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Navigation: Script Line Properties

Insert Dates (repeating)

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Property of the script line: Inserts.


Use this property to set repeating dates on which an insertion occurs. By "repeating" we mean dates that come back every year such as "January 10th" or "March 31st". This is similar in spirit to fixed date holidays.


February 28 and Leap Years


Note that if you select February 28th, Q++Studio will interpret that choice using the property Rule for Feb. 28 to determine whether you meant to insert on every occurrence of February 28, or only if the 28th is the last day of February (ie. on non-leap years).


Insertion into a monthly template


If you have an insertion into a monthly template, then we recommend that you set the insertion dates on the 15th of the months you wish to have an insertion in, rather than the 1st or last day of the month.


Insertion based on a week number


To set inserts based on a specific week number, see the detailed example in the dates (variable) topic.


See also: February 28, March 1st, dates (specific), dates (variable), ignore sidedness, insert first page, insertion rule, skip insert.


Topic 054000, last updated on 22-Apr-2022