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This is the most common form of daily GridTemplates.


Both pages look pretty much the same (or they may be mirror images of one another).
Tokens on the left page have a DayValue of 1, and those on the right page have a DayValue of 2.


There are however some subtleties. These come whenever you have tokens that are not duplicated on both pages. Common examples:


You may have the week number appearing on the left page, and a tab with the week number on the right page.
You may have 2 minicalendar, one on each page, but where the left minicalendar refers to the current month, and the one on the right to next month.


In the first case, whenever there is a month change, you will have 2 visually distinct elements giving a different value for the week number. Because each is visually distinct, both of these look like they refer to the entire 2-page layout, not only to the page they are on. This can be confusing. It is best to put all references to the current week on the same page, preferably the right page.


In the second case, it is important to avoid the classic mistake of putting a DayValue of 1 for the minicalendar on the left page and a DayValue of 2 for the one on the right. If you do that, then consider the 2 pages with January 31st on the left and February 1st on the right: the minicalendar on the left will show the month of January and the one on the right will show March (next month, as far as February 1st is concerned). Generally the way to handle this is:


If the minicalendars refer to previous and current months, then base them on DayValue of 2.
If the minicalendars refer to current and next months, then base them on DayValue of 1.


For more details see the section on minicalendars of the GridTemplate design guidelines topic.

See also: 7/14 days on x pages, weekly gridtemplates, monthly gridtemplates and yearly gridtemplates.


Topic 087135, last updated on 29-Mar-2024