Macros are small programs that are used to evaluate macro tokens.
➢Macros are written in the macros editor, using the macro language.
➢All the macros dialogs, can be accessed via the main window's macros menu, or from within the macros editor.
What makes macros powerful is that:
•You can write macros yourself, or have technical support write them for you, and immediately have new features, without waiting for the next update to Q++Studio.
•There is a function inside Q++Studio associated with each type of token. In macros, you can use almost all the functions that Q++Studio uses internally. You can even evaluate another token within a macro, and you can call other macros from within a macro. Then, as a consequence of the macro's result, you can perform all the actions that Q++Studio is capable of performing on text and textboxes.
Macros are used as follows:
•The purpose of each macro is to calculate 3 results; a text result (sRESULT), a true/false result (bRESULT), and, less frequently, a numerical result (nRESULT). These calculations are based on system variables that reflect some initial conditions (such as the date of the token and the name of the token) and make use of the Q++Studio library of built-in macro functions.
•Then, in the macros options property of each DiaryGridLine, the results of the above calculations are used to specify that Q++Studio should perform some resulting actions on the token and/or the textbox that contains it.
The following topics deal with the use of already written macros. To learn how to write macros, see macros: language reference.
Topic 108194, last updated on 14-Aug-2020