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Navigation: Holidays > Worldwide Public Holidays > Browser

Sorting Generated Holidays

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basic sorting

basic sorting

You can use the advanced data grid, located at the center of the holidays explorer or the worldwide public holidays browser, to sort the list of generated holidays.


Basic Sorting


To sort the list of holidays currently displayed in the holidays explorer or the worldwide public holidays browser, simply click on the column header corresponding to the sorting criterion you want to use.


A small arrow appears in the header of the sorting column to indicate if the current sort order is ascending or descending.

multi-column sorting

multi-column sorting


Multi-Column Sorting


You can sort on more than one column at the time, by holding the SHIFT key while clicking on column headers. In the example below, the list is sorted first by country, then by date.


Another and more powerful way of performing sorts based on multiple criteria is to use grouping.


Topic 174935, last updated on 16-May-2024