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void = List_SetNumber(sListVarName, nIndex, nSomeNumber)


This macro function is used to change the number associated with the entry at position nIndex of an existing list.


In the image, on the right, the various parts of a list are shown.


Each element of a list contains a string and, optionally, a number.

If the string contains an equal sign (=), then it is possible to access the text on the left as the "name"  and the text on the right as the "value".


Consider the macro code below, which adds some entries to a list and then calls various list functions to get back some information.

// put some values in the list
List_Add(sListCountries, 'Egypt=Ägypten'10133)     // item 1
List_Add(sListCountries, 'Albania=Albanien'10165)  // item 2
List_Add(sListCountries, 'Algeria=Algerien'10183)  // item 3
List_Add(sListCountries, 'Andorra=Andorra'10167)   // item 4
List_Add(sListCountries, 'Armenia=Armenien'10180)  // item 5
// now get some information back from the list
nResult = List_GetNumber(sListCountries, 2// 10165 
// make changes to the elements of the list
List_SetNumber(sListCountries, 2999999)
// read from item 2 again
nResult = List_GetNumber(sListCountries, 2// 999999 

When using lists, don't forget to always use the function List_Create to create your list at the top of the macro, and then the function List_Destroy to destroy it at the end of the macro.


See also: list macro functions.


Topic 178355, last updated on 20-May-2020