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Q++Studio Release Notes 2018

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This topic contains the release notes that document the new features, improvements and bug fixes that were included in the various releases of Q++Studio in 2018.


See also: release notes of the current year and release notes of other years.



December 31, 2018  (build 19999)




Q++Studio is compatible with the December 2018 Update 14.2 of QuarkXPress 2018, which offers full support for Indic scripts.




The topic on Saints/Namedays and Saints/Namedays Options have been fully re-written.

The opening of the MiniCalendar options dialog has been sped-up by the optimization of the search for MiniCalendar Weekly Band tokens. In addition the reason why these options may be disabled is made more explicit.

The first day of the week of the date navigator of the MiniCalendars Preview is now updated whenever the WeekStart setting of the displayed MiniCalendar options is changed.

Added a new Diary Generation Option, Keep Quark Visible, which does not hide QuarkXPress during diary generation. This is useful in cases when QuarkXPress seems to freeze, without any error message or visible crash, to show any Quark modal dialog which may be waiting for a response and therefore blocking further processing.

The holidays sets of the Worldwide Public Holidays Database now show the corresponding national flag.

Started a major review of the online documentation, using more up-to-date screenshots and illustrations and cleaning-up text that may be out of date. We expect this review to be completed by the end of April 2019.




Fixed a filtering error when opening the Holidays Explorer with the Restrict to the years option (Ruho, 24-dec-2018).

Fixed some UI glitches of the Minutes and No Time controls used in the Moon and Sun Options property editor (23-dec-2018).

Fixed a further case of the rare occurrence of a spurious message that states that the selected Sara Set is not in the database (19-dec-2018).

The Maximum Number of Lines or EOM setting of GenTokens Options did not work as designed and has been fixed and renamed as Number of Lines / EOM (18-dec-2018).

Fixed the spurious occurrence of the message about GridTemplates needing to be re-scanned or Quark Files needing to be re-scanned which could be generated spuriously if the QuarkXPress file was last scanned while the user's computer was in summer time, and now is not, or vice-versa (Zettler, 08-dec-2018).

Fixed the extremely rare occurrence of a spurious message that states that the selected Sara Set is not in the database, if the name of that SaraSet is blank (6-dec-2018).



November 30, 2018  (build 19888)




The TeamViewer support module is now based on TeamViewer 14.




When inserting weekly grids into a monthly grid, if the monthly grid covered only one month but had more than 2 pages, then the Do not split grid property of the monthly template would be ignored (Blueline, 27-nov-2018).

Fixed an error which would occur when trying to set a frame point size of more than 2,56 pts (23-nov-2018).

Fixed a spurious, but inconsequential, warning message, introduced in build 19788, and which would, under QuarkXPress 2016-2017-2018, be generated if aligning Macro or SARA pictures top-left (23-nov-2018).

In the Templates Explorer, if after filtering the list of templates, the previously selected template is not part of the filtered result set, then the templates detail panel is hidden to avoid the confusion due to the details of the previously selected template being still visible (Nippecraft, 20-nov-2018).

The pop-up link to the Server Configuration menu item of the Database Server's tray icon would not open as the "++" in the server path would be mangled by the HTML parser (17-nov-2018).

Added a message to warn about missing DLLs in some versions of the QuarkXPress 2018 installers (Alpha Edition, 6-nov-2018).



October 31, 2018  (build 19762)




Q++Studio is compatible with the QuarkXPress 2018 October 2018 Update 14.1.2 release 2.

Q++Studio is compatible with the QuarkXPress 2018 October 2018 Update initial release (but you should update to release 2).




Added code to remove trailing tabs and blanks at the end of the month when using single-line minicalendar tabs and the:tab modifier. These trailing tabs and spaces at the end of months could cause unwanted text overflow.

The layout (text and images) of pages of the Q++Studio web-based help now sizes better on 4K and other high resolution monitors..




Fixed some text alignment UI glitches in the One Line Minicalendars Special Tabulations dialog (19-oct-2018).

In some rare occasions, during Holidays Synchronization, some of the Holidays Name Variations that were already present would not be picked up (Brunnen, 7-oct-2018).

The macro function IsInsideMonth would return false for all months except the first month of multi-month grids (Zettler, 5-oct-2018).



September 30, 2018  (build 19679)




The text found and replaced, in the Saras results log window is now highlighted and easier to see.

When Quark crashes during diary generation, more information is now available, including most of the generation messages and Saras logging messages.




Added an error message if trying to BOXFIT or BOXGROW a textbox which is not bounded by a rectangle (Blueline, 27-sep-2018).

The group headers in the dialogs for diary generation messages, scanning/inspecting messages, would sometimes contain HTML encoded text, such as " instead of the corresponding character, such as " (27-sep-2018).

Diary generation would fail in the exceedingly rare cases of scripts with more than 65536 instructions and the "Use Main Grid as seed for generation" generation option turned on (Lecas, 13-sep-2018).

Some of the Open File and Save File dialogs would not work under Windows XP (Ruho, 4-sep-2018).



August 31, 2018  (build 19547)


New and Improved


The buttons used in the various dialogs of Q++Studio have been redesigned to match the look of Windows 10.

You can now duplicate a SaraSet in the SaraSets Manager.

Added a new message 181995 to warn against potentially misunderstood Style Settings in Macros and added detailed explanations on the sister message 181985.

Updated the Q++Studio astronomical library to version 2.07.1: faster calculation of rising and setting of planets, greatly increased performance in accessing stellar data (including new data from the SIMBAD database), improved distances to fixed stars (leads to small changes in the calculations of occultations of stars by the Moon), fixed the daily motion of planets in sidereal mode which erroneously contained precession, the library can now reproduce apparent position as provided by JPL Horizons with an accuracy of a few milliseconds of arc (though our default astronomical methods are those of IERS Conventions 2010 and Astronomical Almanac, not those of JPL Horizons), improved and expanded ayanamsha calculations based on consultations with sidereal astrologers, new option of calculating sunrise according to Hindu astrology, and updated leap seconds and DeltaT.


Fixed and Corrected


The Preview Panel of the GenTokens Special Case Conditions dialog would not display the condition (AND/OR) linking the true and false sets of conditions (27-aug-2018).

Some long-term events such as eclipses, occultations and heliacal events, would only be listed the first time data was exported to Excel, if you exported data for many different locations without re-opening the Astronomical Data export dialog (16-aug-2018).

PlaceHolder pages would be included in single-line diary generation (14-aug-2018).

If you clicked Yes to any of the messages that asked if you wished to install one of the missing Visual C++ Run-Times, the installer could not be found (12-aug-2018).

Q++Studio would not launch on Windows XP because it could not find an installed copy of the 64-bit run-times for Visual C++ 2010 and Visual Studio 2015 (12-aug-2018).

The warning message 152400 would occur spuriously and the warning message 15018 would not be issued, if a GridTemplate's only reference to a language tag was through the presence of MiniCalendar Weekdays Markers such as $a, $b, $c, ..., with no other token of the GridTemplate referring to that language tag (6-aug-2018).



July 31, 2018  (build 19397)


New and Improved


Q++Studio is compatible with the recently-released QuarkXPress update QuarkXPress 2018.01 (14.0.1 build 32318) whose updater can be downloaded here.

The Import from Excel dialog, used to import recurring holidays, one-time-dates and Slogans, has been improved so that you can now have a variable number on non-blank columns for each row, and these will be imported with a separator of your choice between the entries of each column.


Fixed and Corrected


Color macros would not be converted to actual color names for minicalendar current week bands (Lecas, 23-july-2018).

The View Output button of the stand-alone SARAs progress dialog would open the input file rather than the output file (Diarpell, 23-july-2018).

Fixed a minor UI glitch whereby, if some of your Quark Pages were based on a QuarkXPress file of a version different than the Quark version used on your PC by Q++Studio, then the options proposed in response to clicking on message 15016 would misleadingly offer to re-scan and re-inspect all the QuarkXPress documents of the current script, even if only one template needed re-scanning (2-july-2018).



June 30, 2018  (build 19354)


New and Improved


Q++Studio is compatible with the recently-released QuarkXPress update QuarkXPress 2017.24 (13.2.4 build 29282).

The Holidays Synchronization now keeps any Holiday Name Variations that were in your holidays names but are not in the Q++Samples Holidays.

Added a design-time message to warn you if one of your SARAs is blank, which can cause speed problems and/or unwanted wholesale text formatting changes (at best) or a Quark crash (for textboxes containing a lot of text).


Fixed and Corrected


The <DELETE> holiday name variation marker might in some cases be ignored depending on the variations that followed it in the list (25-june-2018).

Fixed a bug in the copying of SARAs from the database when the current SARAs Set was empty (23-june-2018).

Fixed some UI glitches in the SARAs interface; the UI would not be properly updated when deleting a SARA and speeded-up the copying of SARAs from the database (18-june-2018).

Insertions of pages within templates that are neither left or right sided would occur twice for each insert date (Croxley, 17-june-2018).

The Turkish Capitalization setting would be ignored for user-defined tokens (Alpha Edition, 3-june-2018).

The Grid Extent for daily grids spanning 7 days within a number of pages that is a multiple of 7 (for example: 7 days/7 pages, 7 days/14 pages, 7 days/21 pages) would be calculated for entire weeks rather than for the exact number of days spanned by the Begin Rule, End Rule, thus leading to a higher estimated page count, although the actual generated number of pages was correct (Alpha Edition, 3-june-2018).



May 31, 2018  (build 19242)


New and Improved


The log messages for SARAs that are replacing any text of a specific formatting by another formatting, now specify, for each message, what text was changed, when using QuarkXPress 2016 or above.

Added a message to alert you if there is a spurious Q:\ drive on the server.

Both the XE3 and XV4 versions of Q++Studio support QuarkXPress 2018, officially released on May 16, 2018.

Improved the detection, during scanning, of objects that are fully off the page.


Fixed and Corrected


The application server would not be automatically updated after an update of the main program.



April 30, 2018  (build 19161)


New and Improved


Both the XE3 and XV4 versions of Q++Studio now support the latest beta 6 version of QuarkXPress 2018.

Improved the clarity of the messages being generated if scanning fails due, usually, to an overly-aggressive, or improperly setup, anti-virus.

Both the XE3 and XV4 versions of Q++Studio support the latest beta 4 version of QuarkXPress 2018.


Fixed and Corrected


Nothing this month.



March 31, 2018  (build 19012)


New and Improved


The Frame size of Minicalendars and Macros Resulting Actions can now be specified to 2 decimals (eg. at 0.25 pts for example).

Added the None (transparent) color to the available box background and frame options.

The XE3 branch of the present Q++Studio documentation has been created.

By including "HYPH" (in uppercase, without the double-quotes) in the name of one or more H&J assets, you can now specify that these H&J assets should keep hyphenation even though you are using the recommended default Remove Hyphenation diary generation option.

Both the XE3 and XV4 versions of Q++Studio support the recently-announced QuarkXPress 2018.


Fixed and Corrected


The SARAs Editor now opens much faster, in particular over slow networks, and in particular over WAN and internet connections (18-mar-2018).

If the holidays generation dialog was closed before starting to generate holidays, then the date of the holidays generation would be updated, even though no generation had actually occurred (15-mar-2018).

If your technical support email parameters were set to Save attachments as ".z" files and some of your attachments were larger than 5 MB, then some of the spanned ZIP files would be missing from the tech support email sent out (10-mar-2018).

Settings of frame attributes via Macros were being ignored since the changes made for QuarkXPress 2018, a few weeks ago (Letts, 6-mar-2018).

Fixed an error which would occur when trying to set the default values of GridOptions in Preferences (Brunnen, 5-mar-2018)



February 28, 2018  (build 18821)


New and Improved


Q++Studio is compatible with the recently-released QuarkXPress update QuarkXPress 2017.21 (13.2.1 build 29267).


Fixed and Corrected


Changed the database navigator of the SaraSets Manager, due to problems encountered by users trying to create new SaraSets or rename them (Zettler, 13-feb-2018).

Fixed an error that would appear when displaying the Quark Pages Inspection Messages dialog if any of the messages did not refer to any specific page, as would be the case for messages warning about locked layers (Zettler, 12-feb-2018).

Fixed the spurious appearance of message 179135 when using a negative holidays response token (Zettler, 12-feb-2018).



January 31, 2018  (build 18731)


New and Improved


Launch of the beta version of the new XE3 version of Q++Studio.


Fixed and Corrected


No warning would be issued for undefined colors of false Resulting Actions of Macros or the Default Line Ending of GenTokens (25-jan-2018).

No warning would be issued if the Paragraph Formatting settings of Minicalendar Options contained either a color not used in any of the Script's templates of an undefined GridOptions color (Hamelin, 24-jan-2018).

Highlighted dates would be offset by a day in the Minicalendar Options' All Dates of Spread, if the Grid Options'  was set to Automatic (JMata, 19-jan-2018).

Fixed a rare case where an Insert would not appear the second time a Script was previewed, without re-opening the Script (JMata, 17-jan-2018).

Trying to rename a Script in the Scripts Explorer could sometimes fail due to the scripts table not being open (Alpha Edition, 9-jan-2018).


Other Years


See also: release notes of the current year and release notes of other years.


Topic 182220, last updated on 24-Feb-2025