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Q++Studio cannot access the server

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This message means that your workstation cannot access the local server computer.


If this happens, try to follow these steps:


1.Verify that the PC that hosts the Q++Studio server folder is turned on and logged on. If not, then turn this PC on and logon before moving to the next step.

2.Open the Windows Explorer and see if you can see the drive letter that hosts the Q++Studio Server folder (look for the drive letter Q:\). If you cannot see this drive letter then you may need to map a drive to the Q++Studio Server folder again.

3.If you can see the drive letter that hosts Q++Studio Server, then double-click on that drive letter in the Windows Explorer to rekindle the connection.


After following the above steps, you should be able to launch Q++Studio normally.


Topic 179270, last updated on 28-Jan-2025