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Template uses X languages but Y are defined

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The GridTemplate used by the current DiaryGridLine, has tokens corresponding to X different languages, but the number of languages selected in the languages property is Y, a different number.


The root cause of this mismatch depends on the relative values of X and Y.


If X < Y, this usually comes from copying a Script used for a bilingual GridTemplate and then re-using it for a uni-lingual GridTemplate.

If X > Y, this is usually an oversight, such as forgetting that a GridTemplate is bilingual.


Some cases of X > Y can be caused by token errors.


Some common examples :


Creating a bilingual GridTemplate with "b" and "d" LanguageTags, and forgetting that any token without an explicit LanguageTag is assumed to be related to the "a" LanguageTag. So, in that case, your GridTemplate is considered as trilingual, containing languages a, b and d.

Forgetting to put the DayValue in front of hour tokens, in which case the "h" will be mistaken for the LanguageTag of the 8th language of the script.


Consequences: If X < Y this message will only be a hint and the extra languages selected will be ignored. If X > Y, then this message will be an error and Q++Studio will not generate this diary script until this error is fixed.




Edit List of Languages: Opens the Languages property editor, so you can add or remove languages.

Modify GridTemplate: Opens the current GridTemplate in QuarkXPress, so you can modify any token errors.


Topic 015018, last updated on 22-Mar-2021