➢The Installed Fonts tool is accessible from the Tools menu of the main window.
The list contains 3 columns:
•Font Name: this is the name of the font. When dealing with complex font families with font styles, this name will also include the font style (for example: Univers LT Std 85 Extra Black Oblique).
•Postscript Name: this column displays the corresponding postscript name of the font, when available.
•Availability: Indicates if the font is a screen font (S), available in all cases, or a font requiring QuarkXPress 2018-2025 (Q), or a font requiring InDesign (I). Note that the category screen includes QuarkXPress version 8-2017.
Right-clicking on any of the listed fonts lets you copy the font name and font style together, to be used in macro functions such as FormatText.
Using the Postscript name of a font
font names and font styles in the QuarkXPress 2018+
The Postscript Name value is there, mostly for your information.
However, you will need this value when using the FormatText macro function and referring to one of the fonts that require QuarkXPress 2018-2025 or InDesign 2020-2025.
In the code example, below:
•The first call to FormatText refers to Arial, a screen font, and therefore only uses the font name.
•The second call to FormatText refers to Arial Bold, a font that requires 2018-2025 or InDesign 2020-2025. In that case both the Font Name and the Postscript Name, separated by an equal sign, must be passed to the FormatText function.
The combined font name and postscript name string can be obtained by right-clicking on any of the listed fonts, to copy the font name and font style together onto the Windows clipboard.
sDate = FormatText(sDate, 'f Arial, COLOR(Pantone 231U)', -1)
sWeekday = FormatText(sWeekday, 'f Arial Bold=Arial-BoldMT', -1)
Generally, if you are using QuarkXPress 2018-2025 or InDesign, then you should always refer to the postscript name, in the manner shown in the second code line, above.
In some cases, the font you are looking for appears not to have a Postscript name, as in the example below, where the font ITC Cheltenham Std Book Cond appears as a screen-only font, without a matching postscript name.
In such cases, as discussed here, the screen version, of the font you are looking for, uses a different internal font name than do QuarkXPress and/or InDesign, and the same font, under a slightly different name, will be available, referring to the exact same font. In the above example, the font ITC Cheltenham Std Book Condensed obviously is the same as the above font ITC Cheltenham Std Book Cond.
Refreshing the list of installed fonts
If you have installed a new font, you can refresh the list of available fonts, as seen by Q++Studio, using the refresh fonts list tool.
See also: font names issues, fonts usage report and fonts used in a template.
Topic 182935, last updated on 24-Oct-2023