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Hindu Calendar Dates Tokens

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Dates of the Hindu lunar calendar are displayed using the following tokens:




Hindu Lunar day (1-30 and 01-30) of the Hindu lunar month and correspond to [d] and [dd].



Hindu Lunar month number (1-12 and 01-12) and correspond to [m] and [mm].




The short form of the Hindu lunar month name and correspond to [mmm], [Mmm] and [MMM].




The full Hindu lunar month name and correspond to [mmmm], [Mmmm] and [MMMM].



The Hindu Lunar year number and correspond to [yy] and [yyyy].


Note that the prefix "s" can be used to conditionally show the Hindu Lunar day or month tokens, and that Q++Studio can also automatically calculate holidays based on the Hindu lunar Calendar.


Additional tokens, specific to the Hindu Lunar calendar, are the Hindu Lunar Day name tokens:





Show the short form of the Hindu Lunar day name, with varying case.




Show the full Hindu Lunar Lunar day name, with varying case.


While the above tokens look like the usual weekday tokens, is important to note about these Lunar day name tokens span the entire lunar month, not just a week. Their translations must therefore span the range of indices from 1 to 30, where index 15 corresponds to the full moon and index 30 to the new moon.




Often the translations for the indices 1-14 will be the same as those for the indices 16-29, however 30 different translations are used to allow you to specify a text modified to indicate whether the moon is waxing (indices 1-14) or waning (indices 16-29), a distinction which is often used in Hindi diaries.


See also: Indian Tokens.


Topic 175930, last updated on 17-Apr-2020