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int = MoonRiseSetTimeOf(nDate, nMoonSourceIndex, nEventIndex)


This macro function calculates the time of the lunar rise, set or transit event of index nEventIndex, on nDate, based on the observer position corresponding to the Moon data source of index nMoonSourceIndex.


The result is the time of the day expressed in one millionth of a day (less than 1/10th of a second). This result can then be converted into hours, minutes and seconds, using the functions HoursFromMillion, MinutesFromMillion, and SecondsFromMillion.

The possible values of nEventIndex are: 1 (moonrise), 2 (moonset), and 3 (upper transit, aka. in the south).

If no lunar rise, set or transit event of index nEventIndex occurs on nDate, then the function returns -1.


The macro code below displays the times of the lunar rise, set or transit event of index nEventIndex, on nDate.

sResult = 'Today, the Moon '
nEventTime = MoonRiseSetTimeOf(n_TokenDate, 11)
if nEventTime >= 0
   sResult = sResult + 'rises at ' + FormatTime('hh:nn', nEventTime, true) + ', '
   sResult = sResult + 'does not rise, '
nEventTime = MoonRiseSetTimeOf(n_TokenDate, 13)
if nEventTime >= 0
   sResult = sResult + 'transits at ' + FormatTime('hh:nn', nEventTime, true) + ', '
   sResult = sResult + 'does not transit, '
nEventTime = MoonRiseSetTimeOf(n_TokenDate, 12)
if nEventTime >= 0
   sResult = sResult + 'and sets at ' + FormatTime('hh:nn', nEventTime, true) + '.'
   sResult = sResult + 'and does not set.'

See also: SunRiseSetTimeOf, HoursFromMillion, MinutesFromMillion, SecondsFromMillion, MillionFromHMS.


Topic 179985, last updated on 12-Jul-2024