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Saints/Namedays are viewed, generated and modified in the Saints/Namedays tab of the saints and namedays manager.


Generating Saints/Namedays



list of saints of a holidays set for which saints were not yet generated

list of saints of a holidays set for which saints were not yet generated


Because most holidays set contain no saints or namedays, the list of all 366 saints/namedays positions is not generated by default, for each holidays set, to keep the database small and avoid excessive network traffic. If a Saints/Namedays list has never been generated for the current holidays set, then the list of saints/namedays will be empty, as in the image above.


To generate the list of saints/namedays for the currently-selected holidays set, use the Generate menu option of the More tool button, as shown on the right.


A month toolbar at the top allows you to easily navigate the list, and a record toolbar at the left contains 3 buttons which respectively let you modify the current Saint/Nameday, save changes and cancel changes. To the right of the record toolbar is a panel displaying the status of the list.


The List of Saints/Namedays




The saints/namedays are listed in 4 columns.


Month and Day

These are generated by Q++Studio and cannot be modified (hence their gray background).


Whether the saint/nameday was a man or woman. You can also specify "none" if the name is not the name of a person, or is the name of more than one person.

Saint's Name

This is the name which will appear in the diary output file as replacement for one of the saints/namedays tokens.


Note that any underscore character "_" (without the quotes) contained in this string will be replaced by a non-breaking space and that a tilde character "~" (without the quotes) contained in this string will be replaced by a normal space.




To move in the list of saints/namedays of the currently-selected holidays set, you can use the scroll-bar, or you can use the Navigator, to jump to a specific month.


Alternatively, if you are looking for a specific saint/nameday, then you can use the finding saint or nameday function, available from the toolbar at the left of the saints and namedays manager.




As discussed in the generation section, above, saints/namedays are created all at once for all 366 possible cases, and therefore, afterward, you can only modify their values.


To modify one of the saints/namedays:


Select the saint/nameday you wish to modify in the list of saints.


Once the saint/nameday is selected you can start modifying its gender and name directly. The editing toolbar and status indicator will change to reflect the modified state of the current saint/nameday.


Confirm the changes by clicking on the check-mark button, or cancel changes by clicking on the button representing an "x".


Note that:


If you move to another saint/nameday in the list while a saint was being modified, you will be asked if you want to save the current changes.


Similarly, changing tab or closing the saints and namedays manager without saving changes to a currently modified saint/nameday will bring-up a dialog asking if you want to save the current change.


Batch Conversion


You can perform batch operations on all the saints/namedays of the currently selected holidays set, using the All Uppercase or the All Lowercase menu option of the More tool button.


Variable Saints/Namedays


Usually, lists of saints/namedays do not change from one year to the next, but in some cases, a saint/nameday listing might be the same year after year, except for a wholesale change every 5 years or 10 years. To handle such cases, see the topic on variable saints/namedays.


See also: saints/namedays exceptions, saints/namedays options.


Topic 104203, last updated on 18-Apr-2020