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This system variable is a shortcut to the full incoming macro token, stripped of the * and macro index.


It is defined as :

s_LangDayToken = '[' + s_TokenLangTag + ->
                     IntToStr(n_TokenDayValue) + ->
                     s_TokenRoot + ']'

This is a convenient shortcut for the many time when the macro is used to determine a condition and then simply sets sRESULT to the incoming macro token without the * and macro index, such as the example below :

// is it the weekend (we'll make it bold)
bResult = (WeekdayOf(n_TokenDate) in [6,7])
// replace the macro token by the token without the *XX
// for example: replace [1*3d] by [1d]
sResult = '[' + s_LangDayToken + ']' 

Note that the braces [] are not included in this system variable.


Topic 173260, last updated on 18-Apr-2020