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Place Holders Script Lines

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XML identifier: TSL_PlaceHolder


Place Holders script lines are similar to Blank Pages in that they do not contain any information that will appear in the final output file.


On the right is a screenshot of the properties of Place Holder scriptlines, as displayed in the properties inspector. Click on any of the properties in that image to navigate to the corresponding help topic.


However, while Blank Pages are destined to remain blank in the final diary, Place Holders are setting aside pages that will have content in the final printed diary.


Place Holders are often used in custom jobs where a client may be supplying ready-made film that will be used along with the output file to burn printing plates.

They can also be used when the client is supplying a printed and folded signature to be inserted into the diary as it is assembled.

Another possibility is that the client is supplying his custom pages in an electronic file format that cannot be incorporated into a QuarkXPress or InDesign output file, but can be merged with it in the imposition software.


Using the Hide Place Holders option of the generation options property, you can have the pages of a PlaceHolder be blank (as if they were Blank Pages). But, it is recommended that you leave those identifiers to better differentiate between Blank Pages and Place Holders in your output file.


By default, the label and comments properties of a PlaceHolder script line will appear as shown below left in the output file.




Tokens in Place Holders


Some global tokens can be included in either the label and comments properties of a PlaceHolder script line. These are the tokens [year] script year (including year offsets thereof), [yyyy:now] year of now, [ref#] job/reference number, and page number tokens.



This is useful to be able to apply year and reference/SKU information to PlaceHolder pages, using a global sara such as the one below.



In such SARAs, the FIND text can be a token but it can also be any text that you wish, while the CHANGE side can be a combination of the tokens allowed in Global Saras as well as any plain text.


Page Number Tokens


If you need to display page number tokens on DiaryGridLines pages as well as on Quark Pages, InDesign Pages and Place Holders pages, then we recommend that you only use page number tokens as part of global saras.


Topic 012000, last updated on 18-May-2023