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Navigation: Diary Templates > Periodicity > Monthly GridTemplates

Backtrack every Page Monthly Structure

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As its name indicates, the Backtrack Every Page setting is related to Backtrack Every Month.


If you use this setting Q++Studio will also assume that the grid has an underlying structure of 42 days month blocks.


When a new page of the GridTemplate is encountered, Q++Studio looks at it minimum DayValue, divides it by 42 and decides that the minimum date is that number of months later than the previous page.

For example, a 6 months on 2 pages grid, such as the one on the right, has tokens beginning with DayValue of 1 on the left page, and DayValue of 127 (3 times 42, plus 1) on the right page. Therefore Q++Studio assumes that the right page contains dates that are 3 months later than the left page.


That in itself is not different than the DayValues we would use for a Backtrack Every Month grid.


The difference comes from the fact that within a page of the grid, Q++Studio makes no attempt at interpreting the DayValues (ie. it treats the flow of dates within each page, as continuous).


In the case of a Backtrack Every Page grid, the date of a token of DayValue of 42 will be one day less than that for a token of DayValue of 43, as long as the 2 tokens are on the same page.

This is in contrast with a Backtrack Every Month setting for which token with DayValue of 42 can actually represent a later date than a token with DayValue of 43, sometimes by as much as 13 days.


Outside Days


Note the effect of setting the option outside days to hide in "Grid Options"; the only days that are hidden are the days prior to the first month of the page, and days after the last month of the page.


Number of Weeks


Finally, when using the backtrack every page or the continuous flow of dates, you will usually need to know what are the possible number of weeks that the grid will take, in which case you can use the handy minimum and maximum number of weeks needed to cover a given number of months table found in the appendices.


See also: daily gridtemplates, weekly gridtemplates, monthly gridtemplates, and yearly gridtemplates.


Topic 108037, last updated on 05-Oct-2021