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Arabic Tokens and Translations in QuarkXPress 8-2022

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The general use of Arabic in tokens is discussed here.


Below are considerations that are specific to the use of Arabic when using QuarkXPress versions 8-2022.


Tokens using AXT legacy fonts


For tokens that use legacy AXT Arabic fonts, then you should use the trick of only setting the opening brace of the token in the desired AXT font, otherwise the result will look weird as AXT fonts map Arabic to the Latin code pages.


token with opening brace only in AXT font

token with opening brace only in AXT font

token entirely set in AXT font

token entirely set in AXT font



Justified Arabic text


If you need the Arabic text resulting from a token to be justified (ie. to use Arabic kashidas), then you will need to apply the QppArabic hyphenation and justification set to that token, as shown below, or using the design-time Arabic xtension.



You also need to set the paragraph justification to justified and to add a return character at the end of the line.


Topic 185385, last updated on 27-Oct-2022