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Built-in Macro Functions

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From within a macro, you can call almost all the functions used internally by Q++Studio.


Each function takes in parameters which can be Boolean, integer/date or string/text and returns a values which can be Boolean, integer/date or string/text. The types of parameters taken by a function and its return type make up what is called the function prototype.


An example might be :

int = SomeFunction(n,n,s)

This prototype means that SomeFunction returns an integer value, and takes, in that order, an integer, another integer and a string as parameters.


The names of the parameters shown in the function prototype are just there for illustration purposes, the only thing that matters is that you pass the right type of parameters, in the right order, to each function you use.


Usually, the names chosen for the parameters should indicate what the parameter should represent. Consider the following prototypes:

int = FirstDateOfMonth(nYear,nMonth)
str = IntToStr(nAnyNumber)

In the first prototype, it is clear that the parameters each have a very specific meaning, although the compiler will accept any 2 numbers. But, in the second prototype, the number passed to the function has no particular meaning.


You can browse macro functions grouped topically, see: astrology, astronomy, dates (including chinese, coptic, ethiopic, islamic, jewish,and korean), grid layout, holidays, lists, math, messages, moon, planets, sun, textboxes, tokens, and zodiac, or, alternatively, you can access the alphabetical list of all macro functions.


Topic 001999, last updated on 18-Apr-2020