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Worldwide Public Holidays News and Updates

worldwide public holidays news and updates of the past fourteen days
The qppstudio worldwide public holidays database and the worldwide public holidays listings on the qppstudio.net website are constantly updated to reflect changes to public holidays legislation, or ad hoc public holidays changes, anywhere in the world.

The worldwide public holidays news and updates, below, can be accessed via our Android or iPhone apps which are 100% ad-free and whose data feed is updated nightly.

You may also access our lists of worldwide public holidays* by country, by date, or grouped by continent or region. This website also lists global holidays and non-holiday observances for the next 10 years (2024-2034).

November 30, 2024

  • UK (United Kingdom)
  • UK (United Kingdom)
  • UK Announces 2027 Bank and Public Holidays

    The government of Great Britain and Northern Ireland has published the list of 2027 bank holidays and public holidays in the United Kingdom, in the 3 following lists; "Bank holidays in England and Wales 2027", "Bank holidays in Scotland 2027", and "Bank holidays in Northern Ireland 2027".

    As usual, the aforementioned announcement, also available in Welsh, specifies that "If a bank holiday is on a weekend, a substitute weekday becomes a bank holiday, normally the following Monday" but that "Your employer does not have to give you paid leave on bank or public holidays".

    Fans of Outlander will be interested to learn, from the Welsh version of the list of 2027 UK bank holidays, that English is translated to Saesneg in Welsh.    
  • UK Announces 2027 Bank and Public Holidays

    The government of Great Britain and Northern Ireland has published the list of 2027 bank holidays and public holidays in the United Kingdom, in the 3 following lists; "Bank holidays in England and Wales 2027", "Bank holidays in Scotland 2027", and "Bank holidays in Northern Ireland 2027".

    As usual, the aforementioned announcement, also available in Welsh, specifies that "If a bank holiday is on a weekend, a substitute weekday becomes a bank holiday, normally the following Monday" but that "Your employer does not have to give you paid leave on bank or public holidays".

    Fans of Outlander will be interested to learn, from the Welsh version of the list of 2027 UK bank holidays, that English is translated to Saesneg in Welsh.    

November 29, 2024

  • Chad
  • Chad
  • Chad Declares December 1-2 Public Holidays
    Agence Tchadienne de Presse (N’Djamena)

    Chad's Ministre de la Fonction Publique et de la concertation sociale, Abdoulaye Mbodou Mbami, has issued a communiqué declaring Sunday, December 1st, 2024, a as public holiday.

    As per the aforementioned communique, "en application de l'article 2 du décret N°273/PR/MFPTDS/2019, du 07 mars 2019, modifiant l’article 2 du décret N°413/PR/ M/MEPTEM/97 du 30 septembre 1997, portant révision de la liste et du régime des jours fériés et chômés, le ministre de la Fonction publique et de la Concertation sociale, a l'honneur de porter à la connaissance des travailleuses et travailleurs des secteurs public et privé que le journée du dimanche 1er décembre 2024, journée de la liberté et de la démocratie, est déclarée fériée, chômée et payée sur l'ensemble du territoire national".

    Additionally, and also in line with the décret N°273/PR/MFPTDS/2019, the Minister informs the population that Monday, December 2, 2024, is also "déclarée chômée et payée sur l’étendue du territoire national".

    Note that the aforementioned communiqué does not point out that the next day shall be a regular working day, as is often the case.    
  • Chad Declares December 1-2 Public Holidays
    Agence Tchadienne de Presse (N’Djamena)

    Chad's Ministre de la Fonction Publique et de la concertation sociale, Abdoulaye Mbodou Mbami, has issued a communiqué declaring Sunday, December 1st, 2024, a as public holiday.

    As per the aforementioned communique, "en application de l'article 2 du décret N°273/PR/MFPTDS/2019, du 07 mars 2019, modifiant l’article 2 du décret N°413/PR/ M/MEPTEM/97 du 30 septembre 1997, portant révision de la liste et du régime des jours fériés et chômés, le ministre de la Fonction publique et de la Concertation sociale, a l'honneur de porter à la connaissance des travailleuses et travailleurs des secteurs public et privé que le journée du dimanche 1er décembre 2024, journée de la liberté et de la démocratie, est déclarée fériée, chômée et payée sur l'ensemble du territoire national".

    Additionally, and also in line with the décret N°273/PR/MFPTDS/2019, the Minister informs the population that Monday, December 2, 2024, is also "déclarée chômée et payée sur l’étendue du territoire national".

    Note that the aforementioned communiqué does not point out that the next day shall be a regular working day, as is often the case.    
  • Neuchatel (NE)
  • Neuchatel (NE)
  • Neuchâtel Releases List of 2026 Public Holidays
    République et canton de Neuchâtel (Neuchâtel)

    The Swiss Canton of Neuchâtel has released its list of 2026 public holidays (Jours fériés officiels dans le Canton de Neuchâtel - jours de repos assimilés au dimanche selon la loi sur le dimanche et les jours fériés du 30 septembre 1991 (RSN 941.02)) as well as the much longer list of cantonal public sector holidays (Jours fériés dans l'administration cantonale).

    As usual the aforementioned announcement specifies that "le 2 janvier et le 26 décembre sont fériés lorsque le 1er janvier respectivement le jour de Noël tombent un dimanche" and that "les magasins sont fermés le dimanche et les jours fériés, ainsi que le lundi de Pâques, le lundi de Pentecôte, et le lundi du Jeûne fédéral. Quant au 2 janvier et au 26 décembre, les magasins peuvent ouvrir pour autant que le 1er janvier, respectivement le 25 décembre, ne tombent pas un dimanche".    
  • Neuchâtel Releases List of 2026 Public Holidays
    République et canton de Neuchâtel (Neuchâtel)

    The Swiss Canton of Neuchâtel has released its list of 2026 public holidays (Jours fériés officiels dans le Canton de Neuchâtel - jours de repos assimilés au dimanche selon la loi sur le dimanche et les jours fériés du 30 septembre 1991 (RSN 941.02)) as well as the much longer list of cantonal public sector holidays (Jours fériés dans l'administration cantonale).

    As usual the aforementioned announcement specifies that "le 2 janvier et le 26 décembre sont fériés lorsque le 1er janvier respectivement le jour de Noël tombent un dimanche" and that "les magasins sont fermés le dimanche et les jours fériés, ainsi que le lundi de Pâques, le lundi de Pentecôte, et le lundi du Jeûne fédéral. Quant au 2 janvier et au 26 décembre, les magasins peuvent ouvrir pour autant que le 1er janvier, respectivement le 25 décembre, ne tombent pas un dimanche".    
  • New South Wales (NSW)
  • New South Wales (NSW)
  • NSW Newcastle Show Day Update
    NSW Government (Sydney)

    The Council of City of Newcastle, in Australia's State of New South Wales (NSW), has reported on its recent community feedback outreach, asking people who live, work, and run businesses in Newcastle, whether they support holding a Local Public Holiday for the Newcastle Show on Friday 28 February 2025.

    Based on the positive response, the City of Newcastle plans to make another application to the NSW Government for Newcastle Regional Show Day to be declared a Local Public Holiday or Local Event Day given its significance to the local community.

    Recall that, last February, the Industrial Relations Minister of New South Wales has rejected the Newcastle city council's request to declare Newcastle Show Day as a local public holiday. The Newcastle city council had made the request last November, hoping to create an extra long weekend at the beginning of March 2024.    
  • NSW Newcastle Show Day Update
    NSW Government (Sydney)

    The Council of City of Newcastle, in Australia's State of New South Wales (NSW), has reported on its recent community feedback outreach, asking people who live, work, and run businesses in Newcastle, whether they support holding a Local Public Holiday for the Newcastle Show on Friday 28 February 2025.

    Based on the positive response, the City of Newcastle plans to make another application to the NSW Government for Newcastle Regional Show Day to be declared a Local Public Holiday or Local Event Day given its significance to the local community.

    Recall that, last February, the Industrial Relations Minister of New South Wales has rejected the Newcastle city council's request to declare Newcastle Show Day as a local public holiday. The Newcastle city council had made the request last November, hoping to create an extra long weekend at the beginning of March 2024.    
  • Nicaragua
  • Nicaragua
  • Nicaragua Extends Extends Immaculate Conception Public Holiday
    Ministerio del Trabajo de Nicaragua (MITRAB)

    Nicaragua's Ministry of Labor (Mitrab) has announced that the Government of Nicaragua had declared Sunday, December 8, 2024, a national public holiday for all workers in the public and private sectors, in the exercise of the powers conferred by Law No. 290, Ley de Organización, Competencia y procedimientos del Poder Ejecutivo, and article 66 of the Law No. 185 (Código del Trabajo).

    The aforementioned communiqué states in its article 1 that "Sunday, December 8 of this year, is declared a NATIONAL HOLIDAY for all workers in the public and private sectors of the country so that Nicaraguan families may participate in the celebrations of the Immaculate Conception of Mary" and adds in article 2 that "Since December 8, 2024 coincides with the seventh day, in accordance with article 68 of the labor code, it will be compensated with Monday, December 9 of the current year and the worker who works will be paid as an extraordinary day of work; all workers in the country will return to their daily work on Tuesday, December 10, 2024".    
  • Nicaragua Extends Extends Immaculate Conception Public Holiday
    Ministerio del Trabajo de Nicaragua (MITRAB)

    Nicaragua's Ministry of Labor (Mitrab) has announced that the Government of Nicaragua had declared Sunday, December 8, 2024, a national public holiday for all workers in the public and private sectors, in the exercise of the powers conferred by Law No. 290, Ley de Organización, Competencia y procedimientos del Poder Ejecutivo, and article 66 of the Law No. 185 (Código del Trabajo).

    The aforementioned communiqué states in its article 1 that "Sunday, December 8 of this year, is declared a NATIONAL HOLIDAY for all workers in the public and private sectors of the country so that Nicaraguan families may participate in the celebrations of the Immaculate Conception of Mary" and adds in article 2 that "Since December 8, 2024 coincides with the seventh day, in accordance with article 68 of the labor code, it will be compensated with Monday, December 9 of the current year and the worker who works will be paid as an extraordinary day of work; all workers in the country will return to their daily work on Tuesday, December 10, 2024".    
  • Ontario (ON)
  • Ontario (ON)
  • Ontario Rules-Out September 30 Public Holiday
    The Government of the Province of Ontario (Toronto)

    The Indigenous affairs minister of the Government of Canada's Province of Ontario has announced that the Ford government will not support a New Democrat's bill to make the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation a statutory holiday in the province. However, Minister Greg Rickford did add that "We are not prepared to support a holiday for now".

    The aforementioned bill was submitted, by New Democrat deputy leader, Sol Mamakwa, earlier this month, and had its second reading and debate last night.

    Recall that, already in 2021, the then Ontario Ministry of Indigenous Affairs had announced that the Ontario government would not make the then new federal public sector holiday of September 30, National Truth and Reconciliation Day, a provincial statutory holiday.

    Bill C-5 which declared September 30, a new annual federal public holiday in Canada was added to the list of annual Canadian bank holidays, in 2021, though.

    The Province of Ontario currently observes 9 public holidays, after adding Family Day as a public holiday on the third Monday of February, beginning in 2008.    
  • Ontario Rules-Out September 30 Public Holiday
    The Government of the Province of Ontario (Toronto)

    The Indigenous affairs minister of the Government of Canada's Province of Ontario has announced that the Ford government will not support a New Democrat's bill to make the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation a statutory holiday in the province. However, Minister Greg Rickford did add that "We are not prepared to support a holiday for now".

    The aforementioned bill was submitted, by New Democrat deputy leader, Sol Mamakwa, earlier this month, and had its second reading and debate last night.

    Recall that, already in 2021, the then Ontario Ministry of Indigenous Affairs had announced that the Ontario government would not make the then new federal public sector holiday of September 30, National Truth and Reconciliation Day, a provincial statutory holiday.

    Bill C-5 which declared September 30, a new annual federal public holiday in Canada was added to the list of annual Canadian bank holidays, in 2021, though.

    The Province of Ontario currently observes 9 public holidays, after adding Family Day as a public holiday on the third Monday of February, beginning in 2008.    
  • Sweden
  • Sweden
  • Sweden 2025 Bank Holidays Holidays Announced
    Sveriges Riksbank (Stockholm)

    Sweden's Central Bank (Sveriges Riksbank) has released its list of bank holidays in Sweden with the announcement of Swedish bank holidays, as well as public holidays in Sweden, for the calendar year 2025.    
  • Sweden 2025 Bank Holidays Holidays Announced
    Sveriges Riksbank (Stockholm)

    Sweden's Central Bank (Sveriges Riksbank) has released its list of bank holidays in Sweden with the announcement of Swedish bank holidays, as well as public holidays in Sweden, for the calendar year 2025.    
  • Thailand
  • Thailand
  • Thailand Adds 2025 and 2026 Bank Holidays
    The Bank of Thailand (Bangkok)

    The Bank of Thailand (Thailand's Central Bank) has announced that Monday, June 2, and Monday, August 11, 2025, would be bank holidays as well as "additional special holiday for financial institutions and Special Financial Institutions", matching the recent decision by the Thai Cabinet declaring two additional one-off public holidays for the calendar year 2025.

    Note that the aforementioned decision by the Thai Cabinet also declared an additional one-off public holiday for the calendar year 2026, to which today's announcement by the Bank of Thailand makes no reference.    
  • Thailand Adds 2025 and 2026 Bank Holidays
    The Bank of Thailand (Bangkok)

    The Bank of Thailand (Thailand's Central Bank) has announced that Monday, June 2, and Monday, August 11, 2025, would be bank holidays as well as "additional special holiday for financial institutions and Special Financial Institutions", matching the recent decision by the Thai Cabinet declaring two additional one-off public holidays for the calendar year 2025.

    Note that the aforementioned decision by the Thai Cabinet also declared an additional one-off public holiday for the calendar year 2026, to which today's announcement by the Bank of Thailand makes no reference.    

November 28, 2024

  • Azerbaijan
  • Azerbaijan
  • Azerbaijan Extends Year-End 2024-2025 Public Holidays
    Azerbaijani Cabinet of Ministers (Baku)

    The Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan had issued a decision that "in order to ensure the consistency of working days and weekends, December 30, 2024 and January 3, 2025 were rearranged from December 28 and 29, 2024, respectively", in line with part 2 of the Presidential Decree 489 of 2006 (О внесении изменения в Трудовой кодекс Азербайджанской Республики).

    Recall that, last year, Prime Ministe Ali Asadov had similarly announced that a Cabinet decision that "In order to ensure the consistency of working and non-working days, the weekends of December 30, 2023 and January 7, 2024 will be moved to the working days of January 4 and 5, 2024, respectively", although the Central Bank of Azerbaijan subsequently announced that branches and offices of banks, as well as currency exchange offices would work on the aforementioned public holidays of January 4 and 5, 2024.    
  • Azerbaijan Extends Year-End 2024-2025 Public Holidays
    Azerbaijani Cabinet of Ministers (Baku)

    The Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan had issued a decision that "in order to ensure the consistency of working days and weekends, December 30, 2024 and January 3, 2025 were rearranged from December 28 and 29, 2024, respectively", in line with part 2 of the Presidential Decree 489 of 2006 (О внесении изменения в Трудовой кодекс Азербайджанской Республики).

    Recall that, last year, Prime Ministe Ali Asadov had similarly announced that a Cabinet decision that "In order to ensure the consistency of working and non-working days, the weekends of December 30, 2023 and January 7, 2024 will be moved to the working days of January 4 and 5, 2024, respectively", although the Central Bank of Azerbaijan subsequently announced that branches and offices of banks, as well as currency exchange offices would work on the aforementioned public holidays of January 4 and 5, 2024.    
  • Ghana
  • Ghana
  • Ghana Declares December 6 Public Holiday
    Ghana Government Portal (Accra)

    Ghana's Minister for the Interior, Henry Quartey, has issued the press statement Declaration of Friday, 6th December, 2024 as a Statutory Public Holiday, announcing that "The general public is hereby informed that Friday, 6th December, 2024 which marks Farmers’ Day, is a Statutory Public Holiday and should be observed as such throughout the country".

    Recall that, at the beginning of the month, the very same Minister Henry Quartey, had issued the press statement Friday, 8th November 2024 not a Public Holiday, announcing that "The general public is hereby informed that Friday, 8th November 2024, is NOT a Public Holiday even though the 2024 National Farmers’ Day will be observed on that day", going on to add that "However, Friday, 6th December 2024, which marks Farmers’ Day, remains a Statutory Public Holiday and will be observed as such throughout the country".

    Every election year, Farmers' Day is moved to the first Friday of November, while the associated public holiday remains on the first Friday of December, and is in line with the list of 2024 public holidays in Ghana, as announced in the "Statutory Public Holidays And Commemorative Days In The Republic Of Ghana For The Year 2024", released earlier this year.

    The general confusion about this mechanism, can cause the government to issue conflicting announcements about Farmer's Day, by separate ministries, as was the case in 2020 and 2016.    
  • Ghana Declares December 6 Public Holiday
    Ghana Government Portal (Accra)

    Ghana's Minister for the Interior, Henry Quartey, has issued the press statement Declaration of Friday, 6th December, 2024 as a Statutory Public Holiday, announcing that "The general public is hereby informed that Friday, 6th December, 2024 which marks Farmers’ Day, is a Statutory Public Holiday and should be observed as such throughout the country".

    Recall that, at the beginning of the month, the very same Minister Henry Quartey, had issued the press statement Friday, 8th November 2024 not a Public Holiday, announcing that "The general public is hereby informed that Friday, 8th November 2024, is NOT a Public Holiday even though the 2024 National Farmers’ Day will be observed on that day", going on to add that "However, Friday, 6th December 2024, which marks Farmers’ Day, remains a Statutory Public Holiday and will be observed as such throughout the country".

    Every election year, Farmers' Day is moved to the first Friday of November, while the associated public holiday remains on the first Friday of December, and is in line with the list of 2024 public holidays in Ghana, as announced in the "Statutory Public Holidays And Commemorative Days In The Republic Of Ghana For The Year 2024", released earlier this year.

    The general confusion about this mechanism, can cause the government to issue conflicting announcements about Farmer's Day, by separate ministries, as was the case in 2020 and 2016.    
  • Poland
  • Poland
  • Poland's Sejm Approves New Christmas Eve Public Holiday
    Polskie Radio (Warsaw)

    Poland's lower house of parliament, the Sejm, has approved with a cross-party vote of 403 MPs (out of 425), the current bill declaring December 24 (Christmas Eve) as a new annual public holiday beginning in 2025.

    In its latest incarnation, the bill also would allow shops to open on the 3 Sundays that precede Christmas (currently shops can only open on the 2 Sundays before Christmas).

    The bill now proceeds to the Senate, which can suggest amendments but not block the legislation, before being receiving presidential ascent, or not.

    As we reported in the past, President Andrzej Duda has expressed support for the addition of a public holiday on December 24. However he is against the increase in the number of shopping Sundays and could veto the bill for that reason.

    Currently, Christmas Eve is a working day in the Polish retail sector until 14:00 (2pm).

    The last permanent change to the list of Poland's public holidays was in 2010 when the Polish Parliament approved a draft amendment to the Labour Law and Bill on Holidays, which re-established Epiphany as an official non-working public holiday, beginning in 2011.

    Until then, Epiphany had been the only religious public holiday not restored since Poland regained its independence in 1991.    
  • Poland's Sejm Approves New Christmas Eve Public Holiday
    Polskie Radio (Warsaw)

    Poland's lower house of parliament, the Sejm, has approved with a cross-party vote of 403 MPs (out of 425), the current bill declaring December 24 (Christmas Eve) as a new annual public holiday beginning in 2025.

    In its latest incarnation, the bill also would allow shops to open on the 3 Sundays that precede Christmas (currently shops can only open on the 2 Sundays before Christmas).

    The bill now proceeds to the Senate, which can suggest amendments but not block the legislation, before being receiving presidential ascent, or not.

    As we reported in the past, President Andrzej Duda has expressed support for the addition of a public holiday on December 24. However he is against the increase in the number of shopping Sundays and could veto the bill for that reason.

    Currently, Christmas Eve is a working day in the Polish retail sector until 14:00 (2pm).

    The last permanent change to the list of Poland's public holidays was in 2010 when the Polish Parliament approved a draft amendment to the Labour Law and Bill on Holidays, which re-established Epiphany as an official non-working public holiday, beginning in 2011.

    Until then, Epiphany had been the only religious public holiday not restored since Poland regained its independence in 1991.    
  • Slovenia
  • Slovenia
  • Slovenian 2025 Public Holidays Announced
    Slovenska tiskovna agencija (Ljubljana)

    The Government of Slovenia has announced its annual official list of Slovenian bank holidays and non-working public holidays in Slovenia for the calendar year 2025.

    The aforementioned list now lists the former Return of Primorska to the Motherland Day national holiday of September 15 under the name Incorporation of Primorska into the Motherland Day.

    Recall that, on September 10, the lower house of the National Assembly of Slovenia had approved a proposal to amend the law on holidays and work on days off by renaming the September 15, Day of Restoration of the Primorska Region to the Motherland holiday as the Return of Primorska to the Motherland.

    But on September 16, the upper chamber of Slovenia's National Assembly rejected the legislation to rename the Return of Primorska to the Motherland Day holiday.

    The lower house needed a absolute majority vote to override the upper house's veto and, indeed, in late October, it overrode the previous month's veto by the upper chamber, leading to today's announcement.

    Note that, in any event, the government announcement clearly states that "National holidays in the Republic of Slovenia are work-free days, except Primož Trubar Day, Day of Slovenes in Prekmurje Incorporated into the Mother Nation, Day of Integration of Primorska into the Homeland, Slovenian Sports Day, Sovereignty Day and Rudolf Maister Day, which are not work-free days".    
  • Slovenian 2025 Public Holidays Announced
    Slovenska tiskovna agencija (Ljubljana)

    The Government of Slovenia has announced its annual official list of Slovenian bank holidays and non-working public holidays in Slovenia for the calendar year 2025.

    The aforementioned list now lists the former Return of Primorska to the Motherland Day national holiday of September 15 under the name Incorporation of Primorska into the Motherland Day.

    Recall that, on September 10, the lower house of the National Assembly of Slovenia had approved a proposal to amend the law on holidays and work on days off by renaming the September 15, Day of Restoration of the Primorska Region to the Motherland holiday as the Return of Primorska to the Motherland.

    But on September 16, the upper chamber of Slovenia's National Assembly rejected the legislation to rename the Return of Primorska to the Motherland Day holiday.

    The lower house needed a absolute majority vote to override the upper house's veto and, indeed, in late October, it overrode the previous month's veto by the upper chamber, leading to today's announcement.

    Note that, in any event, the government announcement clearly states that "National holidays in the Republic of Slovenia are work-free days, except Primož Trubar Day, Day of Slovenes in Prekmurje Incorporated into the Mother Nation, Day of Integration of Primorska into the Homeland, Slovenian Sports Day, Sovereignty Day and Rudolf Maister Day, which are not work-free days".    

November 27, 2024

  • Azerbaijan
  • Azerbaijan
  • Azerbaijan Declares January 29 Electoral Public Holiday
    Azerbaijani Cabinet of Ministers (Baku)

    Azerbaijan's CEC chairman, Mazakhir Panakhov, has announced that it will hold its nationwide municipal elections on Wednesday, January 29, 2025, and that as per the 2003 amendment of the Election Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan the day of elections and referenda in Azerbaijan are non-working public holidays.

    Recall that up to 2019, municipal elections were held every 5 years on December 23.    
  • Azerbaijan Declares January 29 Electoral Public Holiday
    Azerbaijani Cabinet of Ministers (Baku)

    Azerbaijan's CEC chairman, Mazakhir Panakhov, has announced that it will hold its nationwide municipal elections on Wednesday, January 29, 2025, and that as per the 2003 amendment of the Election Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan the day of elections and referenda in Azerbaijan are non-working public holidays.

    Recall that up to 2019, municipal elections were held every 5 years on December 23.    
  • Liberia
  • Liberia
  • Liberia Declares V.S. Tubman Public Holiday November 29
    Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Monrovia)

    The President of the Republic of Liberia, Joseph Nyuma Boakai, Sr., has issued a Proclamation declaring Friday, November 29, 2024, as a public holiday in Liberia to mark the 129th Birth Anniversary of William V. S. Tubman, and to be observed throughout the Republic of Liberia as a national holiday.

    The aforementioned proclamation orders and directs that all government offices, business houses and market places be closed on Friday, November 29, 2024, from six o’clock ante meridian to six o’clock post meridian.

    The Birth anniversary of former President William V.S. Tubman was set aside as an annual non-working public holiday by the 42nd Legislature, but such last-minute re-confirmation of annual public holidays are a staple of the Liberian public holidays calendar.

    On some occasions, a day in lieu might be declared, as happened in 2020, when then President of Liberia, George Manneh Weah, issued a Proclamation declaring Sunday, November 29, 2020, as a public holiday in Liberia, with the additional specification that, due to November 29 falling on a Sunday, "President Weah has ordered and directed that all government ministries, agencies, business houses, and market places be closed on Monday, November 30, 2020".    
  • Liberia Declares V.S. Tubman Public Holiday November 29
    Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Monrovia)

    The President of the Republic of Liberia, Joseph Nyuma Boakai, Sr., has issued a Proclamation declaring Friday, November 29, 2024, as a public holiday in Liberia to mark the 129th Birth Anniversary of William V. S. Tubman, and to be observed throughout the Republic of Liberia as a national holiday.

    The aforementioned proclamation orders and directs that all government offices, business houses and market places be closed on Friday, November 29, 2024, from six o’clock ante meridian to six o’clock post meridian.

    The Birth anniversary of former President William V.S. Tubman was set aside as an annual non-working public holiday by the 42nd Legislature, but such last-minute re-confirmation of annual public holidays are a staple of the Liberian public holidays calendar.

    On some occasions, a day in lieu might be declared, as happened in 2020, when then President of Liberia, George Manneh Weah, issued a Proclamation declaring Sunday, November 29, 2020, as a public holiday in Liberia, with the additional specification that, due to November 29 falling on a Sunday, "President Weah has ordered and directed that all government ministries, agencies, business houses, and market places be closed on Monday, November 30, 2020".    
  • Mauritania
  • Mauritania
  • Mauritania Extends Extends Independence Day Public Holiday
    Journal Officiel de la République Islamique de Mauritanie (Noakchott)

    Maurtitania's Présidence de la République issued a decree declaring Friday, November 29, 2024, as an additional one-off public holiday in Mauritania to link the November 28, Independence Day, public holiday with the subsequent weekend ("le vendredi 29 novembre 2024 sera un jour férié et payé sur toute l’étendue du territoire national").

    Mauritania changed it weekends from Saturday-Sunday to Thursday-Friday in 1983 and then to Friday-Saturday in 2001, returning to Saturday-Sunday weekends in 2005, back to Friday-Saturday in 2008, and then to Saturday-Sunday in 2014.    
  • Mauritania Extends Extends Independence Day Public Holiday
    Journal Officiel de la République Islamique de Mauritanie (Noakchott)

    Maurtitania's Présidence de la République issued a decree declaring Friday, November 29, 2024, as an additional one-off public holiday in Mauritania to link the November 28, Independence Day, public holiday with the subsequent weekend ("le vendredi 29 novembre 2024 sera un jour férié et payé sur toute l’étendue du territoire national").

    Mauritania changed it weekends from Saturday-Sunday to Thursday-Friday in 1983 and then to Friday-Saturday in 2001, returning to Saturday-Sunday weekends in 2005, back to Friday-Saturday in 2008, and then to Saturday-Sunday in 2014.    
  • Samoa
  • Samoa
  • Samoa Extends Upcoming Year-End Public Holidays
    Samoan Ministry Of Commerce, Industry And Labour (Matagaluega o Pisinisi, Alamanuia, Leipa)

    The Samoan Cabinet has approved 4 additional year-end public sector holidays in conjunction with the upcoming Christmas and New Year annual public holidays.

    As per the press statement released by the Public Service Commission, "the approved dates for Commission Holidays to be observed concurrently with Christmas and New Year Public Holidays are; Friday 27 December 2024, Monday 30 December 2024, Tuesday 31 December 2024 and Friday 3 January 2025", adding that "This year's last official business day for the government will be Tuesday 24 December 2024" and that "All government ministries and agencies will resume normal business hours at 9.00am on Monday 6 January 2025".    
  • Samoa Extends Upcoming Year-End Public Holidays
    Samoan Ministry Of Commerce, Industry And Labour (Matagaluega o Pisinisi, Alamanuia, Leipa)

    The Samoan Cabinet has approved 4 additional year-end public sector holidays in conjunction with the upcoming Christmas and New Year annual public holidays.

    As per the press statement released by the Public Service Commission, "the approved dates for Commission Holidays to be observed concurrently with Christmas and New Year Public Holidays are; Friday 27 December 2024, Monday 30 December 2024, Tuesday 31 December 2024 and Friday 3 January 2025", adding that "This year's last official business day for the government will be Tuesday 24 December 2024" and that "All government ministries and agencies will resume normal business hours at 9.00am on Monday 6 January 2025".    
  • Yemen
  • Yemen
  • Yemen Declares November 30 Public Holiday
    Yemen News Agency (SABA)

    Yemen's Ministry of Civil Service and Administrative Development has declared Saturday, November 30, 2024, an official public holiday on the occasion of the anniversary of Independence Day, as per Law No. (2) of 2000, Article No. (3), Paragraph (7) regarding official holidays and vacations.    
  • Yemen Declares November 30 Public Holiday
    Yemen News Agency (SABA)

    Yemen's Ministry of Civil Service and Administrative Development has declared Saturday, November 30, 2024, an official public holiday on the occasion of the anniversary of Independence Day, as per Law No. (2) of 2000, Article No. (3), Paragraph (7) regarding official holidays and vacations.    

November 26, 2024

  • Assam (AS)
  • Assam (AS)
  • Assam 2025 Public Holidays Announced
    Government of Assam (Dispur)

    The cabinet of the Government of India's state of Assam has approved the list of non-working public holidays for the upcoming calendar year 2025 in a government notification to be gazetted shortly ("The Governor of Assam is pleased to declare that the offices under the Government of Assam and all Revenue and Magisterial Courts in Assam will remain closed on the following days during the year 2025.").

    Commention on the aforementioned announcement, Assam Education Minister, Ranoj Pegu, mentioned 36 holidays for government employees, as well as 7 restricted holidays.

    The Ali-Aye-Ligang festival of the Mising community, celebrated annually on the first Wednesday of the month of Fagun, will be a public holiday across 11 districts in 2025 (it had been ruled-out for 2024 by the Directorate of Information and Public Relations of Assam, last February).

    As announced earlier this month, Rongker Karkli (Rongker Puja), on January 5, will be a new restricted holiday in Assam beginning in 2025.

    Finally, cabinet also approved special casual leave on account of Matri Pitri Vandana on Nov 20 and 21, 2025.    
  • Assam 2025 Public Holidays Announced
    Government of Assam (Dispur)

    The cabinet of the Government of India's state of Assam has approved the list of non-working public holidays for the upcoming calendar year 2025 in a government notification to be gazetted shortly ("The Governor of Assam is pleased to declare that the offices under the Government of Assam and all Revenue and Magisterial Courts in Assam will remain closed on the following days during the year 2025.").

    Commention on the aforementioned announcement, Assam Education Minister, Ranoj Pegu, mentioned 36 holidays for government employees, as well as 7 restricted holidays.

    The Ali-Aye-Ligang festival of the Mising community, celebrated annually on the first Wednesday of the month of Fagun, will be a public holiday across 11 districts in 2025 (it had been ruled-out for 2024 by the Directorate of Information and Public Relations of Assam, last February).

    As announced earlier this month, Rongker Karkli (Rongker Puja), on January 5, will be a new restricted holiday in Assam beginning in 2025.

    Finally, cabinet also approved special casual leave on account of Matri Pitri Vandana on Nov 20 and 21, 2025.    
  • Costa Rica
  • Costa Rica
  • Costa Rican December 1st Public Holiday Will Not Move This Year
    Ministerio de Trabajo y Seguridad Social de Costa Rica (San José)

    The Ministry of Labor and Social Security of Costa Rica (MTSS) has issued a communique confirming that the upcoming public holiday commemorating the abolition of the army would be observed on its set date of Sunday, December 1, 2024, despite Law No. 9875 of 2020 which moved three of the 2024 Costa Rican public holidays to move to a nearby weekend and the current public holidays Bill 23.981which is making its way through the legislature.

    Recall that, late last month, the Tourism Commission of the Costa Rican Legislative Assembly approved the Bill 23.981 which would make permanent, beginning in 2025, the moving of 3 annual public holidays to the nearest Monday in cases when they fall on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, namely April 11, May 1, and December 1st.

    Note that the initial version of Bill 23.981, introduced in September, envisaged moving 4 annual public holidays, "but for reasons of tradition and custom" the July 25, Nicoya Annexation Day, public holiday was removed from the scope of the final version of Bill 23.981.

    Additionally, Bill 23.981 only moves fixed-date public holidays falling on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, while last month's initial text envisaged moving any fixed-date public holiday falling "on a date other than Monday or Friday" (meaning that weekend public holidays would have been compensated).

    Bill 23.981 might take effect in time for 2025, but not in time for December 1st, 2024.    
  • Costa Rican December 1st Public Holiday Will Not Move This Year
    Ministerio de Trabajo y Seguridad Social de Costa Rica (San José)

    The Ministry of Labor and Social Security of Costa Rica (MTSS) has issued a communique confirming that the upcoming public holiday commemorating the abolition of the army would be observed on its set date of Sunday, December 1, 2024, despite Law No. 9875 of 2020 which moved three of the 2024 Costa Rican public holidays to move to a nearby weekend and the current public holidays Bill 23.981which is making its way through the legislature.

    Recall that, late last month, the Tourism Commission of the Costa Rican Legislative Assembly approved the Bill 23.981 which would make permanent, beginning in 2025, the moving of 3 annual public holidays to the nearest Monday in cases when they fall on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, namely April 11, May 1, and December 1st.

    Note that the initial version of Bill 23.981, introduced in September, envisaged moving 4 annual public holidays, "but for reasons of tradition and custom" the July 25, Nicoya Annexation Day, public holiday was removed from the scope of the final version of Bill 23.981.

    Additionally, Bill 23.981 only moves fixed-date public holidays falling on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, while last month's initial text envisaged moving any fixed-date public holiday falling "on a date other than Monday or Friday" (meaning that weekend public holidays would have been compensated).

    Bill 23.981 might take effect in time for 2025, but not in time for December 1st, 2024.    
  • Estonia
  • Estonia
  • Estonian 2025 Public Holidays Announced
    Vabariigi Valitsus (Tallinn)

    The Government of Estonia has announced the annual list of Estonian national holidays, Estonian flag days, and non-working public holidays in Estonia for the calendar year 2025.

    Note that no day in lieu public holiday is given in Estonia if a public holiday falls on a weekend, despite all major political parties, excluding the Reform Party, in the lead-up to the March 2023 general elections, having been in favor of amending the Estonian public holidays legislation so that fixed-date public holidays that fall on a weekend give rise to a day in lieu public holiday on the next workday.

    The aforementioned announcement does, however, state that "The working day preceding New Year’s Day, the anniversary of the Republic of Estonia, Victory Day, and Christmas Eve is shortened by three hours".    
  • Estonian 2025 Public Holidays Announced
    Vabariigi Valitsus (Tallinn)

    The Government of Estonia has announced the annual list of Estonian national holidays, Estonian flag days, and non-working public holidays in Estonia for the calendar year 2025.

    Note that no day in lieu public holiday is given in Estonia if a public holiday falls on a weekend, despite all major political parties, excluding the Reform Party, in the lead-up to the March 2023 general elections, having been in favor of amending the Estonian public holidays legislation so that fixed-date public holidays that fall on a weekend give rise to a day in lieu public holiday on the next workday.

    The aforementioned announcement does, however, state that "The working day preceding New Year’s Day, the anniversary of the Republic of Estonia, Victory Day, and Christmas Eve is shortened by three hours".    
  • North Korea
  • North Korea
  • North Korean January 8 Public Holiday Update
    The Korean Central News Agency (KCNA)

    Every year since 2010 DPRK watchers have wondered when, and if, North Korea would declare January 8, the date of Kim Jong-Un's birthday, as a public holiday, latching on to any tidbit of news coming out of the DPRK.

    The latest such tidbit is news that, beginning in 2025, the date of the loyalty oath that North Koreans have to take annually, has been changed from January 1st to January 8.

    Todays news, reported by South Korea's unification ministry, follows last April's renaming of the April 15th Day of the Sun public holiday celebrating the birthday of North Korea's founder, Kim Il Sung, to the more generic April Holiday.

    In early January 2019, we reported that North Korea watchers suspected that Kim Jong-un's birthday had not yet been declared a public holiday due to his then young age, as his father, Kim Jong-il, had had to wait until he was 40, in 1982, for his birthday to be declared an official public holiday in North Korea. As for the North Korean State founder, Kim Il Sung, his birthday was first observed as a one-off public holiday in 1962, when he turned 50, and was only made an annual public holiday beginning in 1968.    
  • North Korean January 8 Public Holiday Update
    The Korean Central News Agency (KCNA)

    Every year since 2010 DPRK watchers have wondered when, and if, North Korea would declare January 8, the date of Kim Jong-Un's birthday, as a public holiday, latching on to any tidbit of news coming out of the DPRK.

    The latest such tidbit is news that, beginning in 2025, the date of the loyalty oath that North Koreans have to take annually, has been changed from January 1st to January 8.

    Todays news, reported by South Korea's unification ministry, follows last April's renaming of the April 15th Day of the Sun public holiday celebrating the birthday of North Korea's founder, Kim Il Sung, to the more generic April Holiday.

    In early January 2019, we reported that North Korea watchers suspected that Kim Jong-un's birthday had not yet been declared a public holiday due to his then young age, as his father, Kim Jong-il, had had to wait until he was 40, in 1982, for his birthday to be declared an official public holiday in North Korea. As for the North Korean State founder, Kim Il Sung, his birthday was first observed as a one-off public holiday in 1962, when he turned 50, and was only made an annual public holiday beginning in 1968.    
  • Palau
  • Palau
  • Palau Declares Thanksgiving Day Public Holiday
    Palau Government (Koror)

    The government of Palau has announced that Thursday, November 28, 2024, would be a non-working public holiday in Palau on account of the upcoming Thanksgiving Day public holiday of Palau.

    Normally, the day after Thanksgiving Day is also a public holiday, namely the Family Day public holiday.

    However, a month ago, Palau President, Surangel Samuel Whipps Jr., announced that the 2024 Family Day public holiday would be observed on November 22 instead of the previously-announced date of November 29, 2024, based on the fact that Republic of Palau Public Law (RPPL) 10-15, declaring Family Day as a public holiday, specifies that it is to be observed "on the fourth Friday of November".

    While the argument is technically correct, it is clear that it was the lawmakers' and the then President's intention that the Family Day and Thanksgiving public holidays be observed in lockstep.

    To wit, the accompanying 2017 announcement by President Remengesau stated that the declaration of the new Family Day non-working public holiday in Palau "will automatically allow for a 4-day weekend as it will be followed by Thanksgiving Day, which is on the fourth Thursday of November. This will be the only week in the year that every citizen may find the opportunity for a full 4 days weekend”.

    And indeed, the same situation occurred in 2019 (November 1st being a Friday) and Family Day was observed on November 29 notwithstanding the text of Palau Public Law (RPPL) 10-15.    
  • Palau Declares Thanksgiving Day Public Holiday
    Palau Government (Koror)

    The government of Palau has announced that Thursday, November 28, 2024, would be a non-working public holiday in Palau on account of the upcoming Thanksgiving Day public holiday of Palau.

    Normally, the day after Thanksgiving Day is also a public holiday, namely the Family Day public holiday.

    However, a month ago, Palau President, Surangel Samuel Whipps Jr., announced that the 2024 Family Day public holiday would be observed on November 22 instead of the previously-announced date of November 29, 2024, based on the fact that Republic of Palau Public Law (RPPL) 10-15, declaring Family Day as a public holiday, specifies that it is to be observed "on the fourth Friday of November".

    While the argument is technically correct, it is clear that it was the lawmakers' and the then President's intention that the Family Day and Thanksgiving public holidays be observed in lockstep.

    To wit, the accompanying 2017 announcement by President Remengesau stated that the declaration of the new Family Day non-working public holiday in Palau "will automatically allow for a 4-day weekend as it will be followed by Thanksgiving Day, which is on the fourth Thursday of November. This will be the only week in the year that every citizen may find the opportunity for a full 4 days weekend”.

    And indeed, the same situation occurred in 2019 (November 1st being a Friday) and Family Day was observed on November 29 notwithstanding the text of Palau Public Law (RPPL) 10-15.    
  • UK (United Kingdom)
  • UK (United Kingdom)
  • Downing Street Rules-Out Additional UK Public Holiday To Mark 80th VE Anniversary
    The Independent (London)

    The UK's prime minister’s spokesperson has announced that the UK government was not planning any additional bank holidays next year to mark 80 years since the end of World War Two.

    As per the aforementioned announcement, "We we will look to use the existing May Day bank holiday for commemorative events" but these plans "do not include an additional bank holiday".

    Earlier this week, the UK media was reporting that plans were afoot to declare a one-off public holiday in 2025 to mark 80 years since the end of World War II, with possible dates under consideration being Friday, May 9, 2025, or Monday, May 12, 2025, or August 22 as an extension of the summer bank holiday on August 25.    
  • Downing Street Rules-Out Additional UK Public Holiday To Mark 80th VE Anniversary
    The Independent (London)

    The UK's prime minister’s spokesperson has announced that the UK government was not planning any additional bank holidays next year to mark 80 years since the end of World War Two.

    As per the aforementioned announcement, "We we will look to use the existing May Day bank holiday for commemorative events" but these plans "do not include an additional bank holiday".

    Earlier this week, the UK media was reporting that plans were afoot to declare a one-off public holiday in 2025 to mark 80 years since the end of World War II, with possible dates under consideration being Friday, May 9, 2025, or Monday, May 12, 2025, or August 22 as an extension of the summer bank holiday on August 25.    
  • US Virgin Islands
  • US Virgin Islands
  • US Virgin Islands Adds Year-End Public Holidays
    Government of the United States Virgin Islands (Charlotte Amalie)

    As per custom, the Governor of the US Virgin Islands, Albert Bryan Jr., has declared a series of one-off public sector holidays in the US Virgin Islands for the end of 2024 and the beginning of 2025.    
  • US Virgin Islands Adds Year-End Public Holidays
    Government of the United States Virgin Islands (Charlotte Amalie)

    As per custom, the Governor of the US Virgin Islands, Albert Bryan Jr., has declared a series of one-off public sector holidays in the US Virgin Islands for the end of 2024 and the beginning of 2025.    
  • Vietnam
  • Vietnam
  • Vietnamese 2025 Public Holidays Officialized
    Vietnam Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Hanoi)

    The Vietnamese Government Office has issued the Document No.8726/VPCP-KGVX which contains the decision of Prime Minister, Pham Minh Chinh, on the list of 2025 public holidays in Vietnam, in response to the the proposal of the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs (MOLISA) in Official Dispatch No. 5152/BLDTBXH-CATLĐ dated October 22, 2024 and Official Dispatch No. 5621/BLDTBXH-CATLĐ dated November 8, 2024.

    As per today's Document No.8726/VPCP-KGVX, the Prime Minister issued the following comments "Agree with the proposal of the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs in the above documents on Lunar New Year holidays , National Day holidays and swapping working days on the occasion of Victory Day 30/4 and International Labor Day 1/5/2025".

    This decision applies to civil servants, public employees, and workers in administrative agencies, public service agencies, political organizations, and socio-political organizations.

    However, MOLISA encourages all other businesses to give employees the same holiday schedule as specified in Document No.8726/VPCP-KGVX and, in any event, MOLISA requires employers to decide on one of three Tet holiday options, and to notify employees of the Lunar New Year holiday plan 30 days in advance.

    Recall that, in mid-September, MOLISA submitted a draft list of 2025 public holidays with only one option for the Lunar New Year public holidays, as well as only one option only for the Victory Day and May 1 public holidays.

    After a month of consultations, 13 of the 16 agencies and ministries consulted came out in favour of MOLISA's draft and the proposal was sent to the Prime Minister for approval in late October.    
  • Vietnamese 2025 Public Holidays Officialized
    Vietnam Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Hanoi)

    The Vietnamese Government Office has issued the Document No.8726/VPCP-KGVX which contains the decision of Prime Minister, Pham Minh Chinh, on the list of 2025 public holidays in Vietnam, in response to the the proposal of the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs (MOLISA) in Official Dispatch No. 5152/BLDTBXH-CATLĐ dated October 22, 2024 and Official Dispatch No. 5621/BLDTBXH-CATLĐ dated November 8, 2024.

    As per today's Document No.8726/VPCP-KGVX, the Prime Minister issued the following comments "Agree with the proposal of the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs in the above documents on Lunar New Year holidays , National Day holidays and swapping working days on the occasion of Victory Day 30/4 and International Labor Day 1/5/2025".

    This decision applies to civil servants, public employees, and workers in administrative agencies, public service agencies, political organizations, and socio-political organizations.

    However, MOLISA encourages all other businesses to give employees the same holiday schedule as specified in Document No.8726/VPCP-KGVX and, in any event, MOLISA requires employers to decide on one of three Tet holiday options, and to notify employees of the Lunar New Year holiday plan 30 days in advance.

    Recall that, in mid-September, MOLISA submitted a draft list of 2025 public holidays with only one option for the Lunar New Year public holidays, as well as only one option only for the Victory Day and May 1 public holidays.

    After a month of consultations, 13 of the 16 agencies and ministries consulted came out in favour of MOLISA's draft and the proposal was sent to the Prime Minister for approval in late October.    

November 25, 2024

  • Puducherry (PY)
  • Puducherry (PY)
  • Puducherry 2025 Public Holidays Announced
    Government of Puducherry (Saram)

    The government of India's Union Territory of Puducherry has announced the list of official Puducherry non-working public holidays for the upcoming calendar year 2024, in the Government Order vide notification G.O. Ms. No. 88 to be published in the next issue of the official Gazette de L' État de Poudouchéry/The Gazette of Puducherry.

    As per the aforementioned vide notification, "The Lieutenant Governor, Puducherry is pleased to declare that all Government Offices/Government Undertakings, Boards and other Institutions under the control of Government of Puducherry and all Banking institutions including Co-operative Banks in the Union Territory of Puducherry shall be closed on the days specified in the notification in Appendix-I and Appendix-II respectively. The following holidays, which fall on Sundays during the year, 2025 have been excluded from the total count of holidays list in order to observe 17 holidays in a year.".

    It goes on to specify that "In addition to the closed holidays, the Lieutenant Governor is also pleased to permit each Government Servant to avail any 2 (two) holidays to be chosen by him/her out of the list of Restricted Holidays in Appendix-III." and that "No substitute holidays shall be allowed on any event for the festival holiday initially declared.".

    As usual, the list of 2025 public holidays in India's Union Territory of Puducherry is broken into 3 separate regional lists; Puducherry and Karaikal, Mahe, and Yanam.    
  • Puducherry 2025 Public Holidays Announced
    Government of Puducherry (Saram)

    The government of India's Union Territory of Puducherry has announced the list of official Puducherry non-working public holidays for the upcoming calendar year 2024, in the Government Order vide notification G.O. Ms. No. 88 to be published in the next issue of the official Gazette de L' État de Poudouchéry/The Gazette of Puducherry.

    As per the aforementioned vide notification, "The Lieutenant Governor, Puducherry is pleased to declare that all Government Offices/Government Undertakings, Boards and other Institutions under the control of Government of Puducherry and all Banking institutions including Co-operative Banks in the Union Territory of Puducherry shall be closed on the days specified in the notification in Appendix-I and Appendix-II respectively. The following holidays, which fall on Sundays during the year, 2025 have been excluded from the total count of holidays list in order to observe 17 holidays in a year.".

    It goes on to specify that "In addition to the closed holidays, the Lieutenant Governor is also pleased to permit each Government Servant to avail any 2 (two) holidays to be chosen by him/her out of the list of Restricted Holidays in Appendix-III." and that "No substitute holidays shall be allowed on any event for the festival holiday initially declared.".

    As usual, the list of 2025 public holidays in India's Union Territory of Puducherry is broken into 3 separate regional lists; Puducherry and Karaikal, Mahe, and Yanam.    
  • Transdniestria (PMR)
  • Transdniestria (PMR)
  • Transdniestria Shuffles 2024-2025 Year-End Public Holidays
    Interfax (Tiraspol)

    The government of Transdniestria has announced a period of 10 consecutive public holidays on account of the upcoming 2025 New Year and Orthodox Christmas.

    As per the aforementioned announcement, the days off work will run from Sunday, December 29, 2024, until Tuesday, January 7, 2025, inclusively.

    Recall that January 2 was added as an annual public holiday at the end of 2006 by the then President of Pridnestrovie (PMR), Igor Smirnov.

    January 3 was then added as an annual public holiday beginning in 2012.    
  • Transdniestria Shuffles 2024-2025 Year-End Public Holidays
    Interfax (Tiraspol)

    The government of Transdniestria has announced a period of 10 consecutive public holidays on account of the upcoming 2025 New Year and Orthodox Christmas.

    As per the aforementioned announcement, the days off work will run from Sunday, December 29, 2024, until Tuesday, January 7, 2025, inclusively.

    Recall that January 2 was added as an annual public holiday at the end of 2006 by the then President of Pridnestrovie (PMR), Igor Smirnov.

    January 3 was then added as an annual public holiday beginning in 2012.    
  • UK (United Kingdom)
  • UK (United Kingdom)
  • UK Could Add Public Holiday To Mark 80th Anniversary Of VE and VJ Days
    The Independent (London)

    The UK media is reporting that plans are afoot to declare a one-off public holiday in 2025 to mark 80 years since the end of World War II.

    Possible dates under consideration are Friday, May 9, 2025, or Monday, May 12, 2025, as well as the possibility of adding August 22 as an extension of the summer bank holiday on August 25.

    Recall that, in February 2019, the then UK Prime Minister's official spokesman had announced that the 2020 early May bank holiday might be moved from Monday, May 4, 2020, to Friday, May 8, 2020, to coincide with the 75th anniversary of the end of WW2 in Europe, as was done in 1995 for the 50th anniversary of VE-Day.

    This was then confirmed in June of that same year by the then UK Business Secretary, Greg Clark.

    Although the commemorative public holidays marking anniversaries of the end of WW2 are usually set in May, there are reasons to think that this time, the mentioned August date could be chosen, as we are a few months away from May 2025 only and many weddings have already been planned for the May 3-5, 2025, long weekend (one source of criticism for the 2019 announcement which actually came much earlier).    
  • UK Could Add Public Holiday To Mark 80th Anniversary Of VE and VJ Days
    The Independent (London)

    The UK media is reporting that plans are afoot to declare a one-off public holiday in 2025 to mark 80 years since the end of World War II.

    Possible dates under consideration are Friday, May 9, 2025, or Monday, May 12, 2025, as well as the possibility of adding August 22 as an extension of the summer bank holiday on August 25.

    Recall that, in February 2019, the then UK Prime Minister's official spokesman had announced that the 2020 early May bank holiday might be moved from Monday, May 4, 2020, to Friday, May 8, 2020, to coincide with the 75th anniversary of the end of WW2 in Europe, as was done in 1995 for the 50th anniversary of VE-Day.

    This was then confirmed in June of that same year by the then UK Business Secretary, Greg Clark.

    Although the commemorative public holidays marking anniversaries of the end of WW2 are usually set in May, there are reasons to think that this time, the mentioned August date could be chosen, as we are a few months away from May 2025 only and many weddings have already been planned for the May 3-5, 2025, long weekend (one source of criticism for the 2019 announcement which actually came much earlier).    

November 24, 2024

  • Nepal
  • Nepal
  • Nepal Pressed To Declare December 1 Electoral Public Holiday
    Nepalese Ministry of Home Affairs (Kathmandu)

    Nepal's Election Commission, through the Ministry of Federal Affairs and General Administration, has called on local governments to announce a public holiday on Sunday, December 1, 2024, in the local wards where by-elections are to be held.

    Recall that Friday, May 13, 2022, was declared a one-off public holiday in Nepal on account of the local level elections being held on that date.    
  • Nepal Pressed To Declare December 1 Electoral Public Holiday
    Nepalese Ministry of Home Affairs (Kathmandu)

    Nepal's Election Commission, through the Ministry of Federal Affairs and General Administration, has called on local governments to announce a public holiday on Sunday, December 1, 2024, in the local wards where by-elections are to be held.

    Recall that Friday, May 13, 2022, was declared a one-off public holiday in Nepal on account of the local level elections being held on that date.    

November 23, 2024

  • Western Australia (WA)
  • Western Australia (WA)
  • Western Australia Could Change Date Of WA Day Public Holiday
    Western Australia Department of Labour Relations and Commerce (Perth)

    The Prime Minister of the State of Western Australia, Roger Cook, has indicated that he was open to the idea of moving the Western Australia Day public holiday closer to summer.

    Speaking to reporters, Prime Minister Cook stated that "I think it makes sense to explore how we might better align the date of the WA Day public holiday, particularly to coincide with our warmer months around summer", adding that "I am open to reviewing the date of the public holiday in the future, as part of broader reforms that look at maximising any economic benefits".

    Originally called Foundation Day until 2011, WA Day is observed on the first Monday of winter, and for the past few years, that date has seen heavy rains.    
  • Western Australia Could Change Date Of WA Day Public Holiday
    Western Australia Department of Labour Relations and Commerce (Perth)

    The Prime Minister of the State of Western Australia, Roger Cook, has indicated that he was open to the idea of moving the Western Australia Day public holiday closer to summer.

    Speaking to reporters, Prime Minister Cook stated that "I think it makes sense to explore how we might better align the date of the WA Day public holiday, particularly to coincide with our warmer months around summer", adding that "I am open to reviewing the date of the public holiday in the future, as part of broader reforms that look at maximising any economic benefits".

    Originally called Foundation Day until 2011, WA Day is observed on the first Monday of winter, and for the past few years, that date has seen heavy rains.    

November 22, 2024

  • Chandigarh (CH)
  • Chandigarh (CH)
  • Chandigarh Moves Guru Tegh Bahadur Public Holiday To December 6
    Government of Chandigarh (Chandigarh)

    The Government of India's Union Territory of Chandigarh has announced that the date of the upcoming restricted public holiday for the Martyrdom Day of Guru Tegh Bahadur had been moved from November 24, to December 6, 2024.

    As per the aforementioned vide notification, "In partial modification of this Administration's Notification No.6/1/1-IH(I)-2023/17123, dated 15.12.2023 regarding declaring of Restricted Holidays in the Union Territory of Chandigarh during the calendar year 2024, the 06th December, 2024 (Friday) will now be observed as Restricted Holiday in all the Government Offices/ Boards/ Corporations/ Institutions including Industrial Establishments under the Chandigarh Administration on account of Martyrdom Day of Sri Guru Teg Bahadur Ji instead of 24th November, 2024.".

    The aforementioned announcement thus amends the list of 2024 public holidays in India's Union Territory of Chandigarh as contained in last December's vide notification No.6/1/1-IH(I)-2023/17123.    
  • Chandigarh Moves Guru Tegh Bahadur Public Holiday To December 6
    Government of Chandigarh (Chandigarh)

    The Government of India's Union Territory of Chandigarh has announced that the date of the upcoming restricted public holiday for the Martyrdom Day of Guru Tegh Bahadur had been moved from November 24, to December 6, 2024.

    As per the aforementioned vide notification, "In partial modification of this Administration's Notification No.6/1/1-IH(I)-2023/17123, dated 15.12.2023 regarding declaring of Restricted Holidays in the Union Territory of Chandigarh during the calendar year 2024, the 06th December, 2024 (Friday) will now be observed as Restricted Holiday in all the Government Offices/ Boards/ Corporations/ Institutions including Industrial Establishments under the Chandigarh Administration on account of Martyrdom Day of Sri Guru Teg Bahadur Ji instead of 24th November, 2024.".

    The aforementioned announcement thus amends the list of 2024 public holidays in India's Union Territory of Chandigarh as contained in last December's vide notification No.6/1/1-IH(I)-2023/17123.    
  • Nunavut (NU)
  • Nunavut (NU)
  • Nunavut Announces 2025 Public Holidays
    The Government of Nunavut (Iqaluit)

    The Government of Canada's territory of Nunavut has released the list of 2025 public holidays in Nunavut, including the Nunavut Day public holiday, added in 2020, and the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation public holiday added in 2022.    
  • Nunavut Announces 2025 Public Holidays
    The Government of Nunavut (Iqaluit)

    The Government of Canada's territory of Nunavut has released the list of 2025 public holidays in Nunavut, including the Nunavut Day public holiday, added in 2020, and the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation public holiday added in 2022.    
  • Tamil Nadu (TN)
  • Tamil Nadu (TN)
  • Tamil Nadu 2025 Public Holidays Released
    Government of Tamil Nadu (Chennai)

    The Government of India's state of Tamil Nadu has released the vide Notification G.O.Ms.No. 792 containing its annual list of the days which will be non-working public holidays in India's state of Tamil Nadu for the upcoming calendar year 2025.

    The aforementioned notification's preamble reads "Under the Explanation to section 25 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 (Central Act XXVI of 1881) read with Notification of the Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs, No. 20-25-26, Public-1, dated the 8th June 1957, the Government of Tamil Nadu hereby declares that, in addition to Sundays expressly defined as Public Holidays, in the said Explanation, the following days shall be Public Holidays for the year 2025.".    
  • Tamil Nadu 2025 Public Holidays Released
    Government of Tamil Nadu (Chennai)

    The Government of India's state of Tamil Nadu has released the vide Notification G.O.Ms.No. 792 containing its annual list of the days which will be non-working public holidays in India's state of Tamil Nadu for the upcoming calendar year 2025.

    The aforementioned notification's preamble reads "Under the Explanation to section 25 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 (Central Act XXVI of 1881) read with Notification of the Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs, No. 20-25-26, Public-1, dated the 8th June 1957, the Government of Tamil Nadu hereby declares that, in addition to Sundays expressly defined as Public Holidays, in the said Explanation, the following days shall be Public Holidays for the year 2025.".    
  • UAE (United Arab Emirates)
  • UAE (United Arab Emirates)
  • UAE Eid Al Etihad Public Holiday For Private Sector
    Emirates News Agency (WAM)

    The UAE's Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MoHRE) has announced that Monday and Tuesday, December 2-3, 2024, would be paid public holidays for private sector employees in observance of the 53rd UAE National Day (labeled as Eid Al Etihad since 2024).

    The aforementioned announcement aligns with the UAE Cabinet Resolution regarding official public holidays for the public and private sectors for 2024, released last November, and follows last week's announcement by the UAE's Federal Authority for Government Human Resources (FAHR) announcing that the upcoming National Day celebrations for public sector employees would occur on Monday and Tuesday, December 2-3, 2024.

    Since January 1, 2022, the UAE observes a Saturday-Sunday weekend "to better align its economy with global markets".    
  • UAE Eid Al Etihad Public Holiday For Private Sector
    Emirates News Agency (WAM)

    The UAE's Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MoHRE) has announced that Monday and Tuesday, December 2-3, 2024, would be paid public holidays for private sector employees in observance of the 53rd UAE National Day (labeled as Eid Al Etihad since 2024).

    The aforementioned announcement aligns with the UAE Cabinet Resolution regarding official public holidays for the public and private sectors for 2024, released last November, and follows last week's announcement by the UAE's Federal Authority for Government Human Resources (FAHR) announcing that the upcoming National Day celebrations for public sector employees would occur on Monday and Tuesday, December 2-3, 2024.

    Since January 1, 2022, the UAE observes a Saturday-Sunday weekend "to better align its economy with global markets".    
  • West Bengal (WB)
  • West Bengal (WB)
  • West Bengal 2025 Public Holidays Announced
    Government of West Bengal (Howrah)

    The government of India's state of West Bengal has announced its list of 2024 non-working public holidays, in the Department Notification No. 4712 -F(P2), dated Howrah, the 22nd November, 2024, and signed by order of the Governor, by the Additional Chief Secretary to the Government of West Bengal, P.K. Mishra.

    The aforementioned Department Notification No. 4712 is broken down into the following sections; List-I (Public Holidays in 2025 under the N. I. Act), List-II (Holidays under the order of State Government in 2025), which as usual contains additional government only public holiday dates on the day before or after the public holidays of list I, List-III (Sectional Holidays in 2025), finishing off with the footnotes "1. Sundays are holidays under the Negotiable Instrument Act." and "2. In the year 2025, the following festivals/ occasions fall on Sundays which are public Holidays under N.I. Act and hence have not been included in lists", referring to the Birthday of Swami Vivekananda, Republic Day, Saraswati Puja [Sree Panchami], Birthday of Poet Bhanu Bhakt (for Darjeeling and Kalingpong District only), Mahalaya, and Durga Puja, Maha Shashthi.

    Referring to the 3 aforementioned lists, the Department Notification No. 4712 states that "the Governor is pleased to declare the days as specified at List I below to be Public Holidays during the year 2025", "the offices under the Government of West Bengal with the exception of the offices of the Registrar of Assurances, Kolkata and Collector of the Stamp Revenue, Kolkata shall be closed on the days as specified at List-II below which are not declared to be public holidays, during the year 2025" and that "the days as specified at List-Ill may be observed as Sectional Holidays in the year 2025 for the employees of different communities mentioned against the day".    
  • West Bengal 2025 Public Holidays Announced
    Government of West Bengal (Howrah)

    The government of India's state of West Bengal has announced its list of 2024 non-working public holidays, in the Department Notification No. 4712 -F(P2), dated Howrah, the 22nd November, 2024, and signed by order of the Governor, by the Additional Chief Secretary to the Government of West Bengal, P.K. Mishra.

    The aforementioned Department Notification No. 4712 is broken down into the following sections; List-I (Public Holidays in 2025 under the N. I. Act), List-II (Holidays under the order of State Government in 2025), which as usual contains additional government only public holiday dates on the day before or after the public holidays of list I, List-III (Sectional Holidays in 2025), finishing off with the footnotes "1. Sundays are holidays under the Negotiable Instrument Act." and "2. In the year 2025, the following festivals/ occasions fall on Sundays which are public Holidays under N.I. Act and hence have not been included in lists", referring to the Birthday of Swami Vivekananda, Republic Day, Saraswati Puja [Sree Panchami], Birthday of Poet Bhanu Bhakt (for Darjeeling and Kalingpong District only), Mahalaya, and Durga Puja, Maha Shashthi.

    Referring to the 3 aforementioned lists, the Department Notification No. 4712 states that "the Governor is pleased to declare the days as specified at List I below to be Public Holidays during the year 2025", "the offices under the Government of West Bengal with the exception of the offices of the Registrar of Assurances, Kolkata and Collector of the Stamp Revenue, Kolkata shall be closed on the days as specified at List-II below which are not declared to be public holidays, during the year 2025" and that "the days as specified at List-Ill may be observed as Sectional Holidays in the year 2025 for the employees of different communities mentioned against the day".    
  • Yukon (YT)
  • Yukon (YT)
  • Yukon Declares 2025 Public Holidays
    The Government of Yukon (Whitehorse)

    The territorial government of Canada's Yukon Territory has announced the list of 2025 public holidays in Yukon, including the National Aboriginal Day public holiday, added in 2017, and the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation public holiday added in 2023.    
  • Yukon Declares 2025 Public Holidays
    The Government of Yukon (Whitehorse)

    The territorial government of Canada's Yukon Territory has announced the list of 2025 public holidays in Yukon, including the National Aboriginal Day public holiday, added in 2017, and the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation public holiday added in 2023.    

November 21, 2024

  • Argentina
  • Argentina
  • Argentina Announces 2025 Public Holidays
    Boletín Oficial de la República Argentina (Buenos Aires)

    The government of Argentina has published the Decreto 1027/2024, signed by Argentina's President, Javier Milei, and his Chief of Staff, Guillermo Francos, which declares 3 bridge public holidays in 2025 (días no laborables con fines turísticos), in addition to the list of annual public holidays of Argentina, as per the Ley N° 27.399.

    These 3 days are declared as non-working days and not as holidays, so it is up to the employer to decide whether to work or not, except in the National Public Administration, Banks, Insurance and related activities, in which the observance of these 3 days is mandatory.

    The feriados con fines turísticos were established in the "Decreto 1585/2010, Establécense días feriados con fines turísticos", implementing a major public holidays revision and instituting the principle of 2 annual bridge public holidays.

    During his run for office, in 2017, President Mauricio Macri had vowed to eliminate one-off bridge public holidays in Argentina, and when he took office, he first sent a legislative proposal to end one-off public holidays in Argentina, and faced with legislative delays, he issued the Decreto de Necesidad y Urgencia to effect the change by executive decree instead.

    But, as the French say, "chassez le naturel et il revient au galop", and later that same year, the feriados puente were re-instated in the law 27.399 whereby the executive now had the ability to declare one-off bridge public holidays in Argentina, up to a maximum of 3 per year.

    In principle, these días no laborables con fines turísticos need to be announced at least 50 days before the beginning of the year in question, but that has not always been the case.    
  • Argentina Announces 2025 Public Holidays
    Boletín Oficial de la República Argentina (Buenos Aires)

    The government of Argentina has published the Decreto 1027/2024, signed by Argentina's President, Javier Milei, and his Chief of Staff, Guillermo Francos, which declares 3 bridge public holidays in 2025 (días no laborables con fines turísticos), in addition to the list of annual public holidays of Argentina, as per the Ley N° 27.399.

    These 3 days are declared as non-working days and not as holidays, so it is up to the employer to decide whether to work or not, except in the National Public Administration, Banks, Insurance and related activities, in which the observance of these 3 days is mandatory.

    The feriados con fines turísticos were established in the "Decreto 1585/2010, Establécense días feriados con fines turísticos", implementing a major public holidays revision and instituting the principle of 2 annual bridge public holidays.

    During his run for office, in 2017, President Mauricio Macri had vowed to eliminate one-off bridge public holidays in Argentina, and when he took office, he first sent a legislative proposal to end one-off public holidays in Argentina, and faced with legislative delays, he issued the Decreto de Necesidad y Urgencia to effect the change by executive decree instead.

    But, as the French say, "chassez le naturel et il revient au galop", and later that same year, the feriados puente were re-instated in the law 27.399 whereby the executive now had the ability to declare one-off bridge public holidays in Argentina, up to a maximum of 3 per year.

    In principle, these días no laborables con fines turísticos need to be announced at least 50 days before the beginning of the year in question, but that has not always been the case.    
  • Indonesia
  • Indonesia
  • Indonesian November 27 Electoral Public Holiday Finally Officialized
    Situs Resmi Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Kesejahteraan Rakyat (Jakarta)

    Indonesian President, Prabowo Subianto, has issued the Presidential Decree Number 33 finally officially declaring Wednesday, November 27, 2024, as a one off public holiday on account of that day's nationwide election of governors and deputy governors, regents and deputy regents, and mayors and deputy mayors.

    The Presidential Decree Number 33 is in accordance with the provisions of Law Number 6 of 2020 concerning the Election of Governors, Regents and Mayors, which states that voting is carried out on holidays or days that are declared off.

    Recall that, earlier this month, Indonesia's Secretary of State, Prasetyo Hadi, had announced that the Indonesian government had decided to declare Wednesday, November 27, 2024, as a one-off public holiday on account of the Simultaneous Regional Elections being held on that date, as was done in 2020, 2018, and 2015.

    But since then, the release of the expected official decree kept on being postponed.    
  • Indonesian November 27 Electoral Public Holiday Finally Officialized
    Situs Resmi Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Kesejahteraan Rakyat (Jakarta)

    Indonesian President, Prabowo Subianto, has issued the Presidential Decree Number 33 finally officially declaring Wednesday, November 27, 2024, as a one off public holiday on account of that day's nationwide election of governors and deputy governors, regents and deputy regents, and mayors and deputy mayors.

    The Presidential Decree Number 33 is in accordance with the provisions of Law Number 6 of 2020 concerning the Election of Governors, Regents and Mayors, which states that voting is carried out on holidays or days that are declared off.

    Recall that, earlier this month, Indonesia's Secretary of State, Prasetyo Hadi, had announced that the Indonesian government had decided to declare Wednesday, November 27, 2024, as a one-off public holiday on account of the Simultaneous Regional Elections being held on that date, as was done in 2020, 2018, and 2015.

    But since then, the release of the expected official decree kept on being postponed.    
  • Karnataka (KA)
  • Karnataka (KA)
  • Karnataka 2025 Public Holidays Announced
    Government of Karnataka (Bengaluru)

    The Government of India's state of Karnataka has issued the vide notification No.DPAR 16 HHL 2024 confirming its earlier announcement of the Karnataka list of non-working public holidays for the upcoming calendar year 2025.

    As per the aforementioned vide notification, "This list does not include Republic Day (26.01.2025), Ugadi Festival (30.03.2025), Last Day of Moharam (06.07.2025) and Mahalaya Amavasye (21.09.2025) which falls on Sundays and Kanakadasa Jayantht (08.11.2025) which falls on Second Saturday.".

    The list of 2025 public holidays in Karnataka comes a week earlier than last year's vide notification No. DPAR 16 HHL2023 which contained the list of 2024 public holidays in Karnataka, and indeed of the announcements of the past few years which all came near the end of November.    
  • Karnataka 2025 Public Holidays Announced
    Government of Karnataka (Bengaluru)

    The Government of India's state of Karnataka has issued the vide notification No.DPAR 16 HHL 2024 confirming its earlier announcement of the Karnataka list of non-working public holidays for the upcoming calendar year 2025.

    As per the aforementioned vide notification, "This list does not include Republic Day (26.01.2025), Ugadi Festival (30.03.2025), Last Day of Moharam (06.07.2025) and Mahalaya Amavasye (21.09.2025) which falls on Sundays and Kanakadasa Jayantht (08.11.2025) which falls on Second Saturday.".

    The list of 2025 public holidays in Karnataka comes a week earlier than last year's vide notification No. DPAR 16 HHL2023 which contained the list of 2024 public holidays in Karnataka, and indeed of the announcements of the past few years which all came near the end of November.    
  • Kazakhstan
  • Kazakhstan
  • Kazakhstan 2025 Public Holidays Partially Released
    Electronic government of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Astana)

    The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan has announced changes to the list of January 2025 public holidays in a partial release of the upcoming О переносе дня отдыха в 2025 году annual decree.

    As per the aforementioned announcement, "the day off from Sunday, January 5, 2025, is transferred to Friday, January 3, 2025".

    Late last month, the same ministry had announced that it was working on the possible changes to the list of public holidays for 2025 ("the ministry is currently developing a draft order to transfer the days off to 2025, which will be posted on the ministry’s website and on the Internet portal of open regulatory legal acts for public discussion.").

    Usually, the Government of Kazakhstan announces the list of one-off bridge public holidays and compensatory working Saturdays in December for the following year, but no such announcement was made in December 2023, and the draft decree On the postponement of the day of rest in 2024 (О переносе дня отдыха в 2024 году) was only posted on the eGov website of the Government of Kazakhstan on April 12 and officialized on April 18, 2024.    
  • Kazakhstan 2025 Public Holidays Partially Released
    Electronic government of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Astana)

    The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan has announced changes to the list of January 2025 public holidays in a partial release of the upcoming О переносе дня отдыха в 2025 году annual decree.

    As per the aforementioned announcement, "the day off from Sunday, January 5, 2025, is transferred to Friday, January 3, 2025".

    Late last month, the same ministry had announced that it was working on the possible changes to the list of public holidays for 2025 ("the ministry is currently developing a draft order to transfer the days off to 2025, which will be posted on the ministry’s website and on the Internet portal of open regulatory legal acts for public discussion.").

    Usually, the Government of Kazakhstan announces the list of one-off bridge public holidays and compensatory working Saturdays in December for the following year, but no such announcement was made in December 2023, and the draft decree On the postponement of the day of rest in 2024 (О переносе дня отдыха в 2024 году) was only posted on the eGov website of the Government of Kazakhstan on April 12 and officialized on April 18, 2024.    
  • Timor-Leste
  • Timor-Leste
  • Timor Leste Declares November 29 Public Holiday
    Press Release Government Of Timor-Leste (Dili)

    The government of Timor Leste has issued a communiqué declaring Friday, November 29, 2024, as as a one-off public sector holiday (Tolerância de Ponto no dia 29 de novembro de 2024 por ocasião do 49.o Aniversário da Proclamação da Independência de Timor-Leste).

    As per the aforementioned communiqué, "under the provisions of paragraph a) of paragraph 2 and paragraph d) of paragraph 6 of article 7 of Law no . 10/2005 , of August 10, amended by Laws no. 3/2016 , of May 25, and 10/2023, of April 5, the Prime Minister determined the following: A day off is granted on November 29th, all day".

    The weekday before or the day after (sometime both) the annual November 28 Proclamation of Independence public holiday has often been declared a tolerância de ponto (most recently in 2017, 2013, and in 2012).    
  • Timor Leste Declares November 29 Public Holiday
    Press Release Government Of Timor-Leste (Dili)

    The government of Timor Leste has issued a communiqué declaring Friday, November 29, 2024, as as a one-off public sector holiday (Tolerância de Ponto no dia 29 de novembro de 2024 por ocasião do 49.o Aniversário da Proclamação da Independência de Timor-Leste).

    As per the aforementioned communiqué, "under the provisions of paragraph a) of paragraph 2 and paragraph d) of paragraph 6 of article 7 of Law no . 10/2005 , of August 10, amended by Laws no. 3/2016 , of May 25, and 10/2023, of April 5, the Prime Minister determined the following: A day off is granted on November 29th, all day".

    The weekday before or the day after (sometime both) the annual November 28 Proclamation of Independence public holiday has often been declared a tolerância de ponto (most recently in 2017, 2013, and in 2012).    

November 20, 2024

  • Basel-Stadt (BS)
  • Basel-Stadt (BS)
  • Basel-Stadt Announces 2026 Public Holidays
    Kanton Basel-Stadt (Basel)

    Switzerland's canton of Basel-Stadt has announced its list of 2026 public holidays and paid days off work.

    As usual the aforementioned list includes a 7 half-day paid sector holidays on the eve of most holidays such as Christmas, New Year, Good Friday, May 1st, August 1st, and Ascension Day.

    Note, however, that the Government of the canton of Basel-Stadt is reorganizing its public sector holidays to become a more attractive employer. As part of that program, some of the half-day public sector holidays, such as the ones before before Good Friday and Ascension Day, will be replaced by full-day public sector holidays.    
  • Basel-Stadt Announces 2026 Public Holidays
    Kanton Basel-Stadt (Basel)

    Switzerland's canton of Basel-Stadt has announced its list of 2026 public holidays and paid days off work.

    As usual the aforementioned list includes a 7 half-day paid sector holidays on the eve of most holidays such as Christmas, New Year, Good Friday, May 1st, August 1st, and Ascension Day.

    Note, however, that the Government of the canton of Basel-Stadt is reorganizing its public sector holidays to become a more attractive employer. As part of that program, some of the half-day public sector holidays, such as the ones before before Good Friday and Ascension Day, will be replaced by full-day public sector holidays.    
  • Serbia
  • Serbia
  • Serbian 2025 Public Holidays Announced
    Serbian Government Ministry of Labour and Social Policy (Belgrade)

    The Serbian government has released the annual list of official non-working public holidays and bank holidays in Serbia for the calendar year 2025 (Календар државних празника 2025), in line with the amended Law on State Holidays of Serbia of 2011, which extended the duration of Serbia's Statehood Day (Sretenje) from 1 to 2 days.

    Note that the list of 2025 Serbian public holidays does not include Orthodox New Year, as the declaration of Monday, January 14, 2013, as an official non-working public holiday in Serbia, was a one-off event.

    And, as usual, the aforementioned list mentions the following Working public holidays; Saint Sava’s Day (27 January), National Holocaust, WWII Genocide and other Fascist Crimes Victims Remembrance Day (22 April), Victory Day (9 May), Saint Vitus' Day (28 June), and World War II Serbian Victims Remembrance Day (21 October).

  • Serbian 2025 Public Holidays Announced
    Serbian Government Ministry of Labour and Social Policy (Belgrade)

    The Serbian government has released the annual list of official non-working public holidays and bank holidays in Serbia for the calendar year 2025 (Календар државних празника 2025), in line with the amended Law on State Holidays of Serbia of 2011, which extended the duration of Serbia's Statehood Day (Sretenje) from 1 to 2 days.

    Note that the list of 2025 Serbian public holidays does not include Orthodox New Year, as the declaration of Monday, January 14, 2013, as an official non-working public holiday in Serbia, was a one-off event.

    And, as usual, the aforementioned list mentions the following Working public holidays; Saint Sava’s Day (27 January), National Holocaust, WWII Genocide and other Fascist Crimes Victims Remembrance Day (22 April), Victory Day (9 May), Saint Vitus' Day (28 June), and World War II Serbian Victims Remembrance Day (21 October).


November 19, 2024

  • Bihar (BR)
  • Bihar (BR)
  • Bihar Declares December 5 Electoral Public Holiday
    Government of Bihar (Patna)

    The General Administration Department of the Government of India's state of Bihar has released the vide notification No.3/H-01/2023 S.P 472/B which declares a one-off public sector holiday on Thursday, December 5, 2024, on account of that day's by-elections.

    The aforementioned vide notification does not substantially amend the terms of the Government vide notification No. 3/H-02/2023-S.P 16953 of September 2023 which specified the annual list of non-working public holidays in India's state of Bihar for the calendar year 2024, as that previous vide notification only covered statewide public holidays.    
  • Bihar Declares December 5 Electoral Public Holiday
    Government of Bihar (Patna)

    The General Administration Department of the Government of India's state of Bihar has released the vide notification No.3/H-01/2023 S.P 472/B which declares a one-off public sector holiday on Thursday, December 5, 2024, on account of that day's by-elections.

    The aforementioned vide notification does not substantially amend the terms of the Government vide notification No. 3/H-02/2023-S.P 16953 of September 2023 which specified the annual list of non-working public holidays in India's state of Bihar for the calendar year 2024, as that previous vide notification only covered statewide public holidays.    
  • Liechtenstein
  • Liechtenstein
  • Liechtenstein 2025 Public Holidays Announced
    Liechtensteinischer Bankenverband (Bankenplatz Liechtenstein)

    The government of Liechtenstein has released its annual official list of Liechtenstein bank holidays and public holidays in Liechtenstein for the calendar year 2025.

    As usual, some of the announced dates are public holidays observed by banks and the financial sector only, namely; St Berchtold's Day, Carnival, Good Friday, Christmas Eve, and New Year's Eve.    
  • Liechtenstein 2025 Public Holidays Announced
    Liechtensteinischer Bankenverband (Bankenplatz Liechtenstein)

    The government of Liechtenstein has released its annual official list of Liechtenstein bank holidays and public holidays in Liechtenstein for the calendar year 2025.

    As usual, some of the announced dates are public holidays observed by banks and the financial sector only, namely; St Berchtold's Day, Carnival, Good Friday, Christmas Eve, and New Year's Eve.    
  • Macedonia
  • Macedonia
  • Macedonia Alphabet Day Public Holiday November 22
    Ministry of Labour and Social Policy of the Republic of Macedonia (Skopje)

    Macedonia's Ministry of Social Policy, Demography and Youth has announced that Friday, November 22, 2024, would be a non-working public holiday for Albanian citizens in Macedonia.

    As per the aforementioned announcement, "The Ministry of Social Policy, Demography and Youth announces that, in accordance with the Law on Holidays of the Republic of Macedonia (Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia no. 21/98 and 18/07), November 22, 2024 (Friday) is Alphabet Day Shqip, it is a non-working day for citizens who belong to the Albanian community in the Republic of North Macedonia".

    The aforementioned announcement is in line with the dates contained in last October's list of official non-working public holidays in Macedonia and Macedonian bank holidays for the calendar year 2024 (Програма на неработни денови за 2024 година), which contained sectorial holidays for citizens of Orthodox religion, Catholic religion, Muslim religion, the Albanian community, the Serb community, the Roma community, the Vlach community, the Jewish community, the Bosniak community, and the Turkish community.    
  • Macedonia Alphabet Day Public Holiday November 22
    Ministry of Labour and Social Policy of the Republic of Macedonia (Skopje)

    Macedonia's Ministry of Social Policy, Demography and Youth has announced that Friday, November 22, 2024, would be a non-working public holiday for Albanian citizens in Macedonia.

    As per the aforementioned announcement, "The Ministry of Social Policy, Demography and Youth announces that, in accordance with the Law on Holidays of the Republic of Macedonia (Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia no. 21/98 and 18/07), November 22, 2024 (Friday) is Alphabet Day Shqip, it is a non-working day for citizens who belong to the Albanian community in the Republic of North Macedonia".

    The aforementioned announcement is in line with the dates contained in last October's list of official non-working public holidays in Macedonia and Macedonian bank holidays for the calendar year 2024 (Програма на неработни денови за 2024 година), which contained sectorial holidays for citizens of Orthodox religion, Catholic religion, Muslim religion, the Albanian community, the Serb community, the Roma community, the Vlach community, the Jewish community, the Bosniak community, and the Turkish community.    
  • Peru
  • Peru
  • Peruvian Bill To Make Extended Public Holidays Predictable
    Diario Oficial El Peruano (Lima)

    The Peruvian Congress is considering Bill No. 5095 which establishes a scheme to make the annual declaration of bridge public sector holidays predictable.

    As per the aforementioned bill, public holidays falling on a Tuesday would create a public sector holiday on the preceding Monday, public holidays falling on a Thursday would create a public sector holiday on the following Friday, and public holidays falling on a Wednesday would create a public sector holiday on the preceding Monday and Tuesday.

    As per the bill's sponsor, Congresswoman Adriana Tudela, "In this way, more Peruvians could plan their tourism trips, by having advance information about non-working days . And companies in the sector could better prepare for long holidays and thus offer better services".

    Recall that, almost every year, the Peruvian government gazettes a Decreto Supremo which expands the recently-announced list of public holidays in Peru for the coming calendar year ("Decreto Supremo que declara días no laborables compensables para los trabajadores del sector público, durante el año ...").

    In 2024, 7 such public sector holidays were declared via the Decreto Supremo Nº 011-2024-PCM and the Decreto Supremo Nº 066-2024-PCM.    
  • Peruvian Bill To Make Extended Public Holidays Predictable
    Diario Oficial El Peruano (Lima)

    The Peruvian Congress is considering Bill No. 5095 which establishes a scheme to make the annual declaration of bridge public sector holidays predictable.

    As per the aforementioned bill, public holidays falling on a Tuesday would create a public sector holiday on the preceding Monday, public holidays falling on a Thursday would create a public sector holiday on the following Friday, and public holidays falling on a Wednesday would create a public sector holiday on the preceding Monday and Tuesday.

    As per the bill's sponsor, Congresswoman Adriana Tudela, "In this way, more Peruvians could plan their tourism trips, by having advance information about non-working days . And companies in the sector could better prepare for long holidays and thus offer better services".

    Recall that, almost every year, the Peruvian government gazettes a Decreto Supremo which expands the recently-announced list of public holidays in Peru for the coming calendar year ("Decreto Supremo que declara días no laborables compensables para los trabajadores del sector público, durante el año ...").

    In 2024, 7 such public sector holidays were declared via the Decreto Supremo Nº 011-2024-PCM and the Decreto Supremo Nº 066-2024-PCM.    
  • South Korea
  • South Korea
  • South Korea Declares May 15 National Holiday
    Yonhap News Agency (Seoul)

    The South Korean Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, has announced that the government had approved a change to the regulations on national holidays and commemorative days, whereby May 15 will become a South Korean National Holiday commemorating the birthday of King Sejong, the fourth monarch of the Joseon Dynasty, who was born May 15, 1397.    
  • South Korea Declares May 15 National Holiday
    Yonhap News Agency (Seoul)

    The South Korean Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, has announced that the government had approved a change to the regulations on national holidays and commemorative days, whereby May 15 will become a South Korean National Holiday commemorating the birthday of King Sejong, the fourth monarch of the Joseon Dynasty, who was born May 15, 1397.    

November 18, 2024

  • Equatorial Guinea
  • Equatorial Guinea
  • Equatorial Guinea Votes August 3rd As National Day
    Equatorial Guinea News Portal (Malabo)

    A bill to declare August 3 as the national Day of Equatorial Guinea was approved in the plenary session of the Chamber of Deputies of Equatorial Guinea.    
  • Equatorial Guinea Votes August 3rd As National Day
    Equatorial Guinea News Portal (Malabo)

    A bill to declare August 3 as the national Day of Equatorial Guinea was approved in the plenary session of the Chamber of Deputies of Equatorial Guinea.    
  • Guam
  • Guam
  • Guam Declares Black Friday Public Holiday
    The Government of Guam (Chamorro)

    The Governor of Guam, Lou Leon Guerrero, is about to declare the Friday after the upcoming Thanksgiving public holiday, Friday, November 29, 2024, as a one-off GovGuam public sector holiday in Guam.

    As per the governor's spokesperson, Krystal Paco-San Agustin, "Governor Leon Guerrero will be declaring Friday, Nov. 29, 2024, a GovGuam holiday. An executive order will be issued in the coming days to make this official".

    The declaration of the Friday after Thanksgiving as a public sector holiday in Guam used to be an almost annual event, until 2018, but this practice was interrupted when Governor Calvo left, and then reestablished beginning in 2021.    
  • Guam Declares Black Friday Public Holiday
    The Government of Guam (Chamorro)

    The Governor of Guam, Lou Leon Guerrero, is about to declare the Friday after the upcoming Thanksgiving public holiday, Friday, November 29, 2024, as a one-off GovGuam public sector holiday in Guam.

    As per the governor's spokesperson, Krystal Paco-San Agustin, "Governor Leon Guerrero will be declaring Friday, Nov. 29, 2024, a GovGuam holiday. An executive order will be issued in the coming days to make this official".

    The declaration of the Friday after Thanksgiving as a public sector holiday in Guam used to be an almost annual event, until 2018, but this practice was interrupted when Governor Calvo left, and then reestablished beginning in 2021.    
  • Ladakh (LA)
  • Ladakh (LA)
  • Ladakh 2025 Public Holidays Announced
    Administration of Union Territory of Ladakh (Leh)

    India's Union Territory of Ladakh has released the Government vide order No.541-LA(GAD) of 2024, signed by Michael D'Souza, Administrative Secretary to the General Administration Department, which list of the days which will be non-working public holidays in Ladakh for the upcoming calendar year 2025.

    As per the aforementioned vide notification, "The holidays listed in Annexure A and B to this Order shall be observed in the Government Offices and Educational Institutions of the Union territory of Ladakh, during the Calendar Year, 2025. In addition to the list of public holidays at Annexure A, each employee will be allowed to avail any two holidays to be chosen by him / her out of the list of restricted holidays at Annexure C. In respect of Banks, the holidays shall be regulated in terms of the extant instructions issued under Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881 at Annexure D.".

    On October 31, 2019, the Indian State of Jammu and Kashmir was split into 2, as the new Union Territory of Ladakh was carved out of Jammu and Kashmir, in a manner similar to the creation of Telangana as the 29th state of India on June 2, 2014, having itself been carved-out the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. The remaining part of Jammu and Kashmir was then changed in status from a state to the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir.    
  • Ladakh 2025 Public Holidays Announced
    Administration of Union Territory of Ladakh (Leh)

    India's Union Territory of Ladakh has released the Government vide order No.541-LA(GAD) of 2024, signed by Michael D'Souza, Administrative Secretary to the General Administration Department, which list of the days which will be non-working public holidays in Ladakh for the upcoming calendar year 2025.

    As per the aforementioned vide notification, "The holidays listed in Annexure A and B to this Order shall be observed in the Government Offices and Educational Institutions of the Union territory of Ladakh, during the Calendar Year, 2025. In addition to the list of public holidays at Annexure A, each employee will be allowed to avail any two holidays to be chosen by him / her out of the list of restricted holidays at Annexure C. In respect of Banks, the holidays shall be regulated in terms of the extant instructions issued under Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881 at Annexure D.".

    On October 31, 2019, the Indian State of Jammu and Kashmir was split into 2, as the new Union Territory of Ladakh was carved out of Jammu and Kashmir, in a manner similar to the creation of Telangana as the 29th state of India on June 2, 2014, having itself been carved-out the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. The remaining part of Jammu and Kashmir was then changed in status from a state to the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir.    
  • Nepal
  • Nepal
  • Nepal Declares Public Holiday For Speaker Dhungana
    Nepalese Ministry of Home Affairs (Kathmandu)

    Earlier this morning, the Government of Nepal declared today, November 18, 2024, a public holiday due to the death of ex-Speaker Damannath Dhungana.

    As per the announcement made by Nepal's Minister for Communications and Information Technology, Prithvi Subba Gurung, "It has been decided to declare a public holiday today in honour of former Speaker Dhungana and hoist the national flag at half-mast at all government offices at home and abroad throughout the day".

    Today's declaration of Monday, November 18, 2024, as a public holiday thus amends the gazetted list of official non-working public holidays in Nepal for the Nepalese year 2081 (April 2024-April 2025).    
  • Nepal Declares Public Holiday For Speaker Dhungana
    Nepalese Ministry of Home Affairs (Kathmandu)

    Earlier this morning, the Government of Nepal declared today, November 18, 2024, a public holiday due to the death of ex-Speaker Damannath Dhungana.

    As per the announcement made by Nepal's Minister for Communications and Information Technology, Prithvi Subba Gurung, "It has been decided to declare a public holiday today in honour of former Speaker Dhungana and hoist the national flag at half-mast at all government offices at home and abroad throughout the day".

    Today's declaration of Monday, November 18, 2024, as a public holiday thus amends the gazetted list of official non-working public holidays in Nepal for the Nepalese year 2081 (April 2024-April 2025).    

November 17, 2024

  • Bangladesh
  • Bangladesh
  • Bangladesh 2025 Bank Holidays Announced
    The Central Bank of the People's Republic of Bangladesh (Dhaka)

    Bangladesh's Central Bank has released its annual list of official bank holidays in Bangladesh for the calendar year 2025 ("All Banks and Financial Institutes of Bangladesh are closed on all Fridays and Saturdays and for the following holiday observances in the year of 2025") with a footnote that Muslim bank holidays (Shab-e-Barat, Shab-e-Qadr, Eid-ul-Fitr, Buddha Purnima, Eid-ul-Azha, Ashura, and Eid-e-Miladunnabi) are "Subject to the appearance of the Moon".

    As was the case for last month's list of 2025 public holidays in Bangladesh, today's list of 2025 bank holidays features the extension of both the Eid al-Fitr (End of Ramadan) and the Eid al-Adha (Feast of Sacrifice) annual public holidays to last 5 days and 6 days, respectively, as well as an extension to the annual Durga Puja public holiday to last 2 days.

    The list of 2025 bank holidays also omits the March 17 annual public holiday commemorating the birthday of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and National Children's Day, as well as of the annual August 15, National Mourning Day, public holiday which had been closely tied to the previous Awami League administration.    
  • Bangladesh 2025 Bank Holidays Announced
    The Central Bank of the People's Republic of Bangladesh (Dhaka)

    Bangladesh's Central Bank has released its annual list of official bank holidays in Bangladesh for the calendar year 2025 ("All Banks and Financial Institutes of Bangladesh are closed on all Fridays and Saturdays and for the following holiday observances in the year of 2025") with a footnote that Muslim bank holidays (Shab-e-Barat, Shab-e-Qadr, Eid-ul-Fitr, Buddha Purnima, Eid-ul-Azha, Ashura, and Eid-e-Miladunnabi) are "Subject to the appearance of the Moon".

    As was the case for last month's list of 2025 public holidays in Bangladesh, today's list of 2025 bank holidays features the extension of both the Eid al-Fitr (End of Ramadan) and the Eid al-Adha (Feast of Sacrifice) annual public holidays to last 5 days and 6 days, respectively, as well as an extension to the annual Durga Puja public holiday to last 2 days.

    The list of 2025 bank holidays also omits the March 17 annual public holiday commemorating the birthday of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and National Children's Day, as well as of the annual August 15, National Mourning Day, public holiday which had been closely tied to the previous Awami League administration.    

* to illustrate the qppstudio.net ability to forecast all the public holidays of all the countries of the world for any year in the future, see our pages of 2028 public holidays in Australia, Austria, Bhutan, Canada, Germany, India, Nepal, New Zealand, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, the UK, and the USA.