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Macro rules for aTemplateName use aeiouHolidays which are undefined

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The macro rules associated with one of the macro tokens, contains references to one of the aeiou-holidays lists, but the corresponding list does not contain any holidays sets.


Whatever you are trying to achieve in your macro by referring to a holidays list will not happen. For example if you are trying to shade a textbox when an a-holiday occurs, then the textbox will never be shaded.




Select Holidays sets for (recommended): Opens the aeiou-holidays property editor of the international script line, so you can associate Holidays sets with the corresponding aeiou-holidays.

Modify Holidays Override list of: Opens the holidays override property editor of the current DiaryGridLine, so you can associate Holidays sets with the corresponding aeiou-holidays.

Open Macro in the Macros Editor: Opens the macros editor so you remove any remove any reference to the mentioned Aeiou-holidays (if that reference was incorrect) in the macro code itself.

Modify Macros used: Opens the macros property editor, so you remove any remove any reference to the mentioned Aeiou-holidays (if that reference was incorrect).

Modify template file name: Opens the current GridTemplate in QuarkXPress, so you can modify the tokens used.

Select another Template: Lets you choose another GridTemplate.


Topic 136000, last updated on 18-May-2023