You can apply more than one macro index to a given macro token.
For example:
•The macros indices are processed from left to right. In the above example, first the *1 macro would be processed, then the *2, and finally, the *3 macro.
•For the next macro in the chain to be processed, the current macro must set as its string result the original token minus the current macro index. This is usually done by a line of code such as the one below, at the end of the macro.
sRESULT = '[' + s_LangDayToken + ']'.
•In addition to the previous point, for the next macro in the chain to be processed, the resulting actions for the current macro must be set to Replace token with sResult, as shown on the right.
See also: different tokens sharing a macro.
Topic 178595, last updated on 19-Apr-2020