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Macro Language Reference

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Macros are small programs, written using the Macro Language, and that are executed to evaluate macro tokens.


The Macro Language has the features common to most scripting languages, such as assigning values to variables, building complex expressions using these variables, using system variables, executing instructions conditionally, and in loops, as well as declaring sub-routines (user-defined functions).


Most importantly, the Macro Language can call over 100 of the internal functions of Q++Studio, grouped into the following categories: astrology, astronomy, dates (including chinese, coptic, islamic, jewish,and korean), grid layout, holidays, lists, math, messages, moon, planets, sun, tokens, and zodiac (alternatively, see the alphabetical list of all macro functions).


Chapter Plan


In the following sections, we will cover the way the macro language works, starting with data types, variables and operators, before combining those into expressions and instructions, and finally seeing how to set all the pieces together in a functioning macro.


See also: macros, the macros editor and the macros debugger.


Topic 105123, last updated on 01-Aug-2020