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Text overflow in table cell

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This InDesign diary generation message corresponds to the appearance of the InDesign text overset indicator in the one of the cells of an InDesign table.


This may or may not pose a problem visually in the output, as this overflow is sometimes caused by the last end-of-line character.


If you are getting text overflow messages that are incorrect (as verified using the InDesign preflight panel) then there are 3 different workarounds:


Remove runaround from objects that are in the same XY position of the left page as the object generating the spurious text overflow message on the right page (or even easier, remove runaround from all objects as this is rarely needed and is often the source of problems).

Use the Remove Runaround generation option.

Use the Break links to Master Pages generation option.


See also: InDesign tables, text overflow and text overflow in static table.


Topic 187890, last updated on 08-Mar-2024