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Filling Recurring Holidays Abbreviations

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To fill all the recurring holidays of a holidays set with abbreviations, use the Abbreviations menu item of the recurring holidays toolbar menu in the holidays manager, as shown in the image on the right.


The Abbreviations Filling Options dialog then appears.



The dialog's options are:


Default Abbreviation: the abbreviation(s) that will be set in the abbreviations field of each of the recurring holidays of the current holidays set, unless overridden by one of the options below.

If partial, use: the abbreviation(s) that will be used, instead of the above default, for any recurring holiday whose observance is not blank (ie. is partial).

If tentative: the abbreviation(s) that will be used, instead of the above default, for any recurring holiday whose observance contains the tentative value.

Only apply changes to blank abbreviations: only make the above changes to recurring holidays whose abbreviation field is blank.


As always, any underscore character "_" (without the quotes) contained in this string will be replaced by a non-breaking space and that a tilde character "~" (without the quotes) contained in this string will be replaced by a normal space.


See also: filling a set with symbols.


Topic 178895, last updated on 18-Apr-2020