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Day Tokens

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Day tokens are used to display some aspect of the day corresponding to a token's date (as specified by their DayValue).






Day of the month


1 à 31



01 à 31

Always with 2 digits.

Partial Weekday


M, T, W, T, F, S, S

First letter only


onday, uesday, ednesday, hursday, riday, aturday, unday

Rest of the name, lowercase.



Rest of the name, uppercase.

Abbreviated Weekday


mon à sun

No change in case with respect to its value in the translation table.


Mon à Sun

First letter in uppercase.



All in uppercase.

Weekday Name


monday à sunday

No change in case with respect to its value in the translation table.


Monday à Sunday

First letter in uppercase.



All in uppercase.

Weekday Number


1 à  7

Monday=1 and Sunday=7.

Day Counting


1 à  366

Counting up.


001 à  366

Counting up, always 3 digits.


365 à  0

Counting down.


365 à  000

Counting down, always 3 digits.

Number of days in the month


28 à 31


German Zinstage (tax days)

[tz+] [tz-]

1à360 and 359à1

For more details, see German Zinstage.

German Working Days in Month Count


18 à 23

Number of working days (Monday to Friday) in the current month, minus the number of national German public holidays in that same month.


18 à 23

Same as above, minus the number of regional public holidays observed by at least one German state (Land) in that same month.


18 à 23

Same as above minus the occurrence of the Peace Day (Friedensfast) municipal public holiday in Augsburg.

Norwegian Rente Dager (tax days)

[tr+] [tr-]

1à360 and 359à1

For more details, see Norwegian Rente Dager.

Day Number Ordinal


st, nd, rd, th, ...

Short ordinal.


First, Second, Third, Fourth, ...

Full ordinal.

Date Formatting


Use this mixed-source token to build regional formatting of a date by combining day tokens and month tokens.


For example, you may define a token [:dmmm] which you would define as [dddd] [d] [mmmm] [yyyy]. These recursive tokens are very powerful, particularly if you are using the same GridTemplates for different languages


However, Q++Studio does not know the specific rules for which words should or should not be in uppercase, something which depends on the language used and even user preferences, since the regional date formatting tokens recursively contain other tokens resulting in multiple words.


Therefore the only allowed combinations are:


Don't change case at all: [:dmmm] and [:dmmmm].


Change all to uppercase: [:dMMM] and [:dMMMM].


Note that regardless of the case desired, the 'd' is always in lowercase.



Note that:


The tokens in the table above refer to dates of the Gregorian calendar (ie. the standard Western calendar). There are also tokens that allow you to display dates based on the Chinese, Jewish, Korean, Muslim and Orthodox calendars.

Values that are language dependent, are displayed below using their most commonly used English translation. The actual results that you will get will depend on the language selected, and the translation specified in the tokens and translations manager).


Additional, less frequently used, tokens are described in the next topics.


Beyond their obvious use in the construction of diary grids, day tokens are also very important since they are used to guess which DayValues occur on which page of multi-page GridTemplates.


Topic 000079, last updated on 07-Jan-2025