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Overview of the Q++Studio Documentation

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The Q++Studio documentation is made up of the following major sections:



The chapters and topics of this section present Q++Studio and its user interface.


The topic what's new? lists the new features, improvements and bug fixes that were included in the various releases of the XE3 version of Q++Studio in 2025 on an ongoing basis (previous years' release notes can be found here).


The chapters and topics of this section cover scripts, script lines and script line properties, presenting scripts and their components, as they are used to define all the properties of a diary in Q++Studio.

Diary Templates

The chapters and topics of this section regroup the information needed to create diary grids in QuarkXPress, the tokens to use to implement variable date-related elements, and then import these templates into Q++Studio.


The chapters and topics of this section cover all the different types of data that are managed and used by Q++Studio: languages (translations), holidays, slogans, and astronomical data (Moon, Sun, ...).

Advanced Options

The chapters and topics of this section cover the 2 advanced options used for total customization of diaries: SARAs and Macros.

Tools and


The chapters and topics of this section cover the various tools and utilities included in Q++Studio (QuarkXPress tools, font tools, and others), as well as the available Q++Studio application preferences and help tools.


The chapters and topics of this section cover a lot of varied reference material in the appendices chapter, namely: astronomy, dates and calendars, QuarkXPress, typography, and Windows.


The Q++Studio group of topics cover a wide range of reference topics such as administration, common ui elements, installation, updating.


Finally, the release notes group of topics detail the features, improvements and bug fixes that were included in the releases of the XE3 version of Q++Studio prior to the year 2025.


Browsing topics sequentially


The topics navigator to the left of the eDoc and WebHelp versions of this documentation is also a good way to view the current topic in context of the entire help file. Finally, many topics can be read sequentially, like a book. Use the next topic and previous topic arrows in the header of each chapter to move to the previous/next topic.


Accessing the latest version of the documentation


The online version of the Q++Studio documentation, which is accessible at, allows you to always see the most recent version of the Q++Studio documentation.


Topic 107019, last updated on 14-Aug-2024