This message is generated at the end of the conversion of a minicalendar, if the number of @ minicalendar date markers processed during the conversion is neither divisible by 7 (full weeks), nor equal to 37 (the number of possible dates needed for a one-line minicalendar).
•You converted an existing minicalendar incorrectly and forgot to put @ markers even where the existing sample had no dates (where the outside days are), as in the example on the right.
•You designed a one-line minicalendar, but did not use the proper token offset or minicalendar option, so it appears that you are trying to generate a "square" minicalendar which should have a number of @ symbols divisible by 7.
Note that the verification leading to the present message does not occur for minicalendars which use a date offset, since these minicalendars are often one-line minicalendars, where the number of @ markers may be anything depending on whether you start the minicalendar on the 1st of the month, and if the minicalendar is split across 2 pages.
Topic 173510, last updated on 19-Apr-2020