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The Q++Studio System Information Dialog

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Select the System Information menu item from the help menu, to access the System Information dialog.


This dialog displays information about the version of Q++Studio you are using, and all its installed components, as well as your recent activity, including any application errors that may have occurred during the day.

This information is presented on 3 tabs :



Displays your Q++Studio User ID (at the top left of the logo) and the Build Number of the current version of Q++Studio that you are currently using. Additionally displays file information about the executables and libraries that make up Q++Studio and which are installed on your system.

Activity Logs

Displays the log of Q++Studio events on your workstation today. This information is sent to Q++Studio technical support every night.

Error Logs

Displays the details of any, and all, application errors which might have occurred on your PC, today, if any (this tab will most often not be present). This information is also sent to Q++Studio technical support every night.


You can also access the qppstudio web site directly, using the link at the top right of this dialog.


Topic 087179, last updated on 10-Jan-2021