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Tweaking Holidays Copied From The Worldwide Public Holidays Database

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When you copy a holiday from the worldwide public holidays database, then that holiday's recurrence rule cannot be modified, and this is indicated by the recurrence rule header caption, as shown on the right, below.


You can, however, use holiday name variations to achieve the tweaks you might want to apply to these copied holidays, without losing the benefits of subsequent holidays synchronization.


Important Remark


To make future synchronizations smoother, make sure that you when you copy a holiday rule from the samples database, you only do it once to any of your specific holidays sets. The examples below will show you how to show different text (or none) depending on the specifics of any holiday rule that may last more than one day.




Below are some examples (for more information on the keywords used, see the topic on name variations).


Only show the observance date


In cases of public holidays that have a day in lieu public holiday on the first weekday after a Saturday and/or Sunday occurrence, you can use the <DELETE> code as shown on the right, to only display the traditional/observed date.

Only show the days in lieu


In cases of public holidays that have a day in lieu public holiday on the first weekday after a Saturday and/or Sunday occurrence, you can use the <DELETE> code as shown on the right, to only display the days in lieu, and not display the traditional date.

Show the observance date, or the day in lieu, but not both


In case of public holidays that have a day in lieu public holiday on the first weekday after a Saturday and/or Sunday occurrence, you can use the <DELETE> code as shown on the right, to display the traditional date, if there is no day in lieu, or only the day in lieu, if there is one (hiding the traditional date).

Override the date for a specific year


In some cases, you might want to use a different date, for a given year, for a particular holiday.


This can be achieved by doing the following:


1.deleting the occurrence of the holiday for the desired year,

2.and then creating a separate arbitrary date holiday with the desired date, for that specific year.


See the screenshots on the right.

Showing only the first day of a multi-day holiday


To keep only the first occurrence of a multi-day holiday, use the <DELETE> code as shown on the right.

Showing all except the first day of a multi-day holiday


To avoid the first occurrence of a multi-day holiday, but show all others, use the <DELETE> code as shown on the right.


See also: variable names.


Topic 183135, last updated on 12-May-2024