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You have clicked on the SAVE button

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This message is no longer applicable since October 18, 2022.


This message occurs when sending an email with the technical support module, if you have requested that files be attached to the email, and you have specified some email parameters, but you have clicked on the SAVE button rather than the EMAIL button.



This message warns you that by clicking on the SAVE button the attachments will be compressed and saved to the c:\temp\qpp\email\ folder on your PC, but they will not be sent to technical support (you will need to send these files manually using Outlook or any other email software).


The present message dialog gives you the following choice:



Click on this button if you wish to only compress the attachments and send them manually later.


Click on this option if you clicked on the SAVE button by mistake; Q++Studio will then behave as if you had clicked on the EMAIL button.


Click on this option to stop the send/save procedure.


Note that the present message only appears if you have specified that your PC has access to the internet and can therefore send emails directly.


If you do not have access to the internet from the PC on which this message was displayed, then you should click on the Email Setup button and specify None as the type of Email Server in the email setup dialog. This will prevent the present message from appearing needlessly in the future.


Topic 176465, last updated on 27-Mar-2023