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int = PosNth(nNth,sSubString,sString)


This macro function is similar to Pos, but it returns the nNth occurrence of a sub-string sSubString in the string sString.


If the sub-string is present, or is present less than nNth times, then the function returns zero.

PosNth(2,'A','Aardvark') = 0
PosNth(2,'a','Aardvark') = 6 
PosNth(1,'a','Art') = Pos('a','Art') = 0

Although PosNth(1,sOne,sTwo) is the same as Pos(sOne,sTwo), the former is slower to execute. Always use Pos instead of PosNth if you can.


See also: Pos.




Topic 108274, last updated on 18-Apr-2020