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Navigation: Tokens > Day Tokens

[t+] / [t-] Ascending/Descending Days Tokens

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The ascending days [t+] and descending days [t-] day tokens correspond to the ascending and descending counts found in many diaries.


Ascending days equal 1 on the first day of the year. Descending days count the number of days before the end of the year, and are equal to 0 on December 31st.


To force the displaying of ascending and descending days over 3 digits (ie. 001, 010, 057, ...), use an uppercase "T" in the tokens [T+] and [T-]. You can also use the length of [T+] miscellaneous GridOption to specify that the [T+] and [T-] tokens should only be padded up to 2 characters instead of 3.

You can use the [t+] token in an ordinal token. So for example, a text sequence such as [t+][.t+] day of the year would convert to 51st day of the year.


See also: removing 0 values.


Topic 108279, last updated on 19-Apr-2020