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Diary Generation Options - Troubleshooting

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Does not apply to InDesign.


The Troubleshooting diary generation options below are usually only used whenever you are getting unexpected results or encountering an unexpected QuarkXPress crash (a link is provided whenever a property can be used to set this option for the current script or as a default).


Force ANSI generation

This property, which only applies when using QuarkXPress versions 7-2025, forces Q++Studio to send ANSI text replacement instructions rather than the default Unicode text format used by all versions of QuarkXPress beginning with version 7. There is almost never any reason to set this property to true. Recommended default: false.

Purge all line feeds

This option should only be used at the request of technical support.

Enable all Xtensions

This option should only be used at the request of technical support.

Xpress Tags

This option should only be used at the request of technical support.

Temp files deletion

This option should always be set to Use Windows API.

Seed pages deletion

This option should always be set to After page copying.

Buffer end pages

This property should always be set to None.

Delay - Page Copying

A delay, inserted after the page copying stage, used to give time to QuarkXPress or InDesign to re-synchronize its internal threads and structures. The default value of 1000 milliseconds is usually sufficient for most cases.

Delay - Seed pages

A delay, inserted after the page copying stage, used to give time to QuarkXPress or InDesign to re-synchronize its internal threads and structures before deleting the seed pages. The default value of 1000 milliseconds is usually sufficient for most cases.

Delay - OPF transfer

A delay, inserted after diary generation is complete, but before QuarkXPress or InDesign closes down, used to give time to QuarkXPress or InDesign to re-synchronize its internal threads and structures. The default value of 1000 milliseconds is usually sufficient for most cases.

Maximum BOXFIT BOXGROW Iterations

The maximum number of iterations in any given BOXFIT or BOXGROW token, before the process is aborted.

Warn if no overflow in BOXFIT

BOXFIT tokens are used to expand a box, containing text overflow, until it is exactly the right size for the contained text, not too small, and not too large. If there is no text overflow at the beginning of the processing of a BOXFIT token, then a warning message will be issued, unless the present option is set to false.


If you want any of the above settings values to be standard for all new script created in the future, then you can change the default values of all the diary generation options that correspond to script line property by going to the execution preferences.


See also: other diary generation options.


Topic 177215, last updated on 12-Nov-2023