Property of the script line: Book Format.
The Flow Direction property is used to determine if a diary is read from front-to-back (the Western way) or back-to-front (as is done for Arabic and Hebrew books).
the default front-to-back flow direction
the back-to-front flow direction
Flow of Dates within the GridTemplate Spread
The Flow Direction setting reverses the order of appearance of 2-page layouts (hence preserving the symmetry of left and right pages), but it does not invert the sequence of DayValues within each page of a GridTemplate.
➢If you wish the dates, within your spread pages, to be reversed then you must change the placement of tokens and elements of the spread pages.
For example, in the 2 months on 2 pages, monthly diary, of the example above, you would place the 1st month on the right page and the 2nd month on the left page.
Or, in the case of a weekly grid, you would start with the DayValue 1 on the right page, and have the DayValue 7 at the top left.
Topic 171800, last updated on 01-Aug-2020