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Navigation: Scripts

The Current Script

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The current script refers to the script which appears in the scripts editor of the main window.


You can also manipulate scripts, singly or multiply, from within the Scripts Explorer.


At the very left of the main window toolbar, there are 6 buttons, as shown above, corresponding to the most commonly used scripts menus items. Place your mouse over any of these buttons and a tooltip will appear with the button's function.



To create a new Script, use the scripts|new menu item, or corresponding shortcut. Make sure you have used the preferences to set all the default options that you wish to have in newly created scripts.


To open existing Script, use the scripts|open menu item, or corresponding shortcut. This brings up the Scripts Explorer.


If the Script you wish to open was one of the ones you recently opened, you can also use the MRU scripts menu (see below).



Use the Recent scripts sub-menu of the scripts menu, to directly access the most recently used scripts. The advantage of this method of opening scripts is that you are presented with all the most recently used scripts together, regardless of the directory where it is located.


To rename a the current script, use the scripts|rename menu item, or corresponding shortcut. A dialog appears allowing you to enter a new name.


(save as)

To make a copy of the current script, use the scripts|save as menu item, or corresponding shortcut. Select the directory in which you wish to place the script's copy, and type a name in the edit field at the bottom left of the dialog.


To move the current script to a new location, use the scripts|move menu item, and then select the destination folder.


To delete the current script, use the scripts|delete menu item, or corresponding shortcut. To delete more than one script, use the Scripts Explorer.


To save changes made to the current script since it was opened or last saved, use the scripts|Save menu item, or corresponding shortcut.


The "save" menu item and toolbar button are enabled/disabled to indicate if the current script has been modified.


Q++Studio saves the current script automatically before executing it.


You usually do not need to save changes to scripts; Q++Studio will prompt you to save changes made when closing a script (unless you have specified, in the Preferences, that scripts should be saved automatically).


To close the current script you can either use the keyboard shortcut F3, or use the scripts |close menu item.


Q++Studio will ask you if you wish to save any changes that have been made to the current script, if necessary, and unless have specified, in the preferences, that scripts should be saved automatically.


You do not need to close the current script before opening another. When you open a Script, Q++Studio automatically prompts you to save any changes, and closes the current script before opening a new one.


Use this option to cancel all changes made to the current script since it was opened, and revert to the last version of the script that was saved.


a confirmation message tells you how long ago the script was last saved

a confirmation message tells you how long ago the script was last saved


This menu option is similar to the one found in the File menu of QuarkXPress and InDesign.


Topic 087123, last updated on 22-Feb-2025