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How GridTemplates are used in Q++Studio

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When Q++Studio scans a GridTemplate, it looks for, and saves into its database, the following information:


Page size.

Number of pages.

List of all the colors contained (see also color macros.).

List of all the textboxes, the order in which they appear, the page on which they appear, and the tokens they contain.

A preview snapshot bitmap of each page of the GridTemplate to be used in the templates explorer.


Cyclical Slogans


The creation order of textboxes can be very important, if you use cyclical slogans. In such cases, make sure that you create textboxes in the order in which you want the slogans cycle to progress, and/or in the order in which you want the token DayValues to increment.


Topic 115113, last updated on 24-Feb-2025