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The PDF Menu, accessible from the main menu, regroups all the functionality related to PDF files, used either as script lines or otherwise.


PDF Browser

Opens the PDF Browser which can be used to preview PDF files and obtain information as to their page size.

Search for a PDF file

Opens the Find File Dialog with the search field preset to search for PDF files on your LAN and/or WAN server(s).

Convert QuarkXPress Files to PDF

Displays a file open dialog to let you choose QuarkXPress file(s) to convert to PDF. This is the exact same menu item as also appears on the QuarkXPress menu, and it appears twice for your convenience.

Convert InDesign Files to PDF

Displays a file open dialog to let you choose the InDesign file(s) to convert to PDF. This is the exact same menu item as also appears on the InDesign menu, and it appears twice for your convenience.

Re-Inspect all PDFs of Script

Automatically re-inspects all the PDF files used by all the PDF non-dated script lines of the current script.

List Unused Non-Dated PDF Files

Opens the unused non-dated pages report but limited to non-dated pages based on a PDF file. For the same report, but including QuarkXPress, InDesign and PDF files, select the unused templates report at the bottom of the data menu or the admin menu.

Open the Main Output File (PDF)

Opens the PDF version of the current script's main output file using the default program associated with PDF files on your workstation.

Convert Main Output File to PDF

Converts the current script's main output file to PDF, using the current script's default PDF output style (if none is currently selected, then a dialog will come up, asking you to select one). Depending if the current script's main output file is a QuarkXPress or an InDesign file, this menu item will call the corresponding menu item of either the QuarkXPress menu or the InDesign menu.

Update list of PDF presets

Launches InDesign to get an updated list of the PDF export presets that are then used when exporting an InDesign file to PDF. Only applies to InDesign.


See also: the main menu, the QuarkXPress menu, the InDesign menu.


Topic 184060, last updated on 14-Jun-2021