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Navigation: Diary Templates

The Templates Menu

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The Templates menu of the main window offers time-saving shortcuts to all the QuarkXPress-related functionality of Q++Studio.



(no file)

Launches QuarkXPress without trying to open a file. Useful if you then wish to create a new QuarkXPress File. The version of QuarkXPress launched, if you have more than one version installed on your machine, is determined by your selection in the QuarkXPress Preferences.

Open QuarkXPress File

Same as above, but displays a File Open dialog first to let you choose the file to open using QuarkXPress.

Current QuarkXPress Files

Lets you directly open in QuarkXPress, all the "Quark Files" of the current Script's Quark Pages script lines.

Re-Inspect All Quark Files

Automatically re-inspects all the Quark Pages of the current script. If the same plain Quark File is used more than once in the script (for example, pages 1-12 in the front and pages 13-25 in the back), then that file is only inspected once.

Current GridTemplates

Lets you directly open in QuarkXPress, all the GridTemplates used by the current Script's DiaryGridLines script lines.

Recently Scanned GridTemplates

Lets you directly open in QuarkXPress, the last 6 templates that you scanned.

Open Main Output File

Use this menu item to re-open the output file for the current Script. This is disabled if the file is not yet, or no longer, available.

Convert Main Output File

to PDF

This command will convert the QuarkXPress output file of the current script into a PDF document, using the PDF Output Styles specified in the Generation Options of the current script.

Templates Explorer

Brings up the Templates Explorer.

Re-Scan Current Templates

Use this to automatically rescan any of the GridTemplates used by any of the DairyGridLines of the current Script. Note that this rescan is automatic (the Templates Explorer never appears). If you wish to modify some attribute of a Template, then use the Templates Explorer.

Re-Scan All GridTemplates

Automatically re-scans all the GridTemplates used in the current script.


Note that many of the above menu commands can be accessed directly either from the Script Editor's toolbar or pop-up menu.


Topic 108049, last updated on 22-Mar-2021