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Q++Studio Release Notes 2023

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This topic contains the release notes that document the new features, improvements and bug fixes that were included in the various releases of Q++Studio in 2023.


See also: release notes of the current year and release notes of other years.


December 31, 2023  (XV4 build 24292)


The scripts that use a holidays set report that was displayed when trying to delete a holidays set either in the holidays manager or the saints manager, was only displaying scripts that used recurring holidays and one time dates, in the first case, or saints and saints exceptions, in the second case. The message now check for all 4 types of data that holidays sets contain (JMata, 21-dec-2023).

Fixed a display bug in the manner in which the macro debugger displayed tooltip hints for for integers larger than 32-bits (15-dec-2023).

Under certain conditions, InDesign might miss text placed in the right-page textboxes of a chain of linked textboxes that ran from the left page to the right page (JMata, 12-dec-2023).

QuarkXPress could crash due to a callback that was left active during document saving and closing for extremely lengthy and complex diaries (Blueline, 7-dec-2023).


November 30, 2023  (XV4 build 24266)


November 15, 2023: Q++Studio supports the newly released version of QuarkXPress, QuarkXPress 2024 (version 20), as well as all the previous versions of QuarkXPress from QuarkXPress 8 to QuarkXPress 2024.


The minicalendar dates framing and shading now support minicalendars that are set in InDesign tables.

The number of working days tokens now support the definition of working days as Monday-Saturday.

Added message 187750 to warn you if you are using MonthHeaders inside a backtrack monthly grid.

Cleaned-up some glitches in the visual appearance of the import from Excel dialog used to import holidays, one-time-dates, saints, and slogans from an MS-Excel file.


Some of the textbox attributes had not been implemented when called from the macro function FormatText (Quo Vadis, 23-nov-2023).

In some lists of available colors of the Q++Studio user interface, when using InDesign, the color None would be replaced by White (16-nov-2023).

Fixed an issue that could occur in diaries of over 300 pages that contain minicalendar dates framing of the types keep, modify or delete (10-nov-2023).


October 31, 2023  (XV4 build 24184)


It is now possible to place an INDD file (InDesign document) into a text frame, using a slogan, a macro, or a sara, in a manner analogous to the way it is done for PDF files.

October 10, 2023: Q++Studio supports the newly released version of InDesign, InDesign 2024 (version 19), as well as all the previous versions of InDesign from InDesign 2020 to InDesign 2024.


It is now possible to specify the page number to be used when importing a PDF document into a text frame, using a slogan, a macro, or a sara.

Relaxed the conditions under which the scanning messages 187540 and 187550 are issued, so that DayValues over 42 are ignored to exclude correctly coded splittable multi-month planners using GenTokens inside minicalendars such as [1mc+00], [43mc+00], [85mc+00] and [127mc+00] for a 4 months on 2 pages layout.

Improvements to the PDF version of this documentation; more legible topic headers, more detailed table of contents, and more subtle hyperlinks.

Improved the user interface of the holidays and one-time-dates data pump as well as of the saints and saints exceptions data pump, in line with the recently re-implemented saras data pump.

Relaxed the conditions under which messages 174500 and 174501 would be generated, so that these messages are no longer issued for templates with only 1 period, and templates whose number of periods is not divisible by the number of pages.


Fixed a UI glitch whereby the Q++Studio main updater would erroneously identify leftover updaters from previous updates as full/manual updaters due to the increased size of recent updates (29-oct-2023).

The QuarkXPress use busy marker file settings was not being ignored when using QuarkXPress 8-2015 (Diarpell, 25-oct-2023).

When using the non-legacy method of PDF importation into a frame using macros or saras, the page number selected would be ignored and page 1 of the PDF would always be placed into the frame (21-oct-2023).

Added further code to not only gracefully handle (see last month's release notes), but in most cases fix, the exceedingly rare cases when InDesign fails to locate the box to be kept, modified or deleted, under the current tabulation, during the processing of minicalendar text framing and shading (JMata, 3-oct-2023).

Spaces on the right-side of a zap token condition would cause message 179135 to be erroneously issued (JMata, 2-oct-2023).

Some of the InDesign-specific special characters would not be processed correctly when used inside the source code of a macro (2-oct-2023).


September 30, 2023  (XV4 build 24088)


Added code to gracefully handle the exceedingly rare cases when InDesign fails to locate the box to be kept, modified or deleted, under the current tabulation, during the processing of minicalendar text framing and shading.

Expanded the topic discussing the sequence and combination of the formatting of individual dates in minicalendars, describing the default behavior and how to override this default behavior.


Fixed an index type mismatch in the macros data pump (29-sept-2023).

Messages 174500 and 174501 would not be generated for any template that did not contain any [d] token, or macro version thereof, but which contained macro tokens whose MacroLabel ended with a lowercase d (19-sept-2023).


August 31, 2023  (XV4 build 24055)


Q++Studio is compatible with the prerelease version of InDesign 2024.

Added a data pump for saras which can be used to export or import saras between databases or user sites.


Added the mention that Q++Studio needs to be restarted after any change to the Q++Data.ini file.

The list of styles used by the current script has been improved with the addition of a filed showing the difference between each version of a style and the common options of all other styles of the same name.

Increased the size of integer variables in macros from 32-bit to 64-bit.

Added message 187575 to warn you if, in an InDesign script, the text resulting actions of a macro token is set to use xtags as text replacement.


July 31, 2023  (XV4 build 24006)


Q++Studio supports the latest update to InDesign 2023 (version 18.5), as well as all other InDesign versions from InDesign 2020 to InDesign 2023, inclusively. Note that many online users, including some Adobe Community Experts, have reported issues with the 18.5 update and therefore we advise against upgrading to 18.5 (version 18.4 works fine).


Added more topics on the migration and installation of workstations.

Added scanning messages 187540 and 187550 to warn you if minicalendar tokens of a particular page, or spread, of a given template are based on multiple different DayValues, which almost always is a coding error that can be hard to spot for proofreaders.


June 30, 2023  (XV4 build 23976)


Q++Studio supports the latest update to InDesign 2023 (version 18.4), as well as all other InDesign versions from InDesign 2020 to InDesign 2023, inclusively.

Q++Studio supports the latest update to InDesign 2022 (version 17.4.2), as well as all other InDesign versions from InDesign 2020 to InDesign 2023, inclusively.


The help topics corresponding to messages 174500 and 174501 were re-written with additional explanations and detailed solutions.

Relaxed the restrictions preventing the conversion of a script between QuarkXPress and InDesign, so that the conversion is now allowed even when either message 183250 or message 183255 is present.

To prevent against diary generation issues, the tokens located in invisible textboxes are now ignored and message 187530 warns you if you have left an invisible textbox either on a visible layer, or on an invisible layer with the generation option ignore invisible layers set to false.


Using 2-digit indices for slogans tokens (i.e. 01 to 09 instead of 1 to 9) would spuriously cause messages 15023 and 104109 (Lecas, 28-june-2023).

Added code to protect against objects being listed a second time during scanning (Lecas, 18-june-2023).

When using macros to override the conversion and formatting of the dates, weekdays and week numbers of a minicalendar, macro indices from 1-9 specified using 2 digits (as 01 to 09) would be ignored (Lecas, 16-june-2023).

Selecting the Let Q++Studio generate an output file name solution to messages 15061 and 15062 could change the type of script from a QuarkXPress script to an InDesign script, if the main grid was InDesign, and vice-versa if the main grid was QuarkXPress (Paperblanks, 13-june-2023).


May 31, 2023  (XV4 build 23941)


Q++Studio supports the latest update to InDesign 2023 (version 18.3), as well as all other InDesign versions from InDesign 2020 to InDesign 2023, inclusively.


The user interface of the character map dialog was modified to make it clear when a change to the displayed font was possible (when called from the tools menu of the main window) and when it was not (when used to select one or more specific characters, such as when specifying token translations or the default symbols of a holidays set).

Added a help topic explaining how to specify that InDesign should open with a specific workspace preselected, either one of the built-in workspaces or one of your own user-defined workspaces.

The range of allowed values for baseline shift, tracking, kerning, horizontal scale and vertical scale in text formatting, saras, and macros has been increased to match the values allowed by InDesign, when using InDesign.


Added the run-time message 187510 to warn you that a page's minimal date cannot be ascertained and to prevent errors due to invalid dates being used to process the tokens of that page (Lecas, 26-may-2023).

Fixed a UI glitch whereby, on some users' workstations, the search box would not remain right-aligned with the rightmost edge of the main window's toolbar (24-may-2023).

The replacement of a textbox with a picturebox, using macros or saras, and specific values for the image positioning, would place the image incorrectly if the scaling was different than 100% and the frame thickness was more than zero (JMata, 05-may-2023).


April 30, 2023  (XV4 build 23897)


Q++Studio supports the latest version of QuarkXPress 2023 (version 19.1 of April 2023), as well as all versions from QuarkXPress 8 to QuarkXPress 2022.

When using InDesign, it is now possible to specify that a particular style (text, paragraph, object, cell, or table) should be applied to the result of a macro or the result of a sara.


Added message 187375 and message 187385 to warn you if you are using a screen-only vertically oriented font whose name begins with the at character (@).


Using a sara to replace a textbox with a picturebox containing either an Illustrator (.ai) or an Acrobat (.pdf) file would use the wrong crop to settings (JMata, 19-apr-2023).

The replacement of an anchored textbox with a picturebox, using macros or saras, when using the InDesign legacy picture insertion method, would sometime insert the picturebox a couple of characters before the initial position of the textbox it was meant to replace (JMata, 19-apr-2023).

Fixed a UI glitch in the list of colors dialog for scripts containing only one template and no info pages but one or more pdf pages scriptlines (12-apr-2023).

Fixed a UI glitch in the list of styles dialog for QuarkXPress-based scripts (12-apr-2023).

The None color was not being applied correctly when using InDesign (JMata, 11-apr-2023).


March 31, 2023  (XV4 build 23859)


Q++Studio supports the latest update to InDesign 2023 (version 18.2.1), as well as all other InDesign versions from InDesign 2020 to InDesign 2023, inclusively.


Added code to make it more explicit that QuarkXPress or InDesign has aborted, though not crashed, during scanning, something that happens extremely rarely.

Increased the amount of text allowed in each cell of an InDesign table to 64K.

The dialog which displays the list of colors defined in the current script was fully redesigned. The UI is now split into a list of all the unique color names and the number of files that refer to that color on the left, and on the right, the list of definitions of the color selected on the left.

The individual messages 187005 and 187025 have now been combined into the single messages 187195 and 187200, respectively, and it is also possible to turn off styles and/or colors consistency checking on a per script basis for QuarkXPress and InDesign independently.


Added code to prevent corrupted INI values from causing the Q++Studio main form to open at positions completely off any of the user's screen, making the main form invisible to the user, although the program had launched successfully (BurooDisain, 28-mar-2023).

The minicalendar modifiers used to format @ $$ and w# using macros would not properly identify and process multiple macro indices (Yangjisa, 25-mar-2023).

The fonts for bold and italics values of the holiday name display options property would not be saved if the also show option was left to its default, nothing, value (Quo Vadis, 23-mar-2023).

The hints of the textual value controls at the top of each sara would not always be synchronized (22-mar-2023).

Fixed a rarely occurring bug in the handling of variable name holidays whose name depends on both the holiday date being moved (or duplicated) and the name depending on what weekday (or day of the month) that the moved or duplicated date falls on (17-mar-2023).

The scan of info pages using InDesign would not list the correct RGB values to be used in the triggering of messages 187025, 187200, 187210 and 187230. This issue probably also had some side-effects on the list of available colors in Global Saras. (JMata, 9-mar-2023).

When using InDesign, the special tabulations in one line minicalendars were being processed using xtags rather than the cross-platform native encoding for tabulations (JMata, 8-mar-2023).

Fixed a bug in the optimization of the macro compiler's handling of multiple sequential integer differences (Geigers, 2-mar-2023).

The user interface of the current day minicalendar options for the current page only and outside days sub-options was confusing and did not make it clear that these 2 sub-options depended on the status of the all dates of spread option, though the online help did point this out (JMata, 2-mar-2023).


February 28, 2023  (XV4 build 23772)


The styles and style sheets property editor now also displays Object, Table, and Cell styles when using InDesign, and warns you if one or more styles has the same name but is defined differently.


Added messages 187150 and 187175 to warn you if either the height or width of your script, or of one of the QuarkXPress/InDesign files that it uses, has a display value which differs from the true value with the all the decimals that would appear in QuarkXPress or InDesign.

Added the possibility of calculating positional planetary tokens at any arbitrary time of the day.

The lines until the end of month GenTokens option now allows you to specify that the lines should be generated until the end of more than one month, and with a step size that is no longer limited to only 1 day. This is a more convenient way of running a GenTokens for more than a month, rather than specifying a set number of lines, as it automatically handles the fact that all months are not of the same length, and that some year are leap years.

Added the possibility to specify the time and angle formatting of each individual planetary token and astronomical token.

When using InDesign, the allowed range of baseline shift in the text attributes editor, macro resulting action and saras, has been expanded to -127 to +127. A message is issued if a value is specified that is outside the much smaller range allowed by by QuarkXPress (-27 to +27).


The margins of the individual pages would not be respected in the final output, when generating diaries with InDesign (Paperblanks-Hachette, 27-feb-2023).

The list of the color names of a template was missing the percentage tint part of the name when colors were created using the option Name with Color Value in InDesign, potentially resulting in duplicated colors of the same name in the same template (Alpha, 14-feb-2023).

The astronomical tokens for the Sun's upper transit offset and the sidereal time were not being formatted properly (Brunnen, 12-feb-2023).

Some color macros would not be converted when changing the background or frame color as the result of a macro (Quo Vadis, 7-feb-2023).


January 31, 2023  (XV4 build 23712)


Q++Studio supports the latest update to InDesign 2022 (version 17.4.1), as well as all other InDesign versions from InDesign 2020 to InDesign 2023, inclusively.


Improved the accuracy and user-friendliness of message 104128 when exporting data to Excel.

If you are using both QuarkXPress and InDesign in Q++Studio, then the scripts explorer now displays the type of script near each script (QXP for QuarkXPress or INDD for InDesign).

You can now specify in the preferences, whether styles and colors consistency checks should occur at design-time for QuarkXPress and/or InDesign.


Fixed a scanning error that would occur when using QuarkXPress 2022, ever since the release of QuarkXPress 2023 (Biella, 26-jan-2023).

Fixed the spurious appearance of message 182020 when a sara is using regular expressions (26-jan-2023).

Fixed a few legacy hard-coded changes that used the superior attribute, which is not recognized by InDesign, in the text of recurring holidays, one-time-dates, saints, and slogans. All such occurrences are now automatically changed on-the-fly to superscript, when using InDesign. The behavior of these options when using QuarkXPress has not changed (Quo Vadis, 17-jan-2023).


Previous Years


See also: release notes of the current year and release notes of other years.


Topic 187860, last updated on 24-Feb-2025