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Navigation: Script Line Properties > Holidays (display)

Holiday Name Display Options

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At the left of the Holidays (display) property editor, are the Holiday Name Display options which can be used to fine-tune how individual holiday name tokens are displayed.


You can have a symbol near each occurrence, or some text, or even another token, and you can define different behavior for each of the aeiou-Holidays.


By Holiday Name tokens we mean tokens, such as [fa], [fa1], [fa11], whose main purpose is to display holiday names. There are also options for holiday abbreviations and for holidays symbols.


See also: examples of the use of the Holidays (display/multiple) properties.


Display Holiday Name


The Display Holiday Name option allows you to specify if Holiday Name tokens, such as [fa]..[fu], whose main purpose is to display holiday names, should in fact display the holiday name, when they are processed.


At first glance, this seems like a pointless option, but, in fact this is quite a useful option.


A couple of examples:


Using an [fa] token, for example, with the also show option set to symbols, allows you to display the symbol(s) of each individual holiday, separately, rather than having all the symbols of all the a-holidays of a given date lumped together when using an [â] holidays symbols token.

Another example of use of the setting the Display Holiday Name option to false, is when one uses a duration holidays token in combination with the surrounding text/tokens option of the holidays (multiple) script line property, to list the dates when there are holidays, but not the name itself.


Additionally, you can use the option No Duplicates to only show each holiday name once. This can be useful when listing the holidays of many countries which may have the same holiday on the same day.


Fonts for bold and italics


In the holidays manager and the one-time-dates editor, the bold and italics formatting is generic, which corresponds to electronic bold and electronic italics (as opposed to the use of a specific font for bold and a specific font for italics). But, nowadays, the use of electronic bold and/or electronic italics is either discouraged (QuarkXPress 2018-2025) or simply not available (InDesign).


Therefore, when using QuarkXPress 2018-2025  or InDesign, you can specify, here, which font to use to replace the generic bold and italics formatting of the names of any recurring holiday or one-time-date for a given holiday list.


Note that, though the replacement of generic bold and italics is not necessary for QuarkXPress versions 8-2017, you can still use it if you wish to have better control over the bold and italics parts of your holiday names.


Also Show


This option determines whether and where the holiday symbol or holiday abbreviation corresponding to the current holiday is displayed, when Q++Studio processes a holidays token.


If this option is set to to the left or to the right, then the holidays symbol or abbreviation position and layout, with respect to the holiday name, are determined by the surround and separator options.

If the option display holiday name is set to false, then there is no difference between the setting of to the left or to the right.


While the output generated using this option is related to that obtained with the [â] token and the [fâ] token, there are some notable differences:


The [â] and [fâ] tokens generate a single string made up of all the different holidays symbols or abbreviations related to holidays that appear on a given date. These symbols are not separated by any space, and you must play with the kerning of the token to adjust their horizontal separation.

The Display Symbol option and the Display Abbreviations option allow you to fine-tune the appearance of the symbol and abbreviations respectively, and is a good method to use when the [â] and [fâ] tokens are not flexible enough for your requirements.


Change Symbol Font Size


This option is used to display the holidays symbol in a differently sized font than the holiday name. This is extremely useful when the symbol font used is visually bigger or smaller than the font used for the holiday name.


In the above example, the selected symbol font is visually too large compared to the font used for the holiday name (both having come from an [fa] token, hence using the same font size).


Setting the Change Symbol Font Size option to 5 points, makes the symbol font take on a more appropriate relative size.


Surround With


This option allows you to surround each holidays symbol or holidays abbreviation with some text of your choice, when Q++Studio processes a holidays token.


This is often a pair of parentheses to frame the symbol, but you can also use special character markers.

Use the Holidays (multiple) property, and its option left and right text, to control the way multiple holidays resulting from the same token will be combined together.


If the display symbol option above is set to don't show, then the Surround Symbol by option will be ignored.




Determines how the holidays symbol will be separated from the holiday name.


You can use a tabulation, a carriage return (actually a soft return) or any string of at most 5 characters, and you can use special character markers. Obviously, if the display symbol option is set to don't show, then the Separator option will be ignored by Q++Studio.


Note that any underscore character "_" (without the quotes) contained in this string will be replaced by a non-breaking space.


Topic 173200, last updated on 24-Oct-2023