has released its list of official bank holidays and non-working public holidays for the calendar year 2025, and confirming the often fluctuating dates of Carnival Monday and Carnival Tuesday.

    Contrary to past years, no mention was needed near each Sunday public holiday, that "the holiday would be celebrated on the following Monday".    
  • St Vincent and the Grenadines 2025 Public Holidays Announced
    Government of St Vincent and the Grenadines (Saint Vincent)

    The government of St Vincent and the Grenadines has released its list of official bank holidays and non-working public holidays for the calendar year 2025, and confirming the often fluctuating dates of Carnival Monday and Carnival Tuesday.

    Contrary to past years, no mention was needed near each Sunday public holiday, that "the holiday would be celebrated on the following Monday".    

February 8, 2025

  • Portugal
  • Portugal
  • Madeira Declares March 4-5 Public Sector Holidays
    Governo de Portugal (Lisboa)

    The Regional Government Council of the ruling PSD minority executive for the Region of Madeira, has declared a one-off public sector holiday for Carnival on Tuesday, March 4, and the morning of Wednesday, March 5, 2025.

    As per the aforementioned announcement, these public sector holidays will apply to "all services, public institutes and public companies under the supervision of the Regional Government".

    Recall that, last December, the Portuguese Republic's Representative for the Region of Madeira, Ireneu Barreto, had approved the proposal by the plenary session of the Legislative Assembly of Madeira to declare April 2 as a new regional public holiday to mark Autonomy Day.    
  • Madeira Declares March 4-5 Public Sector Holidays
    Governo de Portugal (Lisboa)

    The Regional Government Council of the ruling PSD minority executive for the Region of Madeira, has declared a one-off public sector holiday for Carnival on Tuesday, March 4, and the morning of Wednesday, March 5, 2025.

    As per the aforementioned announcement, these public sector holidays will apply to "all services, public institutes and public companies under the supervision of the Regional Government".

    Recall that, last December, the Portuguese Republic's Representative for the Region of Madeira, Ireneu Barreto, had approved the proposal by the plenary session of the Legislative Assembly of Madeira to declare April 2 as a new regional public holiday to mark Autonomy Day.    

February 7, 2025

  • Belgium
  • Belgium
  • Belgium Considering August 15 Public Holiday Replacement
    De Standaard (Antwerp)

    The government of Belgium is once again considering allowing each federal state (community) government to declare its own public holiday for both the private and public sectors, in exchange for the cancellation of one of the nationwide public holidays (August 15 is mentioned as a likely choice).

    Recall that, in October 2020, the then newly formed Belgian government had given impetus to the Consultation Committee on Institutional Reform whose proposals included the change of each federal state (community) government public holiday into full public holidays for both the private and public sectors.

    At the time, the proposed new public holidays would be on July 11 for the Flemmish Community, September 27 for the Walloon Community, and November 15 for the German Community. These 3 dates were, and still are, for the moment, government-only holidays.

    The most recent proposed changes would include May 8 as a regional public holiday for the Brussels region.

    The list of public holidays in Belgium has remained stable over the past 2 decades, apart from the confusion that occurred in 2008 due to the conjunction of Labour Day and Ascension Day.    
  • Belgium Considering August 15 Public Holiday Replacement
    De Standaard (Antwerp)

    The government of Belgium is once again considering allowing each federal state (community) government to declare its own public holiday for both the private and public sectors, in exchange for the cancellation of one of the nationwide public holidays (August 15 is mentioned as a likely choice).

    Recall that, in October 2020, the then newly formed Belgian government had given impetus to the Consultation Committee on Institutional Reform whose proposals included the change of each federal state (community) government public holiday into full public holidays for both the private and public sectors.

    At the time, the proposed new public holidays would be on July 11 for the Flemmish Community, September 27 for the Walloon Community, and November 15 for the German Community. These 3 dates were, and still are, for the moment, government-only holidays.

    The most recent proposed changes would include May 8 as a regional public holiday for the Brussels region.

    The list of public holidays in Belgium has remained stable over the past 2 decades, apart from the confusion that occurred in 2008 due to the conjunction of Labour Day and Ascension Day.    
  • Japan
  • Japan
  • Japanese 2026 Bank Holidays Announced
    The Bank of Japan (Tokyo)

    Following the recent announcement of the list of official public holidays in Japan for the upcoming calendar year 2026, based on the National Holidays Act (Act No. 178 of 1948), and the release of the calendar guidelines for 2026 (令和7年) by the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (に国立天文台), the Bank of Japan has in turn released the annual list of bank holidays in Japan for the calendar year 2026, which adds a few bank holidays dates to the aforementioned list of 2026 public holidays in Japan.

    As per the Bank of Japan's annual announcement, "The Bank's offices in Japan -- Head Office, branches, and local offices -- are closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and the following days: National holidays (as defined in Act No. 178 of 1948) and Substitute holidays, and December 31 to January 3".    
  • Japanese 2026 Bank Holidays Announced
    The Bank of Japan (Tokyo)

    Following the recent announcement of the list of official public holidays in Japan for the upcoming calendar year 2026, based on the National Holidays Act (Act No. 178 of 1948), and the release of the calendar guidelines for 2026 (令和7年) by the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (に国立天文台), the Bank of Japan has in turn released the annual list of bank holidays in Japan for the calendar year 2026, which adds a few bank holidays dates to the aforementioned list of 2026 public holidays in Japan.

    As per the Bank of Japan's annual announcement, "The Bank's offices in Japan -- Head Office, branches, and local offices -- are closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and the following days: National holidays (as defined in Act No. 178 of 1948) and Substitute holidays, and December 31 to January 3".    
  • Russia
  • Russia
  • Russian Duma To Consider Easter and the Holy Trinity Public Holidays
    ITAR-TASS (Moscow)

    The first deputy chairman of the State Duma (the lower house of the Federal Assembly of Russia) committee on control, Dmitriy Gusev, has announced that a bill is being introduced to declare Easter and Trinity as new annual public holidays in Russia.

    As per the aforementioned announcement, since Easter and Trinity both fall on Sundays, the following Mondays would be observed as public holidays.

    The last new annual public holidays added to Russia's calendar were added at the very end of 2004, when President Putin signed into law amendments to Article 112 of Russia's Labour Code, passed by the State Duma on December 24 and the Federation Council, the upper house of parliament, on Monday, December 27, 2004.

    As per the Government Decree of 27.12.2004 N 845, the November 7, October Revolution Day, was abolished, and replaced by People's Unity Day on November 4 to commemorate the liberation of Moscow from Polish troops in 1612.

    Additionally, the December 12 Constitution Day public holiday, dedicated to the constitution adopted in 1993 under President Boris Yeltsin, was also scrapped.    
  • Russian Duma To Consider Easter and the Holy Trinity Public Holidays
    ITAR-TASS (Moscow)

    The first deputy chairman of the State Duma (the lower house of the Federal Assembly of Russia) committee on control, Dmitriy Gusev, has announced that a bill is being introduced to declare Easter and Trinity as new annual public holidays in Russia.

    As per the aforementioned announcement, since Easter and Trinity both fall on Sundays, the following Mondays would be observed as public holidays.

    The last new annual public holidays added to Russia's calendar were added at the very end of 2004, when President Putin signed into law amendments to Article 112 of Russia's Labour Code, passed by the State Duma on December 24 and the Federation Council, the upper house of parliament, on Monday, December 27, 2004.

    As per the Government Decree of 27.12.2004 N 845, the November 7, October Revolution Day, was abolished, and replaced by People's Unity Day on November 4 to commemorate the liberation of Moscow from Polish troops in 1612.

    Additionally, the December 12 Constitution Day public holiday, dedicated to the constitution adopted in 1993 under President Boris Yeltsin, was also scrapped.    
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Saudi Arabia Declares Founding Day Public Holiday February 22
    Saudi Press Agency (SPA)

    The Saudi Press Agency (SPA) has announced that Saudi Arabia's Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development had declared Saturday, February 22, 2025, a public holiday for both the private and non-profit sectors in observance of Saudi Founding Day.

    The aforementioned announcement does not mention a possible day in lieu public sector holiday on Sunday, February 23, 2025, due to February 22, 2025, falling on a weekend (Saudi Arabia switched from Thursday-Friday to Friday-Saturday weekends in 2013).

    Recall that Thursday, February 23, 2023, was declared a bridge public sector holiday "for those included in the provisions of the executive regulations for human resources in the civil service" to link the then newly established, February 22, Founding Day public holiday with the subsequent weekend.

    Founding Day was established in January 2022, when Saudi Arabia's King, Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud, issued a royal decree declaring February 22 as a new annual public holiday to be observed on February 22 to "commemorate the commencement of the reign of Imam Muhammad bin Saud and his founding of the first Saudi state in 1727".    
  • Saudi Arabia Declares Founding Day Public Holiday February 22
    Saudi Press Agency (SPA)

    The Saudi Press Agency (SPA) has announced that Saudi Arabia's Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development had declared Saturday, February 22, 2025, a public holiday for both the private and non-profit sectors in observance of Saudi Founding Day.

    The aforementioned announcement does not mention a possible day in lieu public sector holiday on Sunday, February 23, 2025, due to February 22, 2025, falling on a weekend (Saudi Arabia switched from Thursday-Friday to Friday-Saturday weekends in 2013).

    Recall that Thursday, February 23, 2023, was declared a bridge public sector holiday "for those included in the provisions of the executive regulations for human resources in the civil service" to link the then newly established, February 22, Founding Day public holiday with the subsequent weekend.

    Founding Day was established in January 2022, when Saudi Arabia's King, Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud, issued a royal decree declaring February 22 as a new annual public holiday to be observed on February 22 to "commemorate the commencement of the reign of Imam Muhammad bin Saud and his founding of the first Saudi state in 1727".    

February 6, 2025

  • Cayman Islands
  • Cayman Islands
  • Cayman Islands Pass Referendum Bill
    Gazette Office Cayman Islands Government (Grand Cayman)

    The Cayman Islands legislature has passed the Referendum Bill by a vote of 13-5.

    As per the Public Holidays Law (2007 Revision), public holidays shall include "the day appointed under the Elections Law for the taking of the poll at a general election in the Islands" and this was later confirmed to include the date of any referendum in the Cayman Islands, though referenda have often been scheduled on the same date as general elections, to minimize the number of additional public holidays.

    Last September, the Cayman Islands cabinet had approved a public referendum on a cruise berthing facility to be held on the same date as the upcoming 2025 general elections, whose date was then yet to be announced.

    An almost identical Cruise Pier Referendum had already been announced and gazetted in October 2019, for December 19, 2019, but the referendum eventually fell through and on December 9, 2019, the Government of the Cayman Islands released an updated listing of the 2019 public holidays, including an updated public holiday for the Cruise Pier Referendum, now marked as "Thursday, 19 December, Public Holiday (No Referendum)".    
  • Cayman Islands Pass Referendum Bill
    Gazette Office Cayman Islands Government (Grand Cayman)

    The Cayman Islands legislature has passed the Referendum Bill by a vote of 13-5.

    As per the Public Holidays Law (2007 Revision), public holidays shall include "the day appointed under the Elections Law for the taking of the poll at a general election in the Islands" and this was later confirmed to include the date of any referendum in the Cayman Islands, though referenda have often been scheduled on the same date as general elections, to minimize the number of additional public holidays.

    Last September, the Cayman Islands cabinet had approved a public referendum on a cruise berthing facility to be held on the same date as the upcoming 2025 general elections, whose date was then yet to be announced.

    An almost identical Cruise Pier Referendum had already been announced and gazetted in October 2019, for December 19, 2019, but the referendum eventually fell through and on December 9, 2019, the Government of the Cayman Islands released an updated listing of the 2019 public holidays, including an updated public holiday for the Cruise Pier Referendum, now marked as "Thursday, 19 December, Public Holiday (No Referendum)".    
  • Malaysia
  • Malaysia
  • Malaysian Financial Market Holiday February 11
    Bernama News Agency (Johor Baru)

    Bursa Malaysia has announced that Malaysia's financial markets would be closed on Tuesday, February 11, 2025, "in conjunction with the Thaipusam public holiday", but that "activities on the exchange, along with its subsidiaries, will resume as usual on Wednesday, February 12, 2025".

    The Thaipusam public holiday is observed as an annual state public holiday in 7 Malaysian State and Federal Territories.

    But, late last month, for the fourth consecutive year, Kedah's Menteri Besar Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor, also declared Thaipusam a public holiday in Kedah, for 2025.    
  • Malaysian Financial Market Holiday February 11
    Bernama News Agency (Johor Baru)

    Bursa Malaysia has announced that Malaysia's financial markets would be closed on Tuesday, February 11, 2025, "in conjunction with the Thaipusam public holiday", but that "activities on the exchange, along with its subsidiaries, will resume as usual on Wednesday, February 12, 2025".

    The Thaipusam public holiday is observed as an annual state public holiday in 7 Malaysian State and Federal Territories.

    But, late last month, for the fourth consecutive year, Kedah's Menteri Besar Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor, also declared Thaipusam a public holiday in Kedah, for 2025.    
  • Rajasthan (RJ)
  • Rajasthan (RJ)
  • Rajasthan Electoral Public Holiday February 14
    Government of Rajasthan (Jaipur)

    The Government of India's state of Rajasthan has issued a vide notification No.16(1)V.M/2024 declaring a public holiday on Friday, February 14, 2025, on account of the by-election being held in the Panchayat Raj Area of Rajasthan on that date.

    Today's declaration of a one-off limited public holiday on Friday, February 14, 2025, is a minor amendment to the list of 2025 public holidays in Rajasthan as set out in last October's vide notification No. 6(1)SA.PV/6/ 2024-3592.    
  • Rajasthan Electoral Public Holiday February 14
    Government of Rajasthan (Jaipur)

    The Government of India's state of Rajasthan has issued a vide notification No.16(1)V.M/2024 declaring a public holiday on Friday, February 14, 2025, on account of the by-election being held in the Panchayat Raj Area of Rajasthan on that date.

    Today's declaration of a one-off limited public holiday on Friday, February 14, 2025, is a minor amendment to the list of 2025 public holidays in Rajasthan as set out in last October's vide notification No. 6(1)SA.PV/6/ 2024-3592.    
  • Türkiye
  • Türkiye
  • Turkey Amends 2033 Public Holidays
    Din Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü - Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı Müdürlükler (Istanbul)

    The Government of Turkey has released an amended version of its previously-released list of 2033 public holidays, in accordance with the Law 2429 On National And General Holidays dated 17.03.1981 and Amendments 6752 To The Law On National And General Holidays, dated 25.10.2016.

    The aforementioned announcement amends the date of the 2033 End of Ramadan public holidays that had been jointly announced in the summer of 2023 by Turkey's General Directorate of Religious Services and the Presidency of Religious Affairs of Turkey, in a list of the expected dates of the lay and religious public holidays in Turkey for the years 2028-2035.

    The list of the expected dates of the lay and religious public holidays in Turkey for the years 2023-2027 had been released at the end of 2020.    
  • Turkey Amends 2033 Public Holidays
    Din Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü - Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı Müdürlükler (Istanbul)

    The Government of Turkey has released an amended version of its previously-released list of 2033 public holidays, in accordance with the Law 2429 On National And General Holidays dated 17.03.1981 and Amendments 6752 To The Law On National And General Holidays, dated 25.10.2016.

    The aforementioned announcement amends the date of the 2033 End of Ramadan public holidays that had been jointly announced in the summer of 2023 by Turkey's General Directorate of Religious Services and the Presidency of Religious Affairs of Turkey, in a list of the expected dates of the lay and religious public holidays in Turkey for the years 2028-2035.

    The list of the expected dates of the lay and religious public holidays in Turkey for the years 2023-2027 had been released at the end of 2020.    

February 5, 2025

  • Castilla y Leon (CL)
  • Castilla y Leon (CL)
  • Castilla y León 2026 Public Holidays Announced
    Boletín Oficial de la Junta de Castilla y León (Valladolid)

    The Regional Labor Council of Spain's autonomous region of Castilla y León has approved the calendar containing the list of official regional non-working public holidays in the Castilla y León for the calendar year 2026.

    As per the aforementioned Proyecto de Decreto por el que se establece el calendario de fiestas laborales en el ámbito de la Comunidad de Castilla y León para el año 2026, in 2026, the 2 regional public holidays will be April 2 (Jueves Santo) and April 23 (Fiesta de la Comunidad Autónoma).

    The draft decree will be open for online comments from February 7 until February 17, 2025.

    Then, the decree still needs to be approved by the Government Council, but this is expected to be a formality as compared to the list of 2023 public holidays in Castilla y León.

    Recall that, in December 2023, the Decreto 35/2022, de 22 de septiembre, de la Comunidad Autónoma de Castilla y León, por el que se establece el calendario de fiestas laborales en el ámbito de la Comunidad de Castilla y León para el año 2023 (BOCL de 23 de septiembre de 2022) was declared to be "null" by the Superior Court of Justice of Spain's autonomous region of Castilla y León, whose ruling, stated that the suppression of April 23, 2023, as a regional holiday to be replaced by July 25, 2023, was "an unjustified discretionary decision" and "does not respond to the purposes of public interest".

    Better late than never ?    
  • Castilla y León 2026 Public Holidays Announced
    Boletín Oficial de la Junta de Castilla y León (Valladolid)

    The Regional Labor Council of Spain's autonomous region of Castilla y León has approved the calendar containing the list of official regional non-working public holidays in the Castilla y León for the calendar year 2026.

    As per the aforementioned Proyecto de Decreto por el que se establece el calendario de fiestas laborales en el ámbito de la Comunidad de Castilla y León para el año 2026, in 2026, the 2 regional public holidays will be April 2 (Jueves Santo) and April 23 (Fiesta de la Comunidad Autónoma).

    The draft decree will be open for online comments from February 7 until February 17, 2025.

    Then, the decree still needs to be approved by the Government Council, but this is expected to be a formality as compared to the list of 2023 public holidays in Castilla y León.

    Recall that, in December 2023, the Decreto 35/2022, de 22 de septiembre, de la Comunidad Autónoma de Castilla y León, por el que se establece el calendario de fiestas laborales en el ámbito de la Comunidad de Castilla y León para el año 2023 (BOCL de 23 de septiembre de 2022) was declared to be "null" by the Superior Court of Justice of Spain's autonomous region of Castilla y León, whose ruling, stated that the suppression of April 23, 2023, as a regional holiday to be replaced by July 25, 2023, was "an unjustified discretionary decision" and "does not respond to the purposes of public interest".

    Better late than never ?    
  • Ghana
  • Ghana
  • Ghana July 1st Public Holiday Restoration Update
    Ghana News Agency (Accra)

    Ghana's President, John Dramani Mahama, has announced his plans to introduce amendments to the Public Holidays Act to restore July 1st as an annual public holiday to mark Republic Day.

    As per the aforementioned announcement, "I propose that this national day of prayer and thanksgiving should be held on first July, which is also a republic day, and also marks senior citizens day" adding that "We will soon present to parliament amendments to the Public Holidays Act in order that we can restore July 1 as a holiday" and that "the amendment of the public holidays act, we shall also make provision to fulfill our promise to the Muslim community of an extra holiday to mark the Muslim festival of Eidul Fitr".

    Back in the summer of 2019, NDC had announced that it would restore the July 1st Republic Day public holiday if the NDC won the next general elections ("The NDC would want to assure all Ghanaians living everywhere that upon its assumption of office in January 2021, Republic Day will be accorded full recognition as one of the more important national days in our history").

    And, last August, during the recent Presidential campaign, National Democratic Congress (NDC) Presidential candidate, John Dramani Mahama, reiterated that if he won the December 7th presidential election, his administration would restore the July 1st public holiday that was canceled as per the 2018 amendments to the Public Holidays Act, which also canceled African Union Day, while adding new public holidays on January 7 (Constitution Day), and August 4 (Founders’ Day).

    Note that, in April 2024, John Dramani Mahama had also promised that the declaration of an additional public holiday at the end of the month of Ramadan would be included in the NDC's manifesto for the 2024 elections.    
  • Ghana July 1st Public Holiday Restoration Update
    Ghana News Agency (Accra)

    Ghana's President, John Dramani Mahama, has announced his plans to introduce amendments to the Public Holidays Act to restore July 1st as an annual public holiday to mark Republic Day.

    As per the aforementioned announcement, "I propose that this national day of prayer and thanksgiving should be held on first July, which is also a republic day, and also marks senior citizens day" adding that "We will soon present to parliament amendments to the Public Holidays Act in order that we can restore July 1 as a holiday" and that "the amendment of the public holidays act, we shall also make provision to fulfill our promise to the Muslim community of an extra holiday to mark the Muslim festival of Eidul Fitr".

    Back in the summer of 2019, NDC had announced that it would restore the July 1st Republic Day public holiday if the NDC won the next general elections ("The NDC would want to assure all Ghanaians living everywhere that upon its assumption of office in January 2021, Republic Day will be accorded full recognition as one of the more important national days in our history").

    And, last August, during the recent Presidential campaign, National Democratic Congress (NDC) Presidential candidate, John Dramani Mahama, reiterated that if he won the December 7th presidential election, his administration would restore the July 1st public holiday that was canceled as per the 2018 amendments to the Public Holidays Act, which also canceled African Union Day, while adding new public holidays on January 7 (Constitution Day), and August 4 (Founders’ Day).

    Note that, in April 2024, John Dramani Mahama had also promised that the declaration of an additional public holiday at the end of the month of Ramadan would be included in the NDC's manifesto for the 2024 elections.    
  • Kazakhstan
  • Kazakhstan
  • Kazakhstan March 2025 Public Holidays
    Electronic government of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Astana)

    The Government of Kazakhstan has announced that March 8, 2025, would a public holiday for International Women's Day, and that the Nauryz Meiramy spring renewal holidays would run from March 21-23, 2025, with 2 additional day in lieu public holidays on March 24 and 25, 2025.

    Recall that, for the moment, the Government of Kazakhstan has not decided on the declaration of any bridge holidays and compensatory working Saturdays in 2025, as is customary "in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 85 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan and for the rational use of working time", apart from last November's announcement by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population that "the day off from Sunday, January 5, 2025, is transferred to Friday, January 3, 2025".    
  • Kazakhstan March 2025 Public Holidays
    Electronic government of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Astana)

    The Government of Kazakhstan has announced that March 8, 2025, would a public holiday for International Women's Day, and that the Nauryz Meiramy spring renewal holidays would run from March 21-23, 2025, with 2 additional day in lieu public holidays on March 24 and 25, 2025.

    Recall that, for the moment, the Government of Kazakhstan has not decided on the declaration of any bridge holidays and compensatory working Saturdays in 2025, as is customary "in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 85 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan and for the rational use of working time", apart from last November's announcement by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population that "the day off from Sunday, January 5, 2025, is transferred to Friday, January 3, 2025".    
  • Pakistan
  • Pakistan
  • Gilgit-Baltistan Declares February 6 Public Holiday
    Associated Press Of Pakistan (Islamabad)

    The Government of Pakistan's Province of Gilgit-Baltistan has declared Thursday, February 6, 2025, as a public holiday following the death of the 49th Imam Prince Karim Aga Khan.

    As per the aforementioned announcement, all government offices and educational institutions will remain closed on Thursday, February 6, 2025.    
  • Gilgit-Baltistan Declares February 6 Public Holiday
    Associated Press Of Pakistan (Islamabad)

    The Government of Pakistan's Province of Gilgit-Baltistan has declared Thursday, February 6, 2025, as a public holiday following the death of the 49th Imam Prince Karim Aga Khan.

    As per the aforementioned announcement, all government offices and educational institutions will remain closed on Thursday, February 6, 2025.    
  • Peru
  • Peru
  • Peru's Congress Considers Reduction In Number Of Public Holidays
    Diario Oficial El Peruano (Lima)

    Peruvian Congressman, Wilson Soto, has introduced a bill to reduce the number of annual public holidays in Peru from 16 to 10.

    The 6 annual public holidays dates that could be converted to commemorative and working days in both the public and private sectors are June 7 (Battle of Arica and Flag Day), July 23 (Peruvian Air Force Day), August 6 (Battle of Junín Day), August 30 (Santa Rosa of Lima Day), October 8 (Battle of Angamos Day), and December 9 (Battle of Ayacucho Day).

    Recall that, early last month, the Peruvian Minister of Labor and Employment Promotion, Daniel Maurate, had announced that he would propose a reduction in the number of annual non-working public holidays at the next National Labor Council.

    Prior to 2021, it had been decades since the addition of any new annual public holiday in Peru.

    But, this all changed beginning in late December 2021, when the Government of Peru published Law No. 31381, which declared December 9 as a new annual national public holiday commemorating the Battle of Ayacuchoas, effective in 2022. Then, in the summer of 2022, an August 6 public holiday for the Battle of Junín was added effective immediately in 2022. In early July 2023, a July 23 public holiday for the Día de la Fuerza Aérea del Perú was added effective immediately in 2023. And, finally, in June 2023, a June 7 public holiday for the Battle of Arica / Flag Day was added effective in 2024.    
  • Peru's Congress Considers Reduction In Number Of Public Holidays
    Diario Oficial El Peruano (Lima)

    Peruvian Congressman, Wilson Soto, has introduced a bill to reduce the number of annual public holidays in Peru from 16 to 10.

    The 6 annual public holidays dates that could be converted to commemorative and working days in both the public and private sectors are June 7 (Battle of Arica and Flag Day), July 23 (Peruvian Air Force Day), August 6 (Battle of Junín Day), August 30 (Santa Rosa of Lima Day), October 8 (Battle of Angamos Day), and December 9 (Battle of Ayacucho Day).

    Recall that, early last month, the Peruvian Minister of Labor and Employment Promotion, Daniel Maurate, had announced that he would propose a reduction in the number of annual non-working public holidays at the next National Labor Council.

    Prior to 2021, it had been decades since the addition of any new annual public holiday in Peru.

    But, this all changed beginning in late December 2021, when the Government of Peru published Law No. 31381, which declared December 9 as a new annual national public holiday commemorating the Battle of Ayacuchoas, effective in 2022. Then, in the summer of 2022, an August 6 public holiday for the Battle of Junín was added effective immediately in 2022. In early July 2023, a July 23 public holiday for the Día de la Fuerza Aérea del Perú was added effective immediately in 2023. And, finally, in June 2023, a June 7 public holiday for the Battle of Arica / Flag Day was added effective in 2024.    

February 4, 2025

  • Gujarat (GJ)
  • Gujarat (GJ)
  • Gujarat Declares February 16 Public Holiday
    Government of Gujarat (Gandhinagar)

    The government of the Indian State of Gujarat has issued the vide notification Sr.A-7(4)/GSE/Estt.Sw.Ch/2025/74 declaring Sunday, February 16, 2025, a holiday on account of that date's elections to the Gujarat municipalities, zilla panchayats and taluka panchayats.

    The aforementioned notification thus amends the list of 2025 public holidays in the state of Gujarat as published last November in the Government of Gujarat Government vide Notification No.GS/26/ 2024/JSR/ 2024/605/G, signed by Jwalant Trivedi, the additional secretary to government of the General Administration Department of the State of Gujarat.    
  • Gujarat Declares February 16 Public Holiday
    Government of Gujarat (Gandhinagar)

    The government of the Indian State of Gujarat has issued the vide notification Sr.A-7(4)/GSE/Estt.Sw.Ch/2025/74 declaring Sunday, February 16, 2025, a holiday on account of that date's elections to the Gujarat municipalities, zilla panchayats and taluka panchayats.

    The aforementioned notification thus amends the list of 2025 public holidays in the state of Gujarat as published last November in the Government of Gujarat Government vide Notification No.GS/26/ 2024/JSR/ 2024/605/G, signed by Jwalant Trivedi, the additional secretary to government of the General Administration Department of the State of Gujarat.    
  • Kuwait
  • Kuwait
  • Kuwait National and Liberation Public Holidays February 25-27
    Kuwait Civil Service Commission (Kuwait City)

    The Kuwaiti Civil Service Commission has announced a five-day public holiday to commemorate National Day and Liberation Day.

    As per the aforementioned announcement, made during during the weekly meeting of the Council of Ministers, chaired by Kuwait's Prime Minister, Sheikh Ahmed Al-Abdullah, all government departments and public institutions will remain closed on February 25, 26 and 27, with regular working schedule resuming on Sunday, March 2, 2025.

    Recall that, since 2007, weekends in Kuwait are observed on Friday and Saturday.    
  • Kuwait National and Liberation Public Holidays February 25-27
    Kuwait Civil Service Commission (Kuwait City)

    The Kuwaiti Civil Service Commission has announced a five-day public holiday to commemorate National Day and Liberation Day.

    As per the aforementioned announcement, made during during the weekly meeting of the Council of Ministers, chaired by Kuwait's Prime Minister, Sheikh Ahmed Al-Abdullah, all government departments and public institutions will remain closed on February 25, 26 and 27, with regular working schedule resuming on Sunday, March 2, 2025.

    Recall that, since 2007, weekends in Kuwait are observed on Friday and Saturday.    
  • Pakistan
  • Pakistan
  • Pakistan Declares February 5 Bank Holiday
    The State Bank of Pakistan (Karachi)

    The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) has issued the BPRD Circular Letter No. 03 of 2025 declaring a bank holiday in Pakistan on Wednesday, February 5, 2025.

    As per the aforementioned announcement, signed by Additional Director, Syed Imran Ali, "The State Bank of Pakistan will remain closed on Wednesday, February 5, 2025 being public holiday on Kashmir Day, as declared by the Government of Pakistan".

    Today's announcement by the State Bank of Pakistan is in line with the list of 2025 public holidays in Pakistan, as announced in the Public and Optional Holidays for the calendar year 2025 published by the Government of Pakistan last December.    
  • Pakistan Declares February 5 Bank Holiday
    The State Bank of Pakistan (Karachi)

    The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) has issued the BPRD Circular Letter No. 03 of 2025 declaring a bank holiday in Pakistan on Wednesday, February 5, 2025.

    As per the aforementioned announcement, signed by Additional Director, Syed Imran Ali, "The State Bank of Pakistan will remain closed on Wednesday, February 5, 2025 being public holiday on Kashmir Day, as declared by the Government of Pakistan".

    Today's announcement by the State Bank of Pakistan is in line with the list of 2025 public holidays in Pakistan, as announced in the Public and Optional Holidays for the calendar year 2025 published by the Government of Pakistan last December.    

February 3, 2025

  • Delhi (DL)
  • Delhi (DL)
  • Delhi NCT Extends Scope Of February 5 Electoral Public Holiday
    Government of Delhi NCT (New Delhi)

    The Government of India's Delhi NCT (National Capital Territory) has gazetted Wednesday, February 5, 2025, as both a government holiday and a public sector holiday.

    As per the vide notification No. F. 53/729/GAD/CN/2025/255-296, "In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 25 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 (Act 26 of 1881) read with the Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs' Notification No. U.-11030/2/73-UTL dated 28/6/1973, the Lieutenant Governor of National Capital Territory of Delhi is pleased to declare Wednesday, the 5th February, 2025 to be a Public Holiday on account of General Election to the Legislative Assembly of Delhi".

    And, for its part, the vide notification No. F. 53/729/GAD/CN/2025/213-254 states that "The Lieutenant Governor of National Capital Territory of Delhi is pleased to declare Wednesday, the 5th February, 2025 to be a Public Holiday in all the Government Offices, Local/Autonomous Bodies, Public Sector Undertakings under the Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi, on account of General Election to the Legislative Assembly of Delhi".

    The 2 aforementioned notifications extend the scope of last month's Government Order F.18/Addl.LC/Holiday-Election/2019/5487-5493, which stated that "all such employers of Industrial Establishments/Factories/Shops and Commercial Establishments in NCT of Delhi shall grant paid holiday to their employees to enable them to cast their vote in their respective constituency on the day of polling i.e. 05/02/2025 (Wednesday) in case scheduled day is a working day them/electors.".    
  • Delhi NCT Extends Scope Of February 5 Electoral Public Holiday
    Government of Delhi NCT (New Delhi)

    The Government of India's Delhi NCT (National Capital Territory) has gazetted Wednesday, February 5, 2025, as both a government holiday and a public sector holiday.

    As per the vide notification No. F. 53/729/GAD/CN/2025/255-296, "In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 25 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 (Act 26 of 1881) read with the Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs' Notification No. U.-11030/2/73-UTL dated 28/6/1973, the Lieutenant Governor of National Capital Territory of Delhi is pleased to declare Wednesday, the 5th February, 2025 to be a Public Holiday on account of General Election to the Legislative Assembly of Delhi".

    And, for its part, the vide notification No. F. 53/729/GAD/CN/2025/213-254 states that "The Lieutenant Governor of National Capital Territory of Delhi is pleased to declare Wednesday, the 5th February, 2025 to be a Public Holiday in all the Government Offices, Local/Autonomous Bodies, Public Sector Undertakings under the Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi, on account of General Election to the Legislative Assembly of Delhi".

    The 2 aforementioned notifications extend the scope of last month's Government Order F.18/Addl.LC/Holiday-Election/2019/5487-5493, which stated that "all such employers of Industrial Establishments/Factories/Shops and Commercial Establishments in NCT of Delhi shall grant paid holiday to their employees to enable them to cast their vote in their respective constituency on the day of polling i.e. 05/02/2025 (Wednesday) in case scheduled day is a working day them/electors.".    
  • Japan
  • Japan
  • Japanese 2026 Public Holidays Announced
    Cabinet Office of the Japanese Government (Tokyo)

    The Japanese Cabinet Office has announced the list of official public holidays in Japan for the upcoming calendar year 2026, based on the National Holidays Act (Act No. 178 of 1948), following the release of the calendar guidelines for 2026 (令和7年) by the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (に国立天文台).

    As usual, the salient point of the Observatory's announcement is the date of that year's vernal and autumnal equinoxes public holidays.

    In addition, in 2026, and only for the third time since Article 3, Paragraph 3, was added to the National Holidays Act in 2005, effective in 2007, there will be a bridge public holiday between the two annual September public holidays; Respect For The Aged (敬老の) and the Autumnal Equinox (秋分の).    
  • Japanese 2026 Public Holidays Announced
    Cabinet Office of the Japanese Government (Tokyo)

    The Japanese Cabinet Office has announced the list of official public holidays in Japan for the upcoming calendar year 2026, based on the National Holidays Act (Act No. 178 of 1948), following the release of the calendar guidelines for 2026 (令和7年) by the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (に国立天文台).

    As usual, the salient point of the Observatory's announcement is the date of that year's vernal and autumnal equinoxes public holidays.

    In addition, in 2026, and only for the third time since Article 3, Paragraph 3, was added to the National Holidays Act in 2005, effective in 2007, there will be a bridge public holiday between the two annual September public holidays; Respect For The Aged (敬老の) and the Autumnal Equinox (秋分の).    
  • Kyrgyzstan
  • Kyrgyzstan
  • Kyrgyzstan Cancels Decree Setting 2025 Public Holidays
    Ministry of Labor Employment and Migration of the Kyrgyz Republic (Bishkek)

    The Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic has adopted a resolution rendering ineffective last December's resolution on the transfer of days off in 2025 (Постановление Кабинета Министров от 30.12.2024 №809).

    Recall that that resolution had been a stopgap measure issued, pending approval of the new Labor Code, and specifying that "It should be noted that in the future it is planned to cancel the practice of adopting individual resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers on the transfer of holidays in connection with the adoption of the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic. It is assumed that after its approval, this resolution will lose its force.".

    And, indeed, late last month, the President of Kyrgyzstan, Sadyr Japarov, signed into law the new Labor Code, as approved by the Zhogorku Kenesh (Parliament of Kyrgyzstan), based on last November's draft cabinet resolution О введении в действие Трудового кодекса Кыргызской Республики и внесении изменений в некоторые законодательные акты в сфере труда.    
  • Kyrgyzstan Cancels Decree Setting 2025 Public Holidays
    Ministry of Labor Employment and Migration of the Kyrgyz Republic (Bishkek)

    The Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic has adopted a resolution rendering ineffective last December's resolution on the transfer of days off in 2025 (Постановление Кабинета Министров от 30.12.2024 №809).

    Recall that that resolution had been a stopgap measure issued, pending approval of the new Labor Code, and specifying that "It should be noted that in the future it is planned to cancel the practice of adopting individual resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers on the transfer of holidays in connection with the adoption of the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic. It is assumed that after its approval, this resolution will lose its force.".

    And, indeed, late last month, the President of Kyrgyzstan, Sadyr Japarov, signed into law the new Labor Code, as approved by the Zhogorku Kenesh (Parliament of Kyrgyzstan), based on last November's draft cabinet resolution О введении в действие Трудового кодекса Кыргызской Республики и внесении изменений в некоторые законодательные акты в сфере труда.    
  • Lebanon
  • Lebanon
  • Lebanon Declares February 10 Public Holiday
    Government Portal for Information and Forms (Republic of Lebanon)

    The Prime Minister of Lebanon, Najib Mikati, has issued the Circular No. 2/2025 Closure of public administrations, public institutions and municipalities on the occasion of St. Maroun's feast day declaring a day in lieu public sector holiday, on Monday, February 10, 2025, on the occasion of St. Maroun's feast day.

    As per the aforementioned circular, "Pursuant to Decree No. 15215 of 27/9/2005 and its amendments, which defines public holidays and official events, and due to the coincidence of St. Maroun's Day with a public holiday in public administrations, all public administrations, public institutions and municipalities will be closed on Monday, 10 February 2025".    
  • Lebanon Declares February 10 Public Holiday
    Government Portal for Information and Forms (Republic of Lebanon)

    The Prime Minister of Lebanon, Najib Mikati, has issued the Circular No. 2/2025 Closure of public administrations, public institutions and municipalities on the occasion of St. Maroun's feast day declaring a day in lieu public sector holiday, on Monday, February 10, 2025, on the occasion of St. Maroun's feast day.

    As per the aforementioned circular, "Pursuant to Decree No. 15215 of 27/9/2005 and its amendments, which defines public holidays and official events, and due to the coincidence of St. Maroun's Day with a public holiday in public administrations, all public administrations, public institutions and municipalities will be closed on Monday, 10 February 2025".    
  • Lebanon
  • Lebanon
  • Lebanon Declares Public Holiday For 20th Anniversary Of Hariri Assassination
    Government Portal for Information and Forms (Republic of Lebanon)

    The Prime Minister of Lebanon, Najib Mikati, has announced a public sector holiday, on Friday, February 14, 2025, to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafic Hariri.

    As per the aforementioned announcement, public administrations, institutions, municipalities, and public and private educational institutions will remained closed on Friday, February 14, 2025.    
  • Lebanon Declares Public Holiday For 20th Anniversary Of Hariri Assassination
    Government Portal for Information and Forms (Republic of Lebanon)

    The Prime Minister of Lebanon, Najib Mikati, has announced a public sector holiday, on Friday, February 14, 2025, to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafic Hariri.

    As per the aforementioned announcement, public administrations, institutions, municipalities, and public and private educational institutions will remained closed on Friday, February 14, 2025.    
  • Telangana (TS)
  • Telangana (TS)
  • Telangana Maintains February 14 Optional Holiday For Shab-e-Barat
    Government of Telangana (Hyderabad)

    The Government of India's State of Telangana has confirmed that the date of the upcoming Shab-e-Barat, on February 14, would remain an optional holiday in Telangana in 2025, as per last November's vide Notification G.O.Rt.No.1479 listing the 2025 public holidays in Telangana.

    Last year, the Government of Telangana had promoted Shab-e-Meraj on Thursday, February 8, 2024, from an optional holiday to a public holiday, but the subsequent Shab-e-Barat, on February 26, had also remained an optional holiday as per the vide notification G.O.Rt. No.1633, listing the 2024 public holidays in Telangana.    
  • Telangana Maintains February 14 Optional Holiday For Shab-e-Barat
    Government of Telangana (Hyderabad)

    The Government of India's State of Telangana has confirmed that the date of the upcoming Shab-e-Barat, on February 14, would remain an optional holiday in Telangana in 2025, as per last November's vide Notification G.O.Rt.No.1479 listing the 2025 public holidays in Telangana.

    Last year, the Government of Telangana had promoted Shab-e-Meraj on Thursday, February 8, 2024, from an optional holiday to a public holiday, but the subsequent Shab-e-Barat, on February 26, had also remained an optional holiday as per the vide notification G.O.Rt. No.1633, listing the 2024 public holidays in Telangana.    

* to illustrate the qppstudio.net ability to forecast all the public holidays of all the countries of the world for any year in the future, see our pages of 2035 public holidays in Australia, Austria, Bhutan, Canada, Germany, India, Nepal, New Zealand, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, the UK, and the USA.