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When can linked textboxes be used ?

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As seen earlier, the use of linked textboxes in GridTemplates is generally discouraged.


However, there are cases where the use of linked boxes is useful and even necessary. In this topic, we will discuss such examples.


Text Flowing Over Rules


Suppose you had a textbox which could potentially contain very long and variable text (usually holidays), and you wished for the leading to jump around lines of the grid as shown on the right.


As shown below, the solution is to place the holidays tokens in textboxes that fit in-between lines, and are linked together as seen below.


The result is equivalent to having leading vary every 2 lines, something that is almost impossible to achieve automatically.

Text Flowing With Varying Widths


This type of solution can also be used when you wish to have text wrap around other object (such as the hours of the day for example).


One could always use runaround, but its effects are often unpredictable, and the use of linked boxes is simpler to implement.


You can use the next linked box special character token to force the text to move to the next linked box, inside Q++Studio options or directly in QuarkXPress.


Grouping linked textboxes


If you group any of the textboxes of a chain of linked textboxes, then make sure that all the boxes of the chain of linked textboxes are grouped.


Topic 174345, last updated on 01-Jul-2022