This topic contains the release notes that document the new features, improvements and bug fixes that were included in the various releases of Q++Studio in 2022.
See also: release notes of the current year and release notes of other years.
December 31, 2022 (XE3 build 23679)
•The selection of the Use an existing template menu choice, in response to message 15015 would display the list of templates with the very oldest template selected, rather than the most recent ones (Paperblanks, 12-dec-2022).
•Since the overhaul of the technical support module, the ID and name of the script being sent were no longer included at the top of the support message (Paperblanks, 11-dec-2022).
November 30, 2022 (XE3 build 23618)
•Q++Studio supports the newly released QuarkXPress 2023 (version 19), as well as continued support for previous versions of QuarkXPress, from QuarkXPress 5 to QuarkXPress 2022.
October 31, 2022 (XE3 build 23589)
•Simplified the user interface of the technical support module.
•Changes to the daytime hours of the second timezone of the user interface clock would not be applied (13-oct-2022).
•Restricted the use of item styles to QuarkXPress 2017 and above, as the QuarkXPress 2016 support for item styles was faulty (ADG Estonia, 12-oct-2022).
September 30, 2022 (XE3 build 23540)
•Q++Studio supports the latest version of QuarkXPress 2022 (version 18.6 of September 2022), as well as all versions from QuarkXPress 5 to QuarkXPress 2021.
July 31, 2022 (XE3 build 23474)
•Q++Studio supports the latest version of QuarkXPress 2022 (version 18.5 of July 2022), as well as all versions from QuarkXPress 5 to QuarkXPress 2021.
June 30, 2022 (XE3 build 23444)
•Our worldwide public holidays forecast for Spain now includes detailed region-by-region forecasts of regional Spanish holidays.
•Lowered the level of message 105042 from warning to hint for monthly grids to avoid issuing warning when dealing with German Mehrmonatskalender.
•In some cases, the all dates of spread current week formatting would not be applied to minicalendar week numbers (JMata, 16-june-2022).
May 31, 2022 (XE3 build 23387)
•Added the possibility of basing a holiday name variation on whether a holiday occurred on a leap year or not.
April 30, 2022 (XE3 build 23336)
•Added a detailed example showing how to base an insert on the weekday of a given week number.
March 31, 2022 (XE3 build 23268)
•Added a detailed worked-out example of the use of dynamic colors.
•When using one of the rules of the holidays rule wizard, the ancestor ID of the source holiday in the holidays manager, if any, would be lost (30-mar-2022).
February 28, 2022 (XE3 build 23217)
•Q++Studio supports the new version of QuarkXPress, QuarkXPress 2022, which was released on February 1st, 2022, as well as all other QuarkXPress versions from QuarkXPress 5 to QuarkXPress 2021, inclusively.
•The newly-announced MABIS-MUIS-JAKIM criteria for determining the hilal at the beginning of the Hijri month have been implemented in the database of worldwide public holidays. This affects the Muslim public holidays of Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore. For the moment, we have applied these changes to 2023 and 2024 dates, while we wait for 2023 official data to be released and confirm the announced changes in lunar visibility criteria.
•Fixed a user interface glitch whereby the displayed description of a variable date recurring holiday would be incomplete if the number of days offset was larger than 7 (Government of New Zealand, 21-feb-2022).
Previous Years
See also: release notes of the current year and release notes of other years.
Topic 187040, last updated on 24-Feb-2025