The middle part of the moon lore rule editor is where you can set the options that will be used to determine if a given moon lore rule is true or not.
It is important to understand that, unless the Full Day box of a particular option is set, these calculate exact times.
Moon Phases
Moon Periods |
•The Entering and Fully in settings always correspond to full days. •The First X Days include, as first day, the first partial day (ie. the day when the Moon is entering a specific phase or period) the phase or period, and corresponds to full days. •The Last X Days include, as last day, the last partial day (ie. the day when the Moon is leaving) the specified phase or period. •The During setting corresponds to exact times, from the time when the Moon enters a phase/period until the time it moves to the next phase/period, unless the Full day box is checked.
These periods can also be narrowed down to include or exclude the position of the Moon in the Zodiac and/or the first X or last X days of the period selected. The meaning of the |ph| and <z1> and <z2> used to define periods mixing a Moon phase/period with the position of the Moon in the Zodiac, can be seen from the diagram below.
The periods defined by combinations of |ph| and <z1> and <z2>, such as the full Moon, Virgo and Sagittarius, above, are exact times, unless the Full day box is checked. |
Moon in Zodiac
Sun in Zodiac |
•The Entering and Fully in settings always correspond to full days. •The First X Days include, as first day, the first partial day (ie. the day when the Moon/Sun is entering the specified Zodiac sign). •The Last X Days include, as last day, the last partial day (ie. the day when the Moon/Sun is leaving the specified Zodiac sign). •The During setting corresponds to exact times, from the time when the Moon/Sun enters a Zodiac sign until the time it moves to the next Zodiac sign, unless the Full day box is checked.
In the case of the Moon's position in the Zodiac, the Moon stays about 2 days and 11 hours in each Zodiac sign, on average, meaning that each Zodiac sign "touches" 2 or 3 dates. |
Months |
You can specify as a condition that it only happen in certain month(s) or should never occur in certain month(s). |
Other Criteria |
You can specify as a condition that it only happen, or not happen, during a certain time of the day. For example, activities such as shopping or going to the dentist, can be set to only be allowed from 8am to 6pm. |
Result is a full day |
When this option is set, if the combination of the above conditions is true for even a single minute during the day, then that day counts as matching the conditions. |
The number of hours for which, the combination of the above conditions is true at the same time, can be exported to Excel or used in a script with the MoonLoreNumHours macro function.
Topic 181290, last updated on 18-Apr-2020