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Tag Formatting Style Sheets Definitions

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The next 2, or more, lines after the header of a tag formatting string contain the definitions of style sheets used in the current tag formatting string.


The syntax for the definition of style sheets, character styles and paragraph styles is as follows.


Character Style Sheets


Character Style Sheet definitions begin, on a new line, with the character @ followed by the name of the character style sheet and an equal sign. To the right of the equal sign is placed a sample character tag formatting string (with no text) that describes the character attributes that are applied to any text that uses the currently defined character style sheet.




Paragraph Style Sheets


Paragraph Style Sheet definitions begin, on a new line, with the character @ followed by the name of the paragraph style sheet and an equal sign. To the right of the equal sign is placed a section, enclosed in braces, specifying any other style sheets that enter in the definition of the current style sheet, followed by a sample paragraph tag formatting string (with no text) that describes the paragraph attributes that are applied to any text that uses the currently defined paragraph style sheet.




The elements in the braced section are:


BasedOnThe name of the style sheet upon which to base this new style sheet. The based-on style must already be defined. If no based-on style is given, then the style sheet being defined is based on a the Normal style.


NextThe name of a next-style sheet setting to be used for any paragraph that follows a paragraph of the current style sheet. The default is the current style sheet itself.


TextStyleA character style sheet to be used for the text contained in paragraphs that use the current paragraph style sheet. The specified character style sheet must already exist.


Each style sheet definition must be separated from the subsequent one by a hard return character (ASCII 13).


See also: header, text description.


Topic 177985, last updated on 28-Jun-2020