As shown in the above example, the use of &x is useful whenever you want to show unambiguously that some text is empty on purpose, or to differentiate it from a white space.
When using the FormatText macro function
The nil special character token is also needed if you use the FormatText macro function to apply paragraph-only or textbox-only attributes (ie. without any text being part of the macro result). In such cases instead of using a blank space as the first parameter, you should use the nil &x special character.
if sText == ''
sText = '&x'
sResult = FormatText(sText, 'STYCELL(Sundays)', -1)
Failing to handle the above special case as so will result in the message 188270 being generated and the requested formatting being ignored.
Topic 108937, last updated on 05-Oct-2024