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Navigation: Tokens > Astronomical Tokens > Moon

Moon Phases Count Suffixes Tokens

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Moon phases suffixes are used to restrict the number of Moon phases displayed in a duration token suffix that is applied to the [mp] moon phase token to display a list of moon phases over a period of time, as in the example below.




the Number of Phases Suffix lets you restrict the number of Moon phases to display (where XX represents a number from 1 to 99)


the Starting Phase Suffix lets you begin the displaying of Moon phases on the Nth phase of the period (where XX represents a number from 1 to 99).


This suffix, combined with the one above can be used to display, for example:

the first 26 phases of the year in one box

the remaining phases of the year in another box

(where we use a count of 30 in the second token, to ensure we include all remaining phases of the year).


These suffixes only work in conjunction with a duration token suffix.


See also: example of the use of duration tokens with moon phases.


Topic 182280, last updated on 17-Apr-2020