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Separator Tokens (deprecated)

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The use of this token is deprecated; you should use holidays response tokens instead.



Separator tokens are tokens that are used to display some separating text (such as a hyphen "-") under certain conditions. These tokens are a general, more powerful case of the filler tokens, and are mainly used to separate holidays from different lists, or saints/namedays and holidays.


The general syntax of the separator tokens is:




The comparisons that are possible, the corresponding allowed values for the LEFT and RIGHT markers, and sample usage, are:








[1sep:a-e: - ]

Display a space, a hyphen and a space, if there are both an a-Holiday and an e-Holiday on day 1.

Two letters from the list a-e-i-o-u

the letters st

followed by one of a-e-i-o-u

[1sep:ae-ste: - ]

Display a space, a hyphen and a space, if there are both an a-Holiday and an e-Holiday, and a saint/nameday from list e, on day 1.


See also: [ifhol] holidays response.


Topic 177785, last updated on 22-Feb-2025